A Very Disappointing "Debate" - My 2c Worth

For the undecided and even the long-ago decided, this debate demonstrated rather poignantly that neither candidate is very intelligent or quick on his figurative feet. They both flailed at huge softball issues when any reasonably well informed citizen could have hit them out of the park. A few examples from my notes:

  • To JB: Nobody goes to prison for "being an addict," especially when you are talking about FEDERAL crimes and prosecution. You "go to jail" if (a) you are a dealer,(b) you commit crimes related to your drug activities, or (c) you are in possession of a quantity of controlled substances that indicate they are definitely not for personal consumption, hence (a) you are a dealer. Biden's many claims that people are in Federal prison for being addicts is simply false, and he should know that it's false.
  • From DJT: The 500+ little Hispanic yoots whose parents are still in the wind CAME HERE WITH PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT THEIR PARENTS! That's why their parents have not been located. And they are all safely and happily with Hispanic foster families and NOT IN CAGES ANYWHERE!
  • For DJT: Biden's claim to "have a plan" for CV mitigation is preposterous. It is axiomatic in war that all the planning goes out the window the minute the first shot is fired. And so it has been with CV-19. The "experts" have changed their minds weekly as the pandemic rolled out, treatment modes have proven effective or otherwise, and the characteristics of the spread of the disease have become known.
  • Why [the fuck] can't the President just say that he has tried to balance the need for precautions against further spread of the disease with the need to keep the economy moving forward, and that shutting down the economy as Biden suggests should have done would have put us in a DEPRESSION?
  • There never was a "Muslim ban." The proof of this is that the most populous Muslim countries were not involved.
  • Why will Biden not own up to his support of the Federal Crime bill in the 90's and point out that THE CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS was fully on board with the bill? Are they all racists?
  • Trump's "defense" of his non-payment of FIT was preposterous, especially considering that he and his minions have had WEEKS to come up with something. Why wouldn't he just say that he has paid tens of millions in FIT over the course of his business career, and he makes no apologies for taking advantage of tax provisions that are intended to benefit investors and developers like him? And his statement that he will release his tax returns after the audit is complete????? Who came up with this gem? It just gives more ammunition to those who say he is an inveterate liar.
  • The Hunter Biden-Computer issue was bungled on both sides. From Trump's viewpoint, his only point should have been that the FBI needs to ascertain (1) whether the computer actually belonged to Hunter Biden, and (2) if the files have been modified or corrupted; if not, the the entire Biden family is a criminal enterprise. Biden's "defense" was ridiculous. Nothing unethical? Taking millions in exchange for access to your father is not unethical? Fails the laugh test.
  • Trump should have jumped on Biden's admission that he wants to naturalize the "eleven million" illegals, and point out that the Census Bureau now indicates that the number is 23 million. This admission was a potential goldmine for Trump and he just let it fly by.
So although I will enthusiastically and frequently vote for Our Beloved President this year, as I did in '16, I share the disappointment of the millions and millions of Americans who, if it were possible and meaningful, would vote NOTA* in this election.

I’m ready for a change in this country; divisiveness and fiscal recklessness have left this country in ashes. We can do better

*None Of The Above
Biden clearly won
Clearly you a re disillusion but when was on Twitter I saw this and thought of you


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