A Warmer explains

Day 6

Crick, (aka: Lying Scumbag)

Has still yet to post the lab experiment showing how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise temperature

Come on, Crick, prove me wrong that you're a lying scumbag who never once posted an experiment linking a 120PPM increase in CO2 to a temperature increase
Crick (Aka: Lying scumbag)

Aren't you going to at least post the chart that does not have temperature on it?

Anyone else find it weird he's not posting the experiment that shows how CO2 raises temperature?
OK, kids.

Here it is, the magikal, Chart us Warmers post whenever challenged by the DENIERS!!!


Sure, it's from 1858, but the science hasn't changed. More importantly note that there's no temperature axis!

How cool is that!?

When a DENIER!!! asks you for "lab work" post this chart!

It looks like "Science" but has absofuckinglutely nothing whatsoever to do with CO2 and temperature!

Then you can be a Lying scumbag like Crick and say you posted the lab work!!
And yet another thread makes its final descent into a denier cry-a-thon.

Last one to leave, turn out the lights.
no experiment, oh boo hoo you poor lil kitty......cough-n-up more hairballs I see. :puke:
Remember when Crick called me a "liar" for saying he never posted an experiment linking CO2 to temperature?
Yes. That would be because you're a liar.

Don't worry, we understand that you have to lie. You get kicked out of your cult if you don't, and we know how important your ranking in your cult is to you.
Yes. That would be because you're a liar.

Don't worry, we understand that you have to lie. You get kicked out of your cult if you don't, and we know how important your ranking in your cult is to you.
You can't post the experiment either. Poor sick death worshiping cultist

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Q: Mr. Einstein, using AGWCult methodology how fast is the speed of light?

Einstein: pretty damn fast
Anyone else notice how the Warmers talk about an "experiment" but we never post it?

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