A Warmer explains

Which brings us to another interesting point, "Why do so many Democrats falsely claim to either have served in the military, or their roles and actions if in fact they did serve"?

So, desperate and crazy after experiencing so many humiliations, Frank decides to join up with Team Dickless, the vet-spitter brigade here on USMB.

As always, I've let the military folder here know who the vet-spitters are. I'll also mention that Roadrunner thanked Frank for vet-spitting. If any of the vet-spitters would care to defend their indefensible actions, they should stop by the military folder, in the obvious thread for it.
Which brings us to another interesting point, "Why do so many Democrats falsely claim to either have served in the military, or their roles and actions if in fact they did serve"?

So, desperate and crazy after experiencing so many humiliations, Frank decides to join up with Team Dickless, the vet-spitter brigade here on USMB.

As always, I've let the military folder here know who the vet-spitters are. I'll also mention that Roadrunner thanked Frank for vet-spitting. If any of the vet-spitters would care to defend their indefensible actions, they should stop by the military folder, in the obvious thread for it.

Actually, I was talking about the Democrat Senator from CT and our Scumbag War Criminal SecState
Does Global warming make it so cold outside?

Gile WI, today:



The above clearly demonstrates the effects of ManMade Global Warming, because the warming makes it colder because the deep ocean ate the warming.

Yes, it's that simple
Whether or not a change can be considered "natural", it has to have a cause. What do you believe is driving the warming of the last 150 years?

You tell em, Geronimo! Now finish him off by posting the experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature!
From Wikipedia's article on Milankovitch cycles:

The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precessionapproximately every 26,000 years. At the same time the elliptical orbit rotates more slowly. The combined effect of the two precessions leads to a 21,000-year period between the astronomical seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit (obliquity) oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle. It is currently 23.44 degrees and decreasing.

Milankovitch cycles do not take place at the pace of the warming experienced over the last 150 years. And the sun's TSI, at the moment, is growing weaker.




We all know the Sun has no effect on Earth's climate, Denier Boy
Which means what?

That's right! We don't need no stinking experiments!

In order to properly replicate the conditions by which a wisp of CO2 is wrecking Earth's climate, you'd have to have a control tank the size of, er, um, well, the solar system!

So every time we flip on the Weather Channel we have Settled Science Consensus that we are observing actual EVIDENCE of AGW

See how that works, Denier Boy?
Which means what?

That's right! We don't need no stinking experiments!

In order to properly replicate the conditions by which a wisp of CO2 is wrecking Earth's climate, you'd have to have a control tank the size of, er, um, well, the solar system!

So every time we flip on the Weather Channel we have Settled Science Consensus that we are observing actual EVIDENCE of AGW

See how that works, Denier Boy?

So you think the Earth's climate occupies the entire solar system. Hmm...
Which means what?

That's right! We don't need no stinking experiments!

In order to properly replicate the conditions by which a wisp of CO2 is wrecking Earth's climate, you'd have to have a control tank the size of, er, um, well, the solar system!

So every time we flip on the Weather Channel we have Settled Science Consensus that we are observing actual EVIDENCE of AGW

See how that works, Denier Boy?

So you think the Earth's climate occupies the entire solar system. Hmm...
Only a fool thinks that our whole solar system does not affect our climate in the long term.
Which means what?

That's right! We don't need no stinking experiments!

In order to properly replicate the conditions by which a wisp of CO2 is wrecking Earth's climate, you'd have to have a control tank the size of, er, um, well, the solar system!

So every time we flip on the Weather Channel we have Settled Science Consensus that we are observing actual EVIDENCE of AGW

See how that works, Denier Boy?

So you think the Earth's climate occupies the entire solar system. Hmm...

No, Dear, that was one of the myriad excuses us Warmers give for not having any lab work.

Pay closer attention next time
Which means what?

Frank, you're just a babbling moron now. Nobody can understand you.

Because I'm talking AGWCult science.

Clue: Get one today

Frank, check out this bit of mamooth's link.

The current record-breaking temperatures indicate that the 14-year-long pause in ocean warming has come to an end.

I thought the oceans were warming over the last 14 years, because they absorbed all that energy from the atmosphere?
And that was the explanation for the pause in surface temperature increases?
Now they're telling us it was all cooling? Hmmmmmmmmm..........
Todd, the ocean is deep. Surface temp is just one little aspect of total ocean temp.

Now, take it from there, and figure out where you went wrong.

In the meantime, I'll be laughing at the way Billy says the planets affect earth climate. There's a word for that kind of superstition, "climastrology".
We all know the Sun has no effect on Earth's climate, Denier Boy
Like hell it doesn't. You ever pick up a book? It was called the Maunder Minimum. And ir coincided with the very period I referred to. And we just passed a maximum and are headed for another minimum. You climate deniers need to pull your heads out of your asses. More extreme periods are coming and another ice age will happen. And no matter how many farts you hold in you loons can't stop it.

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