A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.
Incorrect. Sex and gender are not the same. It's why XY females act, and look, like girls but are genetic males. Look it up.

Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing. That something 'acts' male despite female genitals, doesn't make it any less female. It is a female with a mental disorder.

Just as when a human BELIEVES that it is a fowl... it remains a human, with a mental disorder.

But hey... as an imbecile, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
What is the sex and gender of an XY female?

So you're now forced to ask and answer your own posts?

Ya know... you really should consider the possibility that you're position is fatally flawed. That only you can participate in the discussion of such, was your first clue.
Answer the question fag...
ones gender identity can be the opposite of the sex one is. it explains and informs how a man with a penis can feel they are a woman

False.... One's gender is one's sex. That one 'feels' like something other than what their genitals represents, merely indicates that one is mentally disordered.
ones gender identity can be the opposite of the sex one is. it explains and informs how a man with a penis can feel they are a woman

False.... One's gender is one's sex. That one 'feels' like something other than what their genitals represents, merely indicates that one is mentally disordered.

your opinion is not fact
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And if an XY female marries a woman, that is straight marriage. It looks like this:
Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing.

no they are not

Yes, they are.

people like you make the case you favor weak... you should learn how to stfu and and learn

Accepting nonsense set forth by idiots, is not 'learning'... you're speaking of indoctrination... not education.

(Reader, recall that it was just last week that these same would-be contributors were advising you that 2+2 does not always = 4... and this they 'knew' because they "Learned" it. )
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And if an XY female marries a woman, that is straight marriage. It looks like this:

Well there ya have it Reader, an XY Female... is turns out, and I know this sounds crazy... but it's a FEMALE.

Now who could've possibly seen THAT comin'? Is there no end to the marvels of SCIENCE!
Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing.

no they are not

Yes, they are.

people like you make the case you favor weak... you should learn how to stfu and and learn

Accepting nonsense set forth by idiots, is not 'learning'... you're speaking of indoctrination... not education.

(Reader, recall that it was just last week that these same would-be contributors were advising you that 2+2 does not always = 4... and this they 'knew' because they "Learned" it. )
Sex = male and female

Gender = masculine and feminine
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And if an XY female marries a woman, that is straight marriage. It looks like this:

Well there ya have it Reader, an XY Female... is turns out, and I know this sounds crazy... but it's a FEMALE.

Now who could've possibly seen THAT comin'? Is there no end to the marvels of SCIENCE!
Sex = male and female

Gender = masculine and feminine

do you disagree? and if so, why?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And if an XY female marries a woman, that is straight marriage. It looks like this:

Well there ya have it Reader, an XY Female... is turns out, and I know this sounds crazy... but it's a FEMALE.

Now who could've possibly seen THAT comin'? Is there no end to the marvels of SCIENCE!
Genetically XY and you say that's female? Interesting. Funny thing, if she marries a man then they are both XY. That's gay.
Sex = male and female

Gender = masculine and feminine

Gender =Male and Female


Feminine Male= Mental disorder
Masculine Female= Mental disorder.

it is way past your medication time...

you don't even recognize allies because you are in a battle with yourself... sad and very common


Oh my... A sexual rationalization brought to us from no more an authority than the Feminized Boys and Masculine Girls of the BBC.


(Reader, I should point out that I have no relationship with these creatures beyond this board and no communication with them beyond what is published in the thread. That they post their own refutations is purely on them... and in no way is it a function of my influencing them to do things that prove my point.)

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