A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not an answer but that's to be expected from one of your highly limited mental capacity.
It literally was an answer... And more importantly, it was an answer which offered irrefutable fact... Which is highlighted nicely by your inability to refute it... Despite your best efforts, such as it was.
The only thing your "answer" showed us was that a month from now you will be even more delusional than you already are.
Oh... Ok. Suit yourself.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You have already conceded the fact you are nothing more than giant loud-mouthed pussy. Good luck in war old man.
Did I?

Are you sure?

Go back over your notes and see if ya can specify where I did that.

'Cause I was think in' that what I did was to allow you to demonstrate your intellectual deficiency, which seems to have gotten you rather flustered and confused.

Check it out and keep me posted on what ya find...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. lol

So you didn't find anything and toward avoiding that humiliation, you felt it would help if ya offered a feckless distraction?


The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
No, that's heterosexual fucking. You keep getting that mixed up with man-made things, like marriage.
(Reader, did ya see what it did there? To qualify homosexuals for 'marriage', all it needs to do, is to rinse all meaning from the concept.)
To quality gay people for marriage all I have to do is treat them as equals.


Everyone else needs to apply for marriage with a person of the distinct gender... So to be treated equally, homosexuals need to apply for marrige with a person of the opposite gender.

Welcome to the party scamp.. I knew if ha kept trying eventually you'd figure it out!
Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not an answer but that's to be expected from one of your highly limited mental capacity.
It literally was an answer... And more importantly, it was an answer which offered irrefutable fact... Which is highlighted nicely by your inability to refute it... Despite your best efforts, such as it was.
The only thing your "answer" showed us was that a month from now you will be even more delusional than you already are.
Did it?

How so? And as always ... Please be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow.

“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Try clicking your heels next time and maybe that will become true.
Truth simply is... Without regard to your obsessive fondness of clicky shoes and the pretense that your subjective need somehow alters it ( the truth... Not your clicky shoes).

Nope, I am pretty sure gays are getting still married despite all your whining and foot stomping. Get over it or don't. Either way I don't really care.
"A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights"

There is no such thing as 'same-sex marriage,' there is only one marriage law available to those eligible to enter into marriage contracts – same- or opposite-sex.

Consequently, no rights are 'eroded'; indeed, in the United States to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the rights of gay Americans, and jeopardizes the fundamental rights of all citizens.

You are correct....you can't erode rights that don't exist.
Tell us, Keys, when gay marriage legal across the US, in a month, what will you do then?
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Not an answer but that's to be expected from one of your highly limited mental capacity.
It literally was an answer... And more importantly, it was an answer which offered irrefutable fact... Which is highlighted nicely by your inability to refute it... Despite your best efforts, such as it was.
The only thing your "answer" showed us was that a month from now you will be even more delusional than you already are.
Did it?
Your world is ending, and your response is to hide in your tiny mind and fantasy-world. So be it.
You have already conceded the fact you are nothing more than giant loud-mouthed pussy. Good luck in war old man.
Did I?

Are you sure?

Go back over your notes and see if ya can specify where I did that.

'Cause I was think in' that what I did was to allow you to demonstrate your intellectual deficiency, which seems to have gotten you rather flustered and confused.

Check it out and keep me posted on what ya find...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. lol

So you didn't find anything and toward avoiding that humiliation, you felt it would help if ya offered a feckless distraction?


The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
Did I?

Are you sure?

Go back over your notes and see if ya can specify where I did that.

'Cause I was think in' that what I did was to allow you to demonstrate your intellectual deficiency, which seems to have gotten you rather flustered and confused.

Check it out and keep me posted on what ya find...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. lol

So you didn't find anything and toward avoiding that humiliation, you felt it would help if ya offered a feckless distraction?


The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
If you were any bigger a fag, San Francisco would rename a street for you.
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. lol

So you didn't find anything and toward avoiding that humiliation, you felt it would help if ya offered a feckless distraction?


The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
If you were any bigger a fag, San Francisco would rename a street for you.

So ... Is it me, or are you implying that being a 'fag' carries some intrinsic disadvantage?
So you didn't find anything and toward avoiding that humiliation, you felt it would help if ya offered a feckless distraction?


The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
If you were any bigger a fag, San Francisco would rename a street for you.

So ... Is it me, or are you implying that being a 'fag' carries some intrinsic disadvantage?
Being a fag in this case is not about who you sleep with. It's about being a man, which you are nothing like.
The evidence of you being a giant pussy in this so called war is all around us. You do nothing but whine, complain, and gnash your teeth. You are too much of coward to do anything about this war other than whine on the internet. You're nothing more than sad old man with an axe to grind.
He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
If you were any bigger a fag, San Francisco would rename a street for you.

So ... Is it me, or are you implying that being a 'fag' carries some intrinsic disadvantage?
Being a fag in this case is not about who you sleep with. It's about being a man, which you are nothing like.
So you're saying that being a 'fag' necessarily means that such a person is not a 'man'.

I gotta say, that would be a serious disadvantage.

Now, check me if I'm wrong... But you're a chronic proponent of the notion that being a fag is perfectly normal.

Yet here ya are... Pushing the idea that such is decidedly NOT normal... And what's worse, that such is injurious to one's viability.

Huh... Now some would argue that you're actually demonstrating the intrinsic disadvantage to being a sexual deviant, commonly known to everyone who is not a disingenuous reprobate, intent upon deceiving the innocent...

I mean any 9 year old instinctively understands that homosexuality is wrong...
Oh golly... So you're saying that anyone can marry anyone, for any reason?
You're not?

Then what are ha saying? Specifically...

(Reader, that is exactly what it is saying. It is simply desperate to avoid admitting it. Because if it admits it... It refutes itself... AGAIN! Which would be like 5 times in the last half hour. And that would be halfway to the record it set last week. And THAT hurt... So it doesn't want to go through THAT again. You understand...)
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He's an old queen, no offense to old queens.
Oh NO!

So you're down to accusing me of being a sexual deviant, due to a rush of instinct which informs you that the innate illegitimacy of such will become associated to me... Injuring my reputation.

Which is a great plan... Unless you're point is that such behavior is perfectly legitimate.

Because IF that your point, the. You've refuted your own point ... again.

Which would be BAD. For you...
If you were any bigger a fag, San Francisco would rename a street for you.

So ... Is it me, or are you implying that being a 'fag' carries some intrinsic disadvantage?
Being a fag in this case is not about who you sleep with. It's about being a man, which you are nothing like.
So you're saying that being a 'fag' necessarily means that such a person is not a 'man'.

I gotta say, that would be a serious disadvantage.

Now, check me if I'm wrong... But you're a chronic proponent of the notion that being a fag is perfectly normal.

Yet here ya are... Pushing the idea that such is decidedly NOT normal... And what's worse, that such is injurious to one's viability.

Huh... Now some would argue that you're actually demonstrating the intrinsic disadvantage to being a sexual deviant, commonly known to everyone who is not a disingenuous reprobate, intent upon deceiving the innocent...

I mean any 9 year old instinctively understands that homosexuality is wrong...
Being gay is perfectly natural, and a fag is what you are. Just another whiny little bitch.

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