A War in Heaven


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Humanity is fascinated by ideas/stories about contract ethics and governance at the highest levels, and Christian mythology offers us an elaborate and dramatic story about a great 'war in heaven' between God and Lucifer (God's first angel become rebellious), which prompts God's archangel Michael to defend the kingdom. The war is mostly over the right of every sentient being to determine their own destiny even if it means defying God.

Politics-intrigue Hollywood (USA) films such as The Contender and Syriana explore the social complications right here on Earth arising from contract disagreements and differing perspectives on the parameters of democracy and profit-sharing 'ethics.'

Since there is so much general intrigue/controversy surrounding ethics and contract negotiations (in heaven and on Earth), here's a hypothetical dialogue about humanity's uses of 'terror symbols' (signifying rage, conflict, or power) between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation) and Shiva (Hindu god of destruction). The symbols (or pop culture art 'avatars') being discussed are Cyclonus (a fictional wolfish robot) and Leatherface (a horror film gargoyle).


KRISHNA: Human beings love storytellers.
SHIVA: Shakespeare, Vyasa, Kubrick, Dickinson, Serling, etc., etc.
KRISHNA: There are two 'modern-age' fiction 'avatars' of special note --- Cyclonus and Leatherface.
SHIVA: I'm familiar. Cyclonus is a wolfish evil robot, and Leatherface is a chainsaw-wielding cannibal.
KRISHNA: Correct. They both symbolize rage and power.
SHIVA: Power and domination --- over others (ruthlessness).
KRISHNA: Cyclonus is very sleek, while Leatherface is monstrous.
SHIVA: They're both 'monsters,' but Cyclonus has fascist leadership 'skills.'
KRISHNA: Leadership is important, since it helps us differentiate between passion and profitability.
SHIVA: Leaders can function well when governments offer well-coordinated and practical contracts.
KRISHNA: I prefer Leatherface as a general symbol of 'terrorism,' since he symbolizes pure fear.
SHIVA: I prefer Cyclonus, since he symbolizes pure rebelliousness.
KRISHNA: You can't lead a people with a 'rebel avatar'; fear is a more practical storytelling 'tool.'
SHIVA: Without etiquette (or freedom/governance consciousness), you can't address radicalism.
KRISHNA: Many consider you and I very important in the 'Hindu' pantheon.
SHIVA: Yes, but what if (as you seem to be implying), we disagreed on vital points?
KRISHNA: Right. For example, you prefer 'absolute philosophy,' while I like 'populism creativity.'
SHIVA: Populism creativity is sometimes threatened by the will of dissidents; you might feel threatened!
KRISHNA: Absolute philosophy requires an adherence to dependability, and no one is perfect!
SHIVA: What does that have to do with Cyclonus and Leatherface?
KRISHNA: We can't talk about 'pop culture art avatar' impact on 'mob psychology' without addressing frailty!
SHIVA: Maybe you're correct, but you can't use Leatherface as a propaganda-tool, since he's a monster.
KRISHNA: How is Cyclonus different?
SHIVA: Well, Cyclonus is just as 'evil,' but he still signifies an analysis of etiquette designs.
KRISHNA: Leatherface has no etiquette?
SHIVA: I doubt a chainsaw-wielding cannibal thinks too much about the court-room.
KRISHNA: Nevertheless, he's still a figure we can use for the understanding of rebelliousness.
SHIVA: This is exactly why people would think you and I might engage in a 'war in heaven.'
KRISHNA: Maybe you're right, since we seem to be very at-odds regarding 'avatar psychology.'
SHIVA: Correct, you prefer Leatherface, and I prefer Cyclonus. We would lead very differently.
KRISHNA: Where would you 'reign' with your 'Cyclonus classroom'?
SHIVA: I would open a school in Sweden (which favors multi-platform political discussions). You?
KRISHNA: I would open a school in Australia (which favors a 'rugged culture').
SHIVA: Let's say my Sweden engages in a 'war on Earth' with your Australia.
KRISHNA: Sweden gave the global market IKEA and Saab.
SHIVA: Australia gave humanity an appreciation for rugged nature (the Outback).
KRISHNA: How would IKEA compete with the Outback?
SHIVA: How would Cyclonus compete with Leatherface?
KRISHNA: You'd need a metaphysics catalyst/agent (maybe a fairy/angel!).
SHIVA: How about the film The Revenant: a story about both nature and tools?
KRISHNA: Are you saying Swedes like the film more than Aussies?
SHIVA: No! I'm saying everyone like that film for private reasons, and privacy can be peaceful...
KRISHNA: So will there be an additional metaphysics fairy/angel?
SHIVA: How about a movie star, such as Bruce Lee (culture-meets-philosophy)?
KRISHNA: Great idea! Maybe our differences can be resolved, Shiva.
SHIVA: There is no need for a 'war in heaven' if we can find 'artistic resolutions.'



The war people seem to be fighting politically involves
how much to blame on the other side for political gain
correcting one's own faults within one's own party ranks.

When we realize we benefit more by helping correct things
mutually, than by projecting fault back and forth, we have
a chance to establish true justice and lasting peace, instead of
waging endless wars for selfish short term gain.

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