A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

XY is female you believe. Good to know.

Well yes, SHE is a female.
With XY what, exactly, makes her female?
Hmm... What makes HER female?

Golly that's a toughy.

What makes HER Female? I'm going to go with the boobs an vagina.
Fine, but no period, no ovaries, no womb, therefore she can't reproduce, and she's genetically male. Not much of a woman most would say. With hormones and surgery transsexual males are the same. Guess they are women as well eh?

She is not genetically male.

He is genetically male.

This is where you're getting confused... He's are males and She's Female.

(Reader, it's always a mistake to give the Leftist the benefit of the doubt... that they actually understand even the most fundamental issues. In this case the would-be 'contributor' is literally insufficient to even understand simple human physiology. And this is why allowing these creatures access to the general public has produced such catastrophic consequences.)
Both are XY but one is female and one is male? Care to tell the readers all about that? I'm sure they are very interested.
Well, I'm done for the night. Got a happy straight couple for you Keys, right here: Transgender couple have some explaining to do 22 Photos theCHIVE

You've been done for hours...
Well yes, SHE is a female.
With XY what, exactly, makes her female?
Hmm... What makes HER female?

Golly that's a toughy.

What makes HER Female? I'm going to go with the boobs an vagina.
Fine, but no period, no ovaries, no womb, therefore she can't reproduce, and she's genetically male. Not much of a woman most would say. With hormones and surgery transsexual males are the same. Guess they are women as well eh?

She is not genetically male.

He is genetically male.

This is where you're getting confused... He's are males and She's Female.

(Reader, it's always a mistake to give the Leftist the benefit of the doubt... that they actually understand even the most fundamental issues. In this case the would-be 'contributor' is literally insufficient to even understand simple human physiology. And this is why allowing these creatures access to the general public has produced such catastrophic consequences.)
Both are XY but one is female and one is male? Care to tell the readers all about that? I'm sure they are very interested.

Yes I am sure the Reader is FASCINATED with yet another rationalization designed to obscure the distinctions between males and females.
With XY what, exactly, makes her female?
Hmm... What makes HER female?

Golly that's a toughy.

What makes HER Female? I'm going to go with the boobs an vagina.
Fine, but no period, no ovaries, no womb, therefore she can't reproduce, and she's genetically male. Not much of a woman most would say. With hormones and surgery transsexual males are the same. Guess they are women as well eh?

She is not genetically male.

He is genetically male.

This is where you're getting confused... He's are males and She's Female.

(Reader, it's always a mistake to give the Leftist the benefit of the doubt... that they actually understand even the most fundamental issues. In this case the would-be 'contributor' is literally insufficient to even understand simple human physiology. And this is why allowing these creatures access to the general public has produced such catastrophic consequences.)
Both are XY but one is female and one is male? Care to tell the readers all about that? I'm sure they are very interested.

Yes I am sure the Reader is FASCINATED with yet another rationalization designed to obscure the distinctions between males and females.
You're the one who says XY can be either male or female. Clear that up for the readers eh?
Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.

So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

If I find 2 persons who are happy having gay parents, then I'll have proved a point times two that refutes yours?
Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.

What specific 1st Amendment freedoms get severely eroded?
Canada's free speech rights were limited in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms long before gay marriage was made legal.

The US and Canadian legal treatments of speech are not comparable.
Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.

Well, if by 'gays' you mean homosexuals, then... there's bad news for you there, as well.

You see, the human sexual standard is established by human physiology... and not only does homosexuality deviate from that standard... it deviates AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD as is possible, where the subjects remain: HUMAN.

Now if you haven't considered THAT... then you may not be aware that where something deviates from the standard... that thing is deviant. Now from there, I am sure that you can see that in point of irrefutable fact... Homosexuals are sexually deviant.

See how that works?
We are sexual deviants in the eyes of gays then.

How so?

Are you suggesting that sexual deviants are somehow responsible for the human physiological standard?

I hope not, because if ya are, that would be you demonstrating that you are an imbecile.
Who decides the standard that is deviated from? Some people consider types of sex between a man and woman deviant behavior.
Here is another place where you are wrong, gays are not sexual deviants.

Well, if by 'gays' you mean homosexuals, then... there's bad news for you there, as well.

You see, the human sexual standard is established by human physiology... and not only does homosexuality deviate from that standard... it deviates AS FAR FROM THAT STANDARD as is possible, where the subjects remain: HUMAN.

Now if you haven't considered THAT... then you may not be aware that where something deviates from the standard... that thing is deviant. Now from there, I am sure that you can see that in point of irrefutable fact... Homosexuals are sexually deviant.

See how that works?
We are sexual deviants in the eyes of gays then.

How so?

Are you suggesting that sexual deviants are somehow responsible for the human physiological standard?

I hope not, because if ya are, that would be you demonstrating that you are an imbecile.
Who decides the standard that is deviated from? Some people consider types of sex between a man and woman deviant behavior.

Keys doesn't believe in democracy.
Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
And you can find 50 Canadian conservatives who dont like their free healthcare too.

