A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.

Well, if by 'gays' you mean homosexuals, then... there's bad news for you there, as well.

You see, the human sexual standard is established by human physiology... and not only does homosexuality deviate from that standard... it deviates AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD as is possible, where the subjects remain: HUMAN.

Now if you haven't considered THAT... then you may not be aware that where something deviates from the standard... that thing is deviant. Now from there, I am sure that you can see that in point of irrefutable fact... Homosexuals are sexually deviant.

See how that works?
We are sexual deviants in the eyes of gays then.

How so?

Are you suggesting that sexual deviants are somehow responsible for the human physiological standard?

I hope not, because if ya are, that would be you demonstrating that you are an imbecile.
...wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders...
Nature has far more than two genders.

LOL! No.. it literally does not.

There are two genders... and sadly, for you and your would-be point... that's it.
No, sadly for you it's not just boys and girls, as in your fantasy-land. The Living Rede

And even if there were just two genders you'd still be fucked because there are XY females and XX males. Google it.
...wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders...
Nature has far more than two genders.

LOL! No.. it literally does not.

There are two genders... and sadly, for you and your would-be point... that's it.
No, sadly for you it's not just boys and girls, as in your fantasy-land. The Living Rede

Oh so you need the Reader to believe that there are more than one gender... and to bolster that implication you've offered a citation, which requires the Reader to read the entire citation and cull from that, the basis of your implication.

How positively brilliant... and so deceptive.

Sadly, nothing in that or any other reference is there any evidence of any gender that is not male or female.

There is of course some species that transform from one gender to another... of course, that doesn't alter the fact that only two genders exist in nature and morphing genders are not common to humanity.

In fact, there have been exhaustive studies groping to find a genetic component to homosexuality... and none has been found and none will be found as homosexuality is a function of training, not genetics.
...wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders...
Nature has far more than two genders.

LOL! No.. it literally does not.

There are two genders... and sadly, for you and your would-be point... that's it.
No, sadly for you it's not just boys and girls, as in your fantasy-land. The Living Rede

Oh so you need the Reader to believe that there are more than one gender... and to bolster that implication you've offered a citation, which requires the Reader to read the entire citation and cull from that, the basis of your implication.

How positively brilliant... and so deceptive.
The reader undoubtedly knows what you do not, there are more than two genders. There are even more than two sets of genitals.
Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
You are living in the past.
Not even the past, a fag fantasy-world.

I couldn't give a rats ass about anti gay life because I come from TO where you can have a bath house paid for by the government with a wall of dicks to suck. Wall of dicks is for real. We pay for it. You can't stick me as a homophobe. lololol. if you only knew.

That's life up here. I happen to love my gay friends because they saved my life after I broke up with husband number one. David's kept me dancing and living with a joie de vivre a passion that kept me from slitting my wrists at the time.

I probably know more gays than half of the bloody liberals who pretend to know gays and fight for their so called rights know on a day to day.

Like you Paint my house.
...wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders...
Nature has far more than two genders.

LOL! No.. it literally does not.

There are two genders... and sadly, for you and your would-be point... that's it.
No, sadly for you it's not just boys and girls, as in your fantasy-land. The Living Rede

Oh so you need the Reader to believe that there are more than one gender... and to bolster that implication you've offered a citation, which requires the Reader to read the entire citation and cull from that, the basis of your implication.

How positively brilliant... and so deceptive.
The reader undoubtedly knows what you do not, there are more than two genders. There are even more than two sets of genitals.

Gender is a game. Pick what you want.

There are only two sexes.
Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
You are living in the past.
Not even the past, a fag fantasy-world.

I couldn't give a rats ass about anti gay life because I come from TO where you can have a bath house paid for by the government with a wall of dicks to suck. Wall of dicks is for real. We pay for it. You can't stick me as a homophobe. lololol. if you only knew.

That's life up here. I happen to love my gay friends because they saved my life after I broke up with husband number one. David's kept me dancing and living with a joie de vivre a passion that kept me from slitting my wrists at the time.

I probably know more gays than half of the bloody liberals who pretend to know gays and fight for their so called rights know on a day to day.

Like you Paint my house.
I could fight for their rights and not know a one. I'm a liberal, it's what we do.
...wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders...
Nature has far more than two genders.

LOL! No.. it literally does not.

There are two genders... and sadly, for you and your would-be point... that's it.
No, sadly for you it's not just boys and girls, as in your fantasy-land. The Living Rede

Oh so you need the Reader to believe that there are more than one gender... and to bolster that implication you've offered a citation, which requires the Reader to read the entire citation and cull from that, the basis of your implication.

How positively brilliant... and so deceptive.
The reader undoubtedly knows what you do not, there are more than two genders. There are even more than two sets of genitals.

No... and I stand upon the total absence of evidence that there exist more than one gender in nature.

Now we know this because there is no potential for such a gender to procreate, and we know that because to procreate two distinct genders are required; absent that key trait, even if it did exist... it wouldn't be relevant beyond it's lifespan.

There's male and female... and that's it.
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Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
You are living in the past.
Not even the past, a fag fantasy-world.

I couldn't give a rats ass about anti gay life because I come from TO where you can have a bath house paid for by the government with a wall of dicks to suck. Wall of dicks is for real. We pay for it. You can't stick me as a homophobe. lololol. if you only knew.

That's life up here. I happen to love my gay friends because they saved my life after I broke up with husband number one. David's kept me dancing and living with a joie de vivre a passion that kept me from slitting my wrists at the time.

I probably know more gays than half of the bloody liberals who pretend to know gays and fight for their so called rights know on a day to day.

Like you Paint my house.
I could fight for their rights and not know a one. I'm a liberal, it's what we do.


You're literally in here, undermining your means to exercise your rights.

As you're discrediting yourself, as in so doing, discrediting your would-be cause.

PBS? ROFLMNAO! Why not the Kinsey Institute?
There's male and female... and that's it.
Sorry little fag, that's entirely untrue.

Not only is it entirely true... it is impossible for it to be anything but true.

But how adorable it is that you are so desperate that you NEED there to be more than one gender, to feel legitimate?

LOL! Now THAT is pitiful.

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.

There're only two genders... Male and Female, with some species requiring the means to morph from one to the next. What the Cult needs you to believe is that 'shades of grey' establish alternative genders. It does not.

Such is merely the most recent rationalization brought to sell the lie.

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.

There're only two genders... Male and Female, with some species requiring the means to morph from one to the next. What the Cult needs you to believe is that 'shades of grey' establish alternative genders. It does not.
There are more genders than we know how to count my little fag.
Okey dokey. Which is it. Sexes or genders? I'm starting to lose it.


One of these is not like the other.

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