A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.
What a load. Same sex marriage has done nothing to our culture but make it kinder. I realise however you prefer society as a feeding frenzy.

Oh! So in Canada, you're advisong the Reader Los of this board that it is legal for one to publicly profess that homosexuality is a mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, thus the nornalization of such is tantamount to normalizing mental disorder which is nothing short of cultural suicide...

Huh... Which given that it is illegal in Canada to do so... That would make you a liar.

Proving once again, that if its a Leftist or a Muslim and it is speaking, it's lying.
Please seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.


I just adore the sweeter irony...

I mean, IMAGINE an irony SO SWEET that a proponent of the normalization of mental disorder, claims that soundly reasoned argument, defending the right to speak freely, is an indication of some unstated psychosis. This DEMONSTRATING the very traits that the author of the article in the OP described as a threat to the means of the citizens of the United States to exercise their God-given right to speak freely, that has long since destroyed such in Canuckistan.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Now right here in our own little micro-community, we find The State coming into a thread and deleting content... on the rationalization that publicly stated material that was FULLY attributed to both the author and the publishing SITE... is a "Violation of THE LAW".

Now let's compare THAT behavior to the Author's testimony:

"If your beliefs, values, and political opinions are different from the state’s, you risk losing your professional license, job, or business, and even your children. Look no further than the Lev Tahor Sect, an Orthodox Jewish sect. Many members, who had been involved in a bitter custody battle with child protection services, began leaving Chatham, Ontario, for Guatemala in March 2014, to escape prosecution for their religious faith, which conflicted with the Province’s guidelines for religious education. Of the two hundred sect members, only half a dozen families remain in Chatham."

LOL!... You can NOT make this crap up.
Golly... the Cult doesn't seem to eager to address this... I wonder why?

My guess is that they've had no success in defending their advocacy, and less than usual where Americans are present, and since the OP article destroys the BIG DEVIANT LIE... they'd prefer this thread just sort of fade away.

Not to worry kids, I'll be here for ya.

Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.

I'm a Canadian and I can say that this "article" is unmitigated bullshit.

Hate speech is against the law in Canada but nearly all of the cases where it has been prosecuted have been against Holocaust deniers.

This is the case that the writer refers to:

Canada s hate speech laws upheld by Supreme Court National Post

The general population of Canada has not been affected by gay marriage, but true hate speech is not tolerated.
Which illustrates another idiotic aspect of the OP's failed thread premise – in the United States hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections; recognizing the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law will in no way change that.
Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.

I'm a Canadian and I can say that this "article" is unmitigated bullshit.

Hate speech is against the law in Canada but nearly all of the cases where it has been prosecuted have been against Holocaust deniers.

This is the case that the writer refers to:

Canada s hate speech laws upheld by Supreme Court National Post

The general population of Canada has not been affected by gay marriage, but true hate speech is not tolerated.
Which illustrates another idiotic aspect of the OP's failed thread premise – in the United States hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections; recognizing the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law will in no way change that.

First, the use of the word Bigot, is by definition... hate-speech.

You and your cult-mates are chronic users of the word Bigot, thus you are a profound example of a hateful speaker.

Second... there's no one, anywhere, at least that I can find that is challenging the exercise of any valid right claimed by any sexual deviant.

What you're insufficient to understand is that there is no right to revise the nucleus of civilization, as a means to help those who practice illegitimacy, to find legitimacy.

You see, engaging in illegitimate behavior, precludes legitimacy... demanding that the standards which recognize legitimacy, as being prejudiced against the illegitimate, is simply foolish. Thus disqualified from consideration by reasonable people; which is to say people not afflicted with mental disorder.
Golly... the Cult doesn't seem to eager to address this... I wonder why?

My guess is that they've had no success in defending their advocacy, and less than usual where Americans are present, and since the OP article destroys the BIG DEVIANT LIE... they'd prefer this thread just sort of fade away.

Not to worry kids, I'll be here for ya.

Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.
Thank goodness the courts look at our Constitution and laws as the basis for their rulings and not some foreigner with an axe to grind.

Doesn't matter what the Courts say anymore on this issue. Texas has effectively told the Courts to stuff it. And most other states not already lost to Leftism will soon follow suit.

But I wouldn't worry about it, history shows that Nature has a cure for this sort of problem... and we're quickly approaching that fix. And all indications are that such is comin' sooner, rather than later.

Does that mean DC can just ignore the Heller ruling? Not hardly.

What is coming sooner or later? My guess is another one of your long winded rants.

It means that the because of the subjective nature of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... OKA: Left-think... the US is unraveling. And that the US Judicial System is falling out of relevance... because it is failing to serve justice. Thus, as has always been the case and as will always BE the case, when justice is not served by the government, justice will be found by other means.

