a war movie that defines the enemy...correctly?

And now you are going to list when and where the "Infidels" have murdered any Sand Monkey in order to 'steal' the oil/gas resources right?
Just one case please.
You're a lying piece of shit. You can't name one.
"The Haditha incident (also called the Haditha killings or the Haditha massacre) refers to the incident in which 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children, allcivilians,[1][2] were killed by a group of United States Marines on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraqi province of Al Anbar."
What's a "sand monkey", Gomer?
Haditha killings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Another bullshit incident spewed by the leftist media. The vehicles failed to stop to soldiers. There was no evidence of premeditated murder and all trumped up charges were dropped. Try again.
War movies usually are war propaganda, whatever the country they are made in, this one is no different. I am surprised that left wing critics haven't compared it to ww2 war propaganda films yet.
The real enemy is Islam. A barbaric ideology that has been leading the world in rape, enslavement, ransoms, and murders for well over a thousand years.

So you have nothing intelligent to say. I am sure Muslims love the freedom of speech clause of our constitution right? The right to insult the pedophile prophet?
movie was boring. same old shit. i liked how he cried when it looked like he was gonna die. then all the bravato washed away. sadly this is true for most soldiers. they only learn how unfun war is when it's too late.
We take soldiers, teach them to kill and then get outraged because they kill? Go figure.

Nobody is upset with the soldiers for doing their jobs.

they are upset that we attacked a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didnt' exist.
If they didnt have weapons of mass destruction, why did Clinton and the rest of the world sanction them for having weapons of mass destruction?
If our enemies and terrorists wont go along with your silly tax plan, then your plan simply wont work
The US has not only launched a pair of murderous invasions in the past thirteen years that have maimed. murdered, and displaced millions of civilians, it also leads the world in arms sales. When the greatest purveyor of violence in the world turns it's back on war, the rest of the world will have less reason for retaliation.
If our enemies and terrorists wont go along with your silly tax plan, then your plan simply wont work
When the greatest purveyor of violence in the world turns it's back on war, the rest of the world will have less reason for retaliation.
Youre dulusional. If you think the US is the greatest purveyor of violence, then you have a poor grasp on history and current events.

Do you know why we havent been atacked by another nation since WW2? ...because they know we will kick the living shit out of them. Our ability to wage war effectively is the biggest defense our nation has against people starting shit with us.
Gdboy 10584922
If they didnt have weapons of mass destruction, why did Clinton and the rest of the world sanction them for having weapons of mass destruction?

Because Iraq did not allow UN inspectors in to verify the non-existence of WMD from 1998 through November 2002. Bush invaded Iraq after Inspectors were verifying the non-existence of WMD in Iraq for over three months. That is your question answered - now you run away from your question as all Republicans do.
Gdboy 10584922
If they didnt have weapons of mass destruction, why did Clinton and the rest of the world sanction them for having weapons of mass destruction?

Because Iraq did not allow UN inspectors in to verify the non-existence of WMD from 1998 through November 2002. Bush invaded Iraq after Inspectors were verifying the non-existence of WMD in Iraq for over three months. That is your question answered - now you run away from your question as all Republicans do.
Oh, and we are supposed to believe that Saddam was somehow above hiding shit and fooling inspectors? Get the fuck outa here. Besides, they had WMDs...

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq - US News


New York Times Massive Quantities of WMD Discovered in Iraq After All

Now run away from the evidence as all Democrats do.
Godboy 10585965
Oh, and we are supposed to believe that Saddam was somehow above hiding shit and fooling inspectors? Get the fuck outa here. Besides, they had WMDs...

Most intelligent Americans believe what GW Bush believes - they did not find the WMD stockpiles used to justify the invasion. If GW Bush knows they didn't find the WMD you should realize it too. The old stocks from the NYTimes report doesn't change the reality.

You'd send 4484 Americans to die in 2003 to find decades old degraded shells tells a lot about your concern about Americans serving in military uniforms. Keep going if you are not a runner after all.
Godboy 10585965
Oh, and we are supposed to believe that Saddam was somehow above hiding shit and fooling inspectors? Get the fuck outa here. Besides, they had WMDs...

Most intelligent Americans believe what GW Bush believes - they did not find the WMD stockpiles used to justify the invasion. If GW Bush knows they didn't find the WMD you should realize it too. The old stocks from the NYTimes report doesn't change the reality.

