A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights


“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it is STILL WRONG!


NOOooo sweetheart...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Always has been, always will be.

Because that's the way Nature designed humanity.

All you are is an expression of evil, in a temporal rising of evil. History is clear on this... Evil rises and God SLAPS it down.
That is YOUR definition. Times have changed.

“You cannot make factual statements about homosexuality.”

One can make factual statements about the law, however.

It is a fact of Constitutional law that gay Americans enjoy the protected liberty of choice, the right to due process of law, and to equal protection of the law – including the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it is STILL WRONG!


NOOooo sweetheart...

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Always has been, always will be.

Because that's the way Nature designed humanity.

All you are is an expression of evil, in a temporal rising of evil. History is clear on this... Evil rises and God SLAPS it down.
Nope, it will not remain, "always will be." Most states already recognize same-sex marriage and soon, it will be declared federally Constitutional.

It really doesn't matter how much you shake your fist at the sky or stomp your feet.
So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

It has nothing to do with one being 'happy' Gilligan, although it's understandable why you deceitfully need to make it about that.



I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

She is, as a direct result of a lifetime of experience with regard to the issues of familial homosexuality... therefore an expert, whose experiences rise above others, save the very few people on earth who can make the same claim. This person, is a person who is well known in her field. She has a sound reputation and who has come out against the cult, from within the cult. And she has done so bearing warnings of the cult's nefarious intent, which you and your local cult within our own little micro-community, demonstrate here... every single day.

What's more... this person is speaking from UP-STREAM of where the United States is... and she is telling us that the signs we see here everyday and which we've seen for some time now; wherein the Militant Homo-Lobby targeted innocent people, which they wanted to either show 'accepting deviant behavior', in which case they were used to prove that 'most people approve of sexual deviancy', or to ruin their lives through abusing the legal system, so as to injure them, so that others could see what happens when you do not accept sexual deviancy.

It's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

All the author of the article is doing is simply saying, "Yes... what you witnessed in that behavior, gets WORSE and it gets MUCH WORSE and here, specifically, IS HOW, IT GETS WORSE."

I posted the OP purely as a means to demonstrate that what I and, so many other capable contributors, have said would be the inevitable consequences of this mess... over the last few years, here and else where FOR DECADES.
So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

It has nothing to do with one being 'happy' Gilligan, although it's understandable why you deceitfully need to make it about that.



I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

She is, as a direct result of a lifetime of experience with regard to the issues of familial homosexuality... therefore an expert, whose experiences rise above others, save the very few people on earth who can make the same claim. This person, is a person who is well known in her field. She has a sound reputation and who has come out against the cult, from within the cult. And she has done so bearing warnings of the cult's nefarious intent, which you and your local cult within our own little micro-community, demonstrate here... every single day.

What's more... this person is speaking from UP-STREAM of where the United States is... and she is telling us that the signs we see here everyday and which we've seen for some time now; wherein the Militant Homo-Lobby targeted innocent people, which they wanted to either show 'accepting deviant behavior', in which case they were used to prove that 'most people approve of sexual deviancy', or to ruin their lives through abusing the legal system, so as to injure them, so that others could see what happens when you do not accept sexual deviancy.

It's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

All the author of the article is doing is simply saying, "Yes... what you witnessed in that behavior, gets WORSE and it gets MUCH WORSE and here, specifically, IS HOW, IT GETS WORSE."

I posted the OP purely as a means to demonstrate that what I and, so many other capable contributors, have said would be the inevitable consequences of this mess... over the last few years, here and else where FOR DECADES.

What are your thoughts on the children of drug addicts such as Toronto's crack cocaine mayor?
If I find 2 persons who are happy having gay parents, then I'll have proved a point times two that refutes yours?


I just ADORE watching the Cult of Relativism try to reason.

What you see above Reader, is a confession of sorts, wherein Gilligan is telegraphing its misconstrued understanding of how life works.

'Two people have TWICE the opinion of one person'.

When in reality, an opinion held by two people, has no more potential for validity than it does for one person.

The opinion is either valid, or it is not. An invalid opinion does not become valid because another person gloms onto it... and a valid opinion does not become more valid because it is held by two people.

LMAO... Poor Gilligan. It simply has no capacity to reason. But I do SO adore watching it try...
A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Ah, no...
It already has done it here. Not just with gays but with everything. Political correctness run amuck.

Yes.. it is tragic.

And the consequences for such are ruin. They will simply feed on you until you have nothing left... . They have no means to control themselves, so they will demand more and drive themselves to greater offense, until they can no longer be sustained... at which time they kill the host, then they'll claim the host died out of hatred for them.

