A United Nations human rights expert has called on the international community to hold Israel...

"A United Nations human rights expert"

Funniest thing I've read today. Thanks.
Not sure why that's funny, but if you clicked you would see that it appears quite reasonable:

The Special Rapporteur is an independent expert appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council to follow and report on the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Special Rapporteurs are not United Nations staff members; they do not receive a salary from the United Nations, and do not work for any government or interest group, allowing them to maintain their independence.

--The Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967

OHCHR | Special Rapporteur on Palestinian territories occupied since 1967

Palestinian territories occupied since 1967

There were no Palestinian territories in 1967.
The world didn't explode in 2016...Link?
RE: A United Nations human rights expert has called on the international community to hold Israel...
※→ Toddsterpatriot, Indeependent, et al,

This naming convention has always been hard for people to understand.

Palestinian territories occupied since 1967

There were no Palestinian territories in 1967.
The world didn't explode in 2016...Link?[/QUOTE]

Since the end of the Joint British and French Military Administration over Levantine and Mesopotamian provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1918–20, when the territory was officially known as the "Occupied Enemy Territory," the interim Civil Administration on July 1920 took over, the regional territories where collectively defined by of Section VII --- SYRIA, MESOPOTAMIA, PALESTINE --- Article 95 of Section VII to the Treaty of Sevres, wherein Palestine was specifically mentioned as being → "within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers. Today, less the carve-out for Jordan, we say: "South-east Boundary is characterized as: -- From Ras Taba, the Gulf of Aqaba to a point two miles west of Aqaba, thence up the centre of the Wadi Araba, the Dead Sea, and the Jordan, to the centre of the River Yarmuk to the Syrian frontier." The first of the Palestine Order in Council records states:

Title. --- 1. This Order may be cited as "The Palestine Order in Council, 1922."

The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.
Since the Six-Day War (1967, serveral variation on a theme have been used.
  • The occupied Palestinian territories (oPt), which have been under Israeli military occupation since June 1967.
  • S/RES/2334 (2016) using the phrase "territories occupied since 1967"
  • The Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967.
  • S/RES/446 (1979) Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem;
By the time UN S/2003/529 7 May 2003 (A Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) was published; suggest a new sub-territory identified in the Phase I Proposal (under the auspices of the Quartet) calling for: Israel withdraws from Palestinian areas occupied from September 28, 2000 and the two sides restore the status quo that existed at that time, as security performance and cooperation progress. Israel also freezes all settlement activity,

The varies according to the user and time period of association.

Most Respectfully,
RE: A United Nations human rights expert has called on the international community to hold Israel...
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a case of the new Special Rapporteurs trying to set an IHL precedent and new law.

This is a case of thee UNHRC Special

As has been for more than 50 years, the Human Rights Pushers and Antagonist have been making a variety of approaches, such that they can exert sufficient pressures on Israel to relinquish the necessary security control around its territorial boundaries. This pressure is part of a strategy to open avenues of approaches required to breach Israeli sovereign integrity by yet another --- in a series of demonstrated international criminal attacks and acts of aggression; which have set a clear pattern of violent behaviors established by the Regional Arab Constituents.
The latent political agenda and acts being set by the Special Rapporteurs follows a given and regular intelligible form of cover for action to achieve the following:

• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”

• “The Arab Palestinian Policy is that Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people. Policy states that it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation. Arab Palestinian Policy defines Palestine as having the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, --- Israel has no right to exist --- every inch of the land belongs to the Arab Palestinians.

• Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem in the face of the Jewish self-determination anywhere in Palestine, The Arab Palestine made a solemn declaration that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

• Arab Palestinian Policy is that there is no acceptable solution other than to remove Israel… Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.

• The partition of Palestine in 1947 [A/RES/181 (II)] and the establishment of the state of Israel (Israeli self-determination) are entirely illegal. The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. The Arab Palestinians consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

• So-called peaceful solutions are in contradiction to the principles of the Arab Palestinian. There is no solution on the Question of Palestine except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
The Special Rapporteurs is furthering the facilitation of the conflict by inciting Jihadism, Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence; suggesting that the attempt by Israel to protect and defend its self-governing institutions through the establishment of by means of self-determination is unlawful. The Special Rapporteurs suggestion that the self-defensive actions against the near continuous attacks by element of the Arab League and Arab Palestinians illegal; that no nation has the right to take that action necessary to protect against a hostile enemy force that has (since 1947) pledged to oppose the establishment of a Jewish National Home and has taken an oath to dismantle the Jewish State of Israel.

Remember, in the 2014 confrontation, that Israel withstood over 4,564 rockets and mortars launched by the Arab Palestinians into Israel. And the Special Rapporteurs wants Israel to hand back the tatical high ground overlooking key facilities in Israel. (That's absurd!) None of the top 25 nations on the Human Development Index (HDI) would suffer such aggressive actions without an appropriate response under Article 51 of the UN Charter covering self-defense. Yet, for all the damage, maiming, hijackings, kidnapping and murders, the deliberate targeting of suicide bombing and the line-up and execution of unarmed men, women and children, in some demented act of reprisals --- as well as, the heroic worship of terrorist martyrs, that is exactly what the Special Rapporteurs is intentionally promoting.

Human Rights --- yes, the Special Rapporteurs has not once addressed the continuous violations of International Humanitarian Law by the Arab Palestinians; or the established pattern of criminal behaviors by these Arab Palestinians.

In many eyes, the Special Rapporteurs have lost their trust and confidence in being a fair observer; let alone being of moral, honest and officials with integrity.