You'd send 4484 Americans to die in 2003 to find decades old degraded shells tells a lot about your concern about Americans serving in military uniforms. Keep going if you are not a runner after all.
Stockpiles of WMD were never the justification for going to war. It's the only thing you progressive shitstains focused on is all. Saddam continually broke the conditions of cease fire from the first Gulf War, to include violating the No-fly zone whenever it suited him. It was only you liberals that were obsessed with WMD. Even the Clintons said he needed to be taken out and Hilary voted for the war.

Thanks for playing.
They were looking for suspected chemical labs, you know, because Iraq used chemical weapons before and several defectors said he was making it.

May 29, 2003: President Bush Falsely Claims US Found Mobile Biological Weapons Labs in Iraq

In an interview with a Polish TV station, President Bush says: “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories (see April 19, 2003;May 9, 2003). You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them.” [WASHINGTON POST, 5/31/2003; US PRESIDENT, 6/6/2003;NEW YORK TIMES, 6/26/2003] No evidence ever emerges to support his claim.

Is that the only WMD related infrastructure they were looking for?

So why are you contradicting the Bush43 WhiteHouse?

April 10, 2003: Press Secretary Fleischer: War Is about Iraq’s Alleged Arsenal of WMDs

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says, “… make no mistake—as I said earlier—we have high confidence that [the Iraqis] have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.” [WHITE HOUSE, 4/10/2003]

Iraq under US Occupation Search for WMDs

You seem to be confused and in blind error if you believe the Iraq war was not justified solely on the basis that Iraq actually possessed WMD stockpiles and infrastructure in March 2003 when they didn't.
They were looking for suspected chemical labs, you know, because Iraq used chemical weapons before and several defectors said he was making it.

May 29, 2003: President Bush Falsely Claims US Found Mobile Biological Weapons Labs in Iraq

In an interview with a Polish TV station, President Bush says: “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories (see April 19, 2003;May 9, 2003). You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They’re illegal. They’re against the United Nations resolutions, and we’ve so far discovered two. And we’ll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them.” [WASHINGTON POST, 5/31/2003; US PRESIDENT, 6/6/2003;NEW YORK TIMES, 6/26/2003] No evidence ever emerges to support his claim.

Is that the only WMD related infrastructure they were looking for?

So why are you contradicting the Bush43 WhiteHouse?

April 10, 2003: Press Secretary Fleischer: War Is about Iraq’s Alleged Arsenal of WMDs

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says, “… make no mistake—as I said earlier—we have high confidence that [the Iraqis] have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.” [WHITE HOUSE, 4/10/2003]

Iraq under US Occupation Search for WMDs

You seem to be confused and in blind error if you believe the Iraq war was not justified solely on the basis that Iraq actually possessed WMD stockpiles and infrastructure in March 2003 when they didn't.

No I'm not confused about it. I was in the military at the time and remember quite well the many mission objectives laid out, and the fact it was called Operation " Iraqi Freedom". I certainly did not agree with the Bush strategy for the war, but it is a total lie to claim Bush and his admin "lied" about WMD or that it was the sole purpose for going to war. Your own links prove that The WMD excuse was the most politically convenient to use, not that it was the sole reason to go to war. Hilary and all the top Dems saw the same evidence of Saddam's ability to make chem and bio weapons. Luckily for the soldiers going in he didn't have them to use on US troops.
". I certainly did not agree with the Bush strategy for the war, but it is a total lie to claim Bush and his admin "lied" about WMD or that it was the sole purpose for going to war.

It was the sole purpose for going to war. I asked you "What were the UN inspectors looking for?" And you said "They were looking for suspected chemical labs, "

Bush offered to let Saddam Hussein stay in power if the UN declared Iraq in full compliance with WMD resolutions within ten days of March 7. 2003. There could not be another justification for war other than WMD non-compliance after Bush sent that offer to the UN in writing calked a draft resolution..

And why do you deny what Ari Fleischer said?

. April 10, 2003: Press Secretary Fleischer: War Is about Iraq’s Alleged Arsenal of WMDs

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says, “… make no mistake—as I said earlier—we have high confidence that [the Iraqis] have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about. And we have high confidence it will be found.” [WHITE HOUSE, 4/10/2003

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