“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it is STILL WRONG!
Address the Experience of Canadians, who've lost their right to speak freely because of the Relativist Cult, Advocating to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents sexual deviancy, as described by the Author of the Article in the OP Skylar.

You know... the lady who was raised by Homosexuals and who as a result 'knows' homosexuals, thus is qualified to speak on the issue, but who can't say such in Canada, without fear of being treated like a US Baker; which is to say being financially ruined by a violent, intolerant cult.

I'm a Canadian and I can say that this "article" is unmitigated bullshit.

Hate speech is against the law in Canada but nearly all of the cases where it has been prosecuted have been against Holocaust deniers.

This is the case that the writer refers to:

Canada s hate speech laws upheld by Supreme Court National Post

The general population of Canada has not been affected by gay marriage, but true hate speech is not tolerated.
Which illustrates another idiotic aspect of the OP's failed thread premise – in the United States hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections; recognizing the right of gay Americans to equal protection of the law will in no way change that.

First, the use of the word Bigot, is by definition... hate-speech.

You and your cult-mates are chronic users of the word Bigot, thus you are a profound example of a hateful speaker.

Nope. Its just you randomly making up definitions to suit your argument. And you have no idea what you're talking about. Nor are we obligated to accept your subjective imagination as defining any word.

Second... there's no one, anywhere, at least that I can find that is challenging the exercise of any valid right claimed by any sexual deviant.

You don't define what 'valid rights' are. Making your observations a meaningless statement.

Is there anything to you but making up your own subjective definitions?

What you're insufficient to understand is that there is no right to revise the nucleus of civilization, as a means to help those who practice illegitimacy, to find legitimacy.

You don't define legitimacy or illegitimacy either. Making your statement as meaningless as the last. And negating your entire argument.

Without our acceptance of your made up definitions and subjective standards, you've got nothing. Which means....you've got nothing.
Thank goodness the courts look at our Constitution and laws as the basis for their rulings and not some foreigner with an axe to grind.

Doesn't matter what the Courts say anymore on this issue. Texas has effectively told the Courts to stuff it. And most other states not already lost to Leftism will soon follow suit.

But I wouldn't worry about it, history shows that Nature has a cure for this sort of problem... and we're quickly approaching that fix. And all indications are that such is comin' sooner, rather than later.

Does that mean DC can just ignore the Heller ruling? Not hardly.

What is coming sooner or later? My guess is another one of your long winded rants.

It means that the because of the subjective nature of the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy... OKA: Left-think... the US is unraveling. And that the US Judicial System is falling out of relevance... because it is failing to serve justice. Thus, as has always been the case and as will always BE the case, when justice is not served by the government, justice will be found by other means.

Which should answer your second question, as such is the basis of every war, that has ever been waged, anywhere, at any time in human history. And that is because, there is no other way it can be... .

But hey... in fairness to you, as an imbecile, there is no way that you could have known that otherwise self-evident, irrefutable fact.

A war!? Oh please. We both know that you're going to do exactly jack and shit concerning your alleged war. Get off your ass and do something about it, coward.


I haven't alleged anything. I've merely pointed out the nature of humanity.

Nope. You've pointed out your assumptions about the nature of humanity. Citing yourself.

Your argument breaks in the same place, in the same way, every single time. You offer us your subjective opinion. You label your subjective opinion. You declare that with the label, your subjective opinion is now objective truth.

Um, no. Its still just your beliefs. Which define nothing objectively.

“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it is STILL WRONG!


NOOooo sweetheart...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Always has been, always will be.

Because that's the way Nature designed humanity.

All you are is an expression of evil, in a temporal rising of evil. History is clear on this... Evil rises and God SLAPS it down.
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“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it is STILL WRONG!


NOOooo sweetheart...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Always has been, always will be.

Because that's the way Nature designed humanity.

All you are is an expression of evil, in a temporal rising of evil. History is clear on this... Evil rises and God SLAPS it down.
Nature created fucking, nor marriage. That's man-made, like God.
Hmm... What makes HER female?

Golly that's a toughy.

What makes HER Female? I'm going to go with the boobs an vagina.
Fine, but no period, no ovaries, no womb, therefore she can't reproduce, and she's genetically male. Not much of a woman most would say. With hormones and surgery transsexual males are the same. Guess they are women as well eh?

She is not genetically male.

He is genetically male.

This is where you're getting confused... He's are males and She's Female.

(Reader, it's always a mistake to give the Leftist the benefit of the doubt... that they actually understand even the most fundamental issues. In this case the would-be 'contributor' is literally insufficient to even understand simple human physiology. And this is why allowing these creatures access to the general public has produced such catastrophic consequences.)
Both are XY but one is female and one is male? Care to tell the readers all about that? I'm sure they are very interested.

Yes I am sure the Reader is FASCINATED with yet another rationalization designed to obscure the distinctions between males and females.
You're the one who says XY can be either male or female. Clear that up for the readers eh?
Where's our answer Mr. Wizard?

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