Most Respectfully,
RE: A United Nations human rights expert has called on the international community to hold Israel...
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a case of the new Special Rapporteurs trying to set an IHL precedent and new law.

This is a case of thee UNHRC Special

As has been for more than 50 years, the Human Rights Pushers and Antagonist have been making a variety of approaches, such that they can exert sufficient pressures on Israel to relinquish the necessary security control around its territorial boundaries. This pressure is part of a strategy to open avenues of approaches required to breach Israeli sovereign integrity by yet another --- in a series of demonstrated international criminal attacks and acts of aggression; which have set a clear pattern of violent behaviors established by the Regional Arab Constituents.
The latent political agenda and acts being set by the Special Rapporteurs follows a given and regular intelligible form of cover for action to achieve the following:

• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”

• “The Arab Palestinian Policy is that Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people. Policy states that it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation. Arab Palestinian Policy defines Palestine as having the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, --- Israel has no right to exist --- every inch of the land belongs to the Arab Palestinians.

• Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem in the face of the Jewish self-determination anywhere in Palestine, The Arab Palestine made a solemn declaration that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child.

• Arab Palestinian Policy is that there is no acceptable solution other than to remove Israel… Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.

• The partition of Palestine in 1947 [A/RES/181 (II)] and the establishment of the state of Israel (Israeli self-determination) are entirely illegal. The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine, and everything that has been based upon them, are deemed null and void. The Arab Palestinians consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

• So-called peaceful solutions are in contradiction to the principles of the Arab Palestinian. There is no solution on the Question of Palestine except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
The Special Rapporteurs is furthering the facilitation of the conflict by inciting Jihadism, Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence; suggesting that the attempt by Israel to protect and defend its self-governing institutions through the establishment of by means of self-determination is unlawful. The Special Rapporteurs suggestion that the self-defensive actions against the near continuous attacks by element of the Arab League and Arab Palestinians illegal; that no nation has the right to take that action necessary to protect against a hostile enemy force that has (since 1947) pledged to oppose the establishment of a Jewish National Home and has taken an oath to dismantle the Jewish State of Israel.

Remember, in the 2014 confrontation, that Israel withstood over 4,564 rockets and mortars launched by the Arab Palestinians into Israel. And the Special Rapporteurs wants Israel to hand back the tatical high ground overlooking key facilities in Israel. (That's absurd!) None of the top 25 nations on the Human Development Index (HDI) would suffer such aggressive actions without an appropriate response under Article 51 of the UN Charter covering self-defense. Yet, for all the damage, maiming, hijackings, kidnapping and murders, the deliberate targeting of suicide bombing and the line-up and execution of unarmed men, women and children, in some demented act of reprisals --- as well as, the heroic worship of terrorist martyrs, that is exactly what the Special Rapporteurs is intentionally promoting.

Human Rights --- yes, the Special Rapporteurs has not once addressed the continuous violations of International Humanitarian Law by the Arab Palestinians; or the established pattern of criminal behaviors by these Arab Palestinians.

In many eyes, the Special Rapporteurs have lost their trust and confidence in being a fair observer; let alone being of moral, honest and officials with integrity.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Israel has to defend its settler colonial project.
UN human rights council, now thats a laugh.

So is Gaddafi still heading up that council :)
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
All people have the right to defend themselves from colonialism and occupation.
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
All people have the right to defend themselves from colonialism and occupation.

All people have the right to defend themselves from Islamic terrorism. That, obviously, would include the right to defend themselves from Islamic colonialism and occupation as detailed in a written, Islamic terrorist charter.
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
All people have the right to defend themselves from colonialism and occupation.

All people have the right to defend themselves from Islamic terrorism. That, obviously, would include the right to defend themselves from Islamic colonialism and occupation as detailed in a written, Islamic terrorist charter.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda thing?
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
All people have the right to defend themselves from colonialism and occupation.

All people have the right to defend themselves from Islamic terrorism. That, obviously, would include the right to defend themselves from Islamic colonialism and occupation as detailed in a written, Islamic terrorist charter.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda thing?

Why are you still cutting and pasting tired slogans when you can’t defend your claims?

The United Nations (UN) has included some of the biggest Israeli and international firms operating in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights in a blacklist for those violating “international law and UN resolutions."

According to Israeli Ynet News which has gained access to part of the list, 130 Israeli companies and 60 international corporations received warning letters from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid bin Ra'ad al-Hussein about their impending inclusion on the blacklist.

The list, which reportedly will be published in late December includes Israel Aerospace Industries, telecom giants, international tech firms, banks, and even cafes....

UN blacklists 130 Israeli firms & 60 multinationals for working in occupied Palestinian territories
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to arms and ammunition?
All people have the right to defend themselves from colonialism and occupation.

Jews had, and still have the right to oppose Arab colonialism and subjugation - as well.
• Arab Palestinian Leaders rejected US and Israeli demands that it lay down its arms and recognize the Jewish state, saying the terror organization is instead debating “when to wipe out Israel.”
As Israel wipes Palestine off the map, why is it that it is the Palestinians who must disarm?
To quote a 2016 presidential candidate: "Wipe? With a cloth you mean?" :rofl:
Could this be more clear?

“Israel’s role as occupier in the Palestinian Territory – the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza – has crossed a red line into illegality,”

How is there even argument here with what we know?
Could this be more clear?

“Israel’s role as occupier in the Palestinian Territory – the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza – has crossed a red line into illegality,”

How is there even argument here with what we know?

Israel’s role as occupier in the Palestinian Territory

Palestinian territory? When did Palestine ever have any territory?

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