A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.
Incorrect. Sex and gender are not the same. It's why XY females act, and look, like girls but are genetic males. Look it up.
Okey dokey. Which is it. Sexes or genders? I'm starting to lose it.


One of these is not like the other.

They're synonymous... and there are only two. What the cult is arguing is that where a species has the means to be BOTH sexes... depending on the environmental circumstances, that the combination creates a third gender. Then there're 'shades of grey.'

(That's the third time I've dropped that clue... the recent movie, 'Shades of Grey' was designed to introduce the notion that homosexuals represent a third gender. This despite the fact that science has established that there is no genetic component to sexual deviancy.)
Ran across this article...

not too long ago I ran across an article tat suggested people who use imbecilic screen names like yours suffer from a genetic defect

go figure

Did you? Well good for you Dante.

And let me be the first to tell ya, IF that was in ANY way relevant to anything being discussed here... THAT would be SUCH a great point.

Sadly, as it stands, what it is, is a feckless attempt to change the subject by an intellectual deficient.

But I for one SO wish it was relevant. 'Cause I'm all about the need for you to be something special.
Okey dokey. Which is it. Sexes or genders? I'm starting to lose it.


One of these is not like the other.

They're synonymous... and there are only two. What the cult is arguing is that where a species has the means to be BOTH sexes... depending on the environmental circumstances, that the combination creates a third gender. Then there're 'shades of grey.'

(That's the third time I've dropped that clue... the recent movie, 'Shades of Grey' was designed to introduce the notion that homosexuals represent a third gender. This despite the fact that science has established that there is no genetic component to sexual deviancy.)
shades of insanity

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.
Incorrect. Sex and gender are not the same. It's why XY females act, and look, like girls but are genetic males. Look it up.

Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing. That something 'acts' male despite female genitals, doesn't make it any less female. It is a female with a mental disorder.

Just as when a human BELIEVES that it is a fowl... it remains human, with a mental disorder. And sadly for your would-be point, that there is someone who 'feels' that they're a "SCIENTIST!" claiming otherwise... doesn't change the unenviable reality.

But hey... as an imbecile, there is NO WAY you could have known that.

Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.
Incorrect. Sex and gender are not the same. It's why XY females act, and look, like girls but are genetic males. Look it up.

Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing. That something 'acts' male despite female genitals, doesn't make it any less female. It is a female with a mental disorder.

Just as when a human BELIEVES that it is a fowl... it remains a human, with a mental disorder.

But hey... as an imbecile, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
What is the sex and gender of an XY female?

This is what one looks like BTW:
Oh give it up asshole. Two sexes. Many genders.

I personally don't give a shit. Let crazies wander around in a sexual desert going ........................
"I have no idea how I am supposed to come"

I'm easy. I'm female. Very female. I know how and why I come. I pity others that don't.
Learn biology. There are more than two sexes. Even if there were only two you'd still have XY females and XX males. Nature, unlike you, does not think in black and white terms.

There are two sexes... Male and Female.

These are also known as "Gender"... meaning that Gender is synonymous with 'sex'. Meaning that there are two genders; male and female. That lower species have a need to alter gender is irrelevant to the fact that there are only two.
Incorrect. Sex and gender are not the same. It's why XY females act, and look, like girls but are genetic males. Look it up.

Sex and Gender are precisely the same thing. That something 'acts' male despite female genitals, doesn't make it any less female. It is a female with a mental disorder.

Just as when a human BELIEVES that it is a fowl... it remains a human, with a mental disorder.

But hey... as an imbecile, there is NO WAY you could have known that.
What is the sex and gender of an XY female?

So you're now forced to ask and answer your own posts?

Ya know... you really should consider the possibility that you're position is fatally flawed. That only you can participate in the discussion of such, was your first clue.

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