Which should answer your second question, as such is the basis of every war, that has ever been waged, anywhere, at any time in human history. And that is because, there is no other way it can be... .

But hey... in fairness to you, as an imbecile, there is no way that you could have known that otherwise self-evident, irrefutable fact.

A war!? Oh please. We both know that you're going to do exactly jack and shit concerning your alleged war. Get off your ass and do something about it, coward.


I haven't alleged anything. I've merely pointed out the nature of humanity.

It hasn't changed and as a result, it's as predictable as the sun rising. But you comfort yourself with notions of the eternal patients mankind. You're probably right.

It's not like this nation was founded upon it... and there's a long history of it.

Golly... the Cult doesn't seem to eager to address this... I wonder why?

My guess is that they've had no success in defending their advocacy, and less than usual where Americans are present, and since the OP article destroys the BIG DEVIANT LIE... they'd prefer this thread just sort of fade away.

Not to worry kids, I'll be here for ya.

Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. .

OH! Ok... suit yourself Faun.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Golly... the Cult doesn't seem to eager to address this... I wonder why?

My guess is that they've had no success in defending their advocacy, and less than usual where Americans are present, and since the OP article destroys the BIG DEVIANT LIE... they'd prefer this thread just sort of fade away.

Not to worry kids, I'll be here for ya.

Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.

Ok, we just passed from silly to stupid --- where the hell did you get any idea like that?
Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. .

OH! Ok... suit yourself Faun.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Drools the idiot who thinks Canada is the U.S.. :cuckoo:
Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. .

OH! Ok... suit yourself Faun.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Drools the idiot who thinks Canada is the U.S.. :cuckoo:

You know, every once in awhile, I am caught unaware by the sheer idiocy of some posts. I can't figure out how anybody, not on meds, can pervert logic to come up with these posts.

This is one of them ....
Address what? You just block spammed 6 times in 4 minutes.....without a single comment. If even you have nothing to say about your spam, why would you expect us to?

Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.

Ok, we just passed from silly to stupid --- where the hell did you get any idea like that?
Does Canada have the same Constitutional protections we have here? If not, then WTF difference does it make what happens there? The article points out an erosion in Canada due, in part, to their restrictions of free speech. She even points out how the debate on the subject here isn't legally possible there.

We are not Canada. The OP clearly doesn't get that.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. .

OH! Ok... suit yourself Faun.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Drools the idiot who thinks Canada is the U.S.. :cuckoo:

You know, every once in awhile, I am caught unaware by the sheer idiocy of some posts. I can't figure out how anybody, not on meds, can pervert logic to come up with these posts.

This is one of them ....
It's cute when rightards get all ornery ... as if they're opinion means anything to anyone but them. :thup:
Thank goodness the courts look at our Constitution and laws as the basis for their rulings and not some foreigner with an axe to grind.

Doesn't matter what the Courts say anymore on this issue. Texas has effectively told the Courts to stuff it. And most other states not already lost to Leftism will soon follow suit.

But I wouldn't worry about it, history shows that Nature has a cure for this sort of problem... and we're quickly approaching that fix. And all indications are that such is comin' sooner, rather than later.

Does that mean DC can just ignore the Heller ruling? Not hardly.

What is coming sooner or later? My guess is another one of your long winded rants.

It means that the because of the subjective nature of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... OKA: Left-think... the US is unraveling. And that the US Judicial System is falling out of relevance... because it is failing to serve justice. Thus, as has always been the case and as will always BE the case, when justice is not served by the government, justice will be found by other means.

Which should answer your second question, as such is the basis of every war, that has ever been waged, anywhere, at any time in human history. And that is because, there is no other way it can be... .

But hey... in fairness to you, as an imbecile, there is no way that you could have known that otherwise self-evident, irrefutable fact.

A war!? Oh please. We both know that you're going to do exactly jack and shit concerning your alleged war. Get off your ass and do something about it, coward.


I haven't alleged anything. I've merely pointed out the nature of humanity.

It hasn't changed and as a result, it's as predictable as the sun rising. But you comfort yourself with notions of the eternal patients mankind. You're probably right.

It's not like this nation was founded upon it... and there's a long history of it.


Yes, I take great comfort in knowing that you are nothing more than a blowhard concerning this so called war. You simply sit on your fat ass and lamely try to convince others to do the fighting for you. You're a deluded little coward and nothing more.
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Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.

Ok, we just passed from silly to stupid --- where the hell did you get any idea like that?
Does Canada have the same Constitutional protections we have here? If not, then WTF difference does it make what happens there? The article points out an erosion in Canada due, in part, to their restrictions of free speech. She even points out how the debate on the subject here isn't legally possible there.

We are not Canada. The OP clearly doesn't get that.

