A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights


“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, that's heterosexual fucking. You keep getting that mixed up with man-made things, like marriage.

Can you point out oh great one the man made thing called marriage?

By all means, the definition of marriage as you understand it with a back up from you know Merriam Webster? Or others?
It's hammered TD. It can't remember what it posted five minutes ago.

I swear they are on auto pilot on boards. Same posters different boards.

Normally I track our "guys" but have actually been having a life and and been able to get a garden going early up here which is nothing short of a miracle.

I guess I better get back on the little sons of ******* to see what crap they are kicking up out there.

Oh they're just parroting the same irrational drivel. The PMH drone has reversed itself 9 times in the last few minutes. Marriage is meaningless... then 'no it's not'... Then the Court decides what marriage is... then the court doesn't decide... Homosexuals are normal, then they're intrinsically damaged.... it's an been an EPIC meltdown. It won't be long before they start trotting out the 'shades of grey' ruse, wherein they claim that there are multiple grades of gender... which was the purpose of the recent box office flop: Shades of Grey.

If you're up, I could let you handle it... but I have to be honest, it doesn't have much left in it.
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Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No, that's heterosexual fucking. You keep getting that mixed up with man-made things, like marriage.

Can you point out oh great one the man made thing called marriage?

By all means, the definition of marriage as you understand it with a back up from you know Merriam Webster? Or others?
It's hammered TD. It can't remember what it posted five minutes ago.

I swear they are on auto pilot on boards. Same posters different boards.

Normally I track our "guys" but have actually been having a life and and been able to get a garden going early up here which is nothing short of a miracle.

I guess I better get back on the little sons of ******* to see what crap they are kicking up out there.

Oh they're just parroting the same irrational drivel. The PMH drone has reversed itself 9 times in the last few minutes. Marriage is meaningless... then 'no it's not'... Then the Court decides what marriage is... then the court doesn't decide... Homosexuals are normal, then they're intrinsically damaged.... it's an been an EPIC meltdown.

If you're up, I could let you handle it... but I have to be honest, it doesn't have much left in it.
As a fag you get nothing right, but the thread is there for anyone to read should they care to but God only knows why they would.
They can't?


You should probably consult with Texas and Alabama... As they're finding reason all over the place.
Since they don't matter a damn, I couldn't care less.
So the court now doesn't matter?

My goodness... It was only 5 minute ago that only the courts could decide what marraige is and is not. Now due to the whimsy of subjective need... Like leftist marriage... The court is now meaningless.
The lower courts are meaningless, in this case.

Oh! So the lower courts are meaningless... Therefore the courts that overturned the state constitutions defending the natural standards of marriage, are therefore...meaningless. At least according to you, at the moment.
In this case, only the Supreme Court matters. And they have already decided.

Yes, I expect they have.

And I think you guys have it all worked out.

The SCOTUS is very likely to decide for 2% of the population, on the premise that MOST PEOPLE want that infinitesimal minority to alter the nucleus of civilization. Despite most people having elected most legislators who debated and passed laws that defend the natural standards of marriage that most governors signed into law.

Because civilization could not STAND if Sexual Deviants were not allowed to participate in an institution for which they're no where even close to being well suited.
Since they don't matter a damn, I couldn't care less.
So the court now doesn't matter?

My goodness... It was only 5 minute ago that only the courts could decide what marraige is and is not. Now due to the whimsy of subjective need... Like leftist marriage... The court is now meaningless.
The lower courts are meaningless, in this case.

Oh! So the lower courts are meaningless... Therefore the courts that overturned the state constitutions defending the natural standards of marriage, are therefore...meaningless. At least according to you, at the moment.
In this case, only the Supreme Court matters. And they have already decided.

Yes, I expect they have.

And I think you guys have it all worked out.
Congrats, that's something like reality. A miracle coming from you.
Since they don't matter a damn, I couldn't care less.
So the court now doesn't matter?

My goodness... It was only 5 minute ago that only the courts could decide what marraige is and is not. Now due to the whimsy of subjective need... Like leftist marriage... The court is now meaningless.
The lower courts are meaningless, in this case.

Oh! So the lower courts are meaningless... Therefore the courts that overturned the state constitutions defending the natural standards of marriage, are therefore...meaningless. At least according to you, at the moment.
In this case, only the Supreme Court matters. And they have already decided.

Yes, I expect they have.

And I think you guys have it all worked out.

The SCOTUS is very likely to decide for 2% of the population, on the premise that MOST PEOPLE want that infinitesimal minority to alter the nucleus of civilization. Despite most people having elected most legislators who debated and passed laws that defend the natural standards of marriage that most governors signed into law.

Because civilization could not STAND if Sexual Deviants were not allowed to participate in an institution for which they're no where even close to being well suited.
Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.
I was referring to your definition of marriage.

Yes... which is based upon human physiology... wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders; each respectively designed to join, physically and emotionally with the other... two bodies, joining to form one sustainable body.

Or did you not understand that, that is what marriage is?
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I am the frog-kin of a heterosexual frog who died in a French stew. I described my experiences in my book: Out From The Pond: The Impact of Heterosexual Frogs In Ponds. Over one thousand frogs who were raised by heterosexual frogs ribbit their concerns about living in ponds. Many of us struggle with our own diseases and sense of despair because of the influences in our ponds growing up.

It doesn’t take a toad to know that pond frogs and house frogs are different from each other. These unique differences provide lifelong benefits to house frogs that cannot be duplicated by pond-life frogs catching flies or attempting to live outside of a sterile human-nurtured environment.

In effect, living in ponds not only deprives frogs of social contact, it gives the Restaurants the power to override the natural rights of frogs, which means frog rights are usurped by the Restaurants.

[...]Therefore all Frogs should live as house frogs. *serious face* :laugh:
Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.

Well, if by 'gays' you mean homosexuals, then... there's bad news for you there, as well.

You see, the human sexual standard is established by human physiology... and not only does homosexuality deviate from that standard... it deviates AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD as is possible, where the subjects remain: HUMAN.

Now if you haven't considered THAT... then you may not be aware that where something deviates from the standard... that thing is deviant. Now from there, I am sure that you can see that in point of irrefutable fact... Homosexuals are sexually deviant.

See how that works?
Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
You are living in the past.

How so? Has human physiology changed from what it was in the past?
I was referring to your definition of marriage.

Yes... which is based upon human physiology... wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders; each respectively designed to join, physically and emotionally with the other... two bodies, joining to form one sustainable body.

Or did you not understand that, that is what marriage is?
That is no longer what marriage is, the fact that you cannot deal with this does not matter, except to you. Gay marriage is here, whether you like it or not.
Yes... which is based upon human physiology... wherein nature provided two distinct, but complimenting genders; each respectively designed to join, physically and emotionally with the other... two bodies, joining to form one sustainable body.

Or did you not understand that, that is what marriage is?
That is no longer what marriage is, the fact that you cannot deal with this does not matter, except to you. Gay marriage is here, whether you like it or not.

Marriage is... the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And this without regard to the subjective need of the lowest common denominator that SO wishes that natural law is a natural suggestion.

Sadly... such is simply not the case.

Oh... But if only it were... we could have flying carpets and unicorns. And wouldn't that be nice for us?
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Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.

Well, if by 'gays' you mean homosexuals, then... there's bad news for you there, as well.

You see, the human sexual standard is established by human physiology... and not only does homosexuality deviate from that standard... it deviates AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD as is possible, where the subjects remain: HUMAN.

Now if you haven't considered THAT... then you may not be aware that where something deviates from the standard... that thing is deviant. Now from there, I am sure that you can see that in point of irrefutable fact... Homosexuals are sexually deviant.

See how that works?
We are sexual deviants in the eyes of gays then.

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