Are you speaking of the same constitution wherein the left found the right of the state to keep in bear arms, in the bill of individual rights?

Is that the same constitution wherein the Left found the right to murder the pre-born... In its own mothers womb?

By chance is it the one which provides that only the legislature can establish law, despite the Left having established bureaucracies throughout the government that established law... Everyday?

It seems like ... Maybe the problem isn't the constitution, but the Left that lacks the means to recognize it.
Damn, I would have figured by now you know we are in the U.S., not Canada. :dunno:

Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.

Ok, we just passed from silly to stupid --- where the hell did you get any idea like that?
Does Canada have the same Constitutional protections we have here? If not, then WTF difference does it make what happens there? The article points out an erosion in Canada due, in part, to their restrictions of free speech. She even points out how the debate on the subject here isn't legally possible there.

We are not Canada. The OP clearly doesn't get that.

Are you speaking of the same constitution wherein the leftt.

Where the Left champions the protections of the First Amendment?

yes- that same Constitution which protects all of our rights.

Your hate speech is protected in the United States- just so long as you are not advocating harming people.

Canada thinks your sort of hate speech is not protected- if you want to argue that Canada's rules are wrong- fine with me.

Like I said you're too much of coward to actually do anything this so called war of youYou sit on your fat ass and type the same bollocks day in and out

Well then... If I'm the only one relevant to war then you're probably right.

Of course... I should point out that I've never been to Ferguson, MO... And haven't been in Baltimore in years... And I'm a glorious shade of Caucasian... Yet both of those spots were recently 'War like'.

So ya might want to go back over your notes on that just once more... I can't help to feel that ya might have missed somethin'.
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The idea that issues around homosexuality and same sex marriage cannot be debated in Canada because of the suppression of free speech is completely false. Free speech is not suppressed in Canada, but hate speech is not allowed. You cannot make false claims that homosexuals are all child molesters, or encourage people to attack or harm homosexuals, but you can certainly discuss the pros and cons of same sex marriage.

Canada is a welcoming and inclusive country and same sex marriage is pretty much a non-issue here. When I lived in downtown Toronto we had friends and neighbours who are openly gay, married or in committed relationships. Now I'm living in a rural area in the Niagara Penninsula and I have a co-worker who is gay and married to his partner.

The hysteria and fear of gay marriage confounds me. Gay marriage in no way detracts from or endangers marriage between a man or a woman, but as far as refusing service to gay couples, that would never be tolerated in Canada. If you are going to deny service to gays on religious grounds, you would have to prove you deny service to those who commit other sins, not just homosexuals.

Like I said you're too much of coward to actually do anything this so called war of youYou sit on your fat ass and type the same bollocks day in and out

Well then... If I'm the only one relevant to war then you're probably right.

Of course... I should point out that I've never been to Ferguson, MO... And haven't been in Baltimore in years... And I'm a glorious shade of Caucasian... Yet both of those spots were recently 'War like'.

So ha might want to go back over your notes on that just once more... I can't help to feel that ya might have missed somethin'.

And none of that has anything to with gays getting married pap pap.
Well, thank you Faun... and you're right, this is the US... and as a result we will not allow the normalization of sexual deviancy.

The point of the thread is to demonstrate that the professed consequences of Left-think... particularly as such advocates for the normalization of sexual deviancy, are being realized, precisely as Americans living in the US have said that they must be realized.

But hey... there's no way you could have known that, given your mental disorder and all... .
And yet, you still don't realize we're in the U.S.. Go figure. :dunno: What happens in other countries has little to no bearing on what happens here. figure.

Ok, we just passed from silly to stupid --- where the hell did you get any idea like that?
Does Canada have the same Constitutional protections we have here? If not, then WTF difference does it make what happens there? The article points out an erosion in Canada due, in part, to their restrictions of free speech. She even points out how the debate on the subject here isn't legally possible there.

We are not Canada. The OP clearly doesn't get that.

Are you speaking of the same constitution wherein the leftt.

Where the Left champions the protections of the First Amendment?

yes- that same Constitution which protects all of our rights.

Yes let's review the Lefts recent championing of the right to speak freely...

There was that time recently where a baker said she had no intention of baking a cake to promote the celebration of debauchery... LOL!

Remember that? Where the left sued that baker into financial ruin...

Then there was the photographer who said he wouldn't take photographs of people celebrating the normalization of sexu deviancy... When the left sued him into bankruptcy.

Then there was the left championing the right to freely practice religion, wherein they began to make demands on churches... Pastors and Priests.

Should we go into the whole thing where the Left championed the right to speak freely by trying to run Chic Fil A out of business and ya tried to shut down other companies whose ownership spoke out against the normalization of sexu deviancy...?

Golly... Ya know, you guys really are CHAMPION SPEECH RIGHT PROTECTORS.
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