Which is how we can know that what they are, is Evil.
So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

It has nothing to do with one being 'happy' Gilligan, although it's understandable why you deceitfully need to make it about that.



I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

She is, as a direct result of a lifetime of experience with regard to the issues of familial homosexuality... therefore an expert, whose experiences rise above others, save the very few people on earth who can make the same claim. This person, is a person who is well known in her field. She has a sound reputation and who has come out against the cult, from within the cult. And she has done so bearing warnings of the cult's nefarious intent, which you and your local cult within our own little micro-community, demonstrate here... every single day.

What's more... this person is speaking from UP-STREAM of where the United States is... and she is telling us that the signs we see here everyday and which we've seen for some time now; wherein the Militant Homo-Lobby targeted innocent people, which they wanted to either show 'accepting deviant behavior', in which case they were used to prove that 'most people approve of sexual deviancy', or to ruin their lives through abusing the legal system, so as to injure them, so that others could see what happens when you do not accept sexual deviancy.

It's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

All the author of the article is doing is simply saying, "Yes... what you witnessed in that behavior, gets WORSE and it gets MUCH WORSE and here, specifically, IS HOW, IT GETS WORSE."

I posted the OP purely as a means to demonstrate that what I and, so many other capable contributors, have said would be the inevitable consequences of this mess... over the last few years, here and else where FOR DECADES.

What are your thoughts on the children of drug addicts such as Toronto's crack cocaine mayor?

I think that they're the natural, unavoidable consequence of Left-think. And it's never pretty, it never ends well... it always ends tragically.
Canada's free speech rights were limited in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms long before gay marriage was made legal.

The US and Canadian legal treatments of speech are not comparable.

So what? Have those rights and freedoms expanded or retracted as a result of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality?

Which simply asks: Can one speak more freely because Homosexuals are finding power Gilligan, or has the things a person can say more limited?
So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

It has nothing to do with one being 'happy' Gilligan, although it's understandable why you deceitfully need to make it about that.



I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

She is, as a direct result of a lifetime of experience with regard to the issues of familial homosexuality... therefore an expert, whose experiences rise above others, save the very few people on earth who can make the same claim. This person, is a person who is well known in her field. She has a sound reputation and who has come out against the cult, from within the cult. And she has done so bearing warnings of the cult's nefarious intent, which you and your local cult within our own little micro-community, demonstrate here... every single day.

What's more... this person is speaking from UP-STREAM of where the United States is... and she is telling us that the signs we see here everyday and which we've seen for some time now; wherein the Militant Homo-Lobby targeted innocent people, which they wanted to either show 'accepting deviant behavior', in which case they were used to prove that 'most people approve of sexual deviancy', or to ruin their lives through abusing the legal system, so as to injure them, so that others could see what happens when you do not accept sexual deviancy.

It's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

All the author of the article is doing is simply saying, "Yes... what you witnessed in that behavior, gets WORSE and it gets MUCH WORSE and here, specifically, IS HOW, IT GETS WORSE."

I posted the OP purely as a means to demonstrate that what I and, so many other capable contributors, have said would be the inevitable consequences of this mess... over the last few years, here and else where FOR DECADES.
Typical idiocy from you. :rolleyes: She wrote about her exeriences of being raised by a piss-poor parent. She may have attributed his bad parenting to him being gay, but that doesn't translate into gays make bad parents. That's where she fails. Some gays are horrible parents. Some are great parents. Same as with straight parents. Too bad she grew up with a shitty dad, but it happens to many kids no matter what the sexual orientation of their parents are.
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Canada's free speech rights were limited in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms long before gay marriage was made legal.

The US and Canadian legal treatments of speech are not comparable.

So what? Have those rights and freedoms expanded or retracted as a result of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality?

Which simply asks: Can one speak more freely because Homosexuals are finding power Gilligan, or has the things a person can say more limited?
You still don't understand -- we're not Canada. :eusa_doh:
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If I find 2 persons who are happy having gay parents, then I'll have proved a point times two that refutes yours?


I just ADORE watching the Cult of Relativism try to reason.

What you see above Reader, is a confession of sorts, wherein Gilligan is telegraphing its misconstrued understanding of how life works.

'Two people have TWICE the opinion of one person'.

When in reality, an opinion held by two people, has no more potential for validity than it does for one person.

The opinion is either valid, or it is not. An invalid opinion does not become valid because another person gloms onto it... and a valid opinion does not become more valid because it is held by two people.

LMAO... Poor Gilligan. It simply has no capacity to reason. But I do SO adore watching it try...

You tried to make a case with one person's opinion. Did you make the case?
So you found one person who is unhappy having had gay parents, and you think that proves a point?

It has nothing to do with one being 'happy' Gilligan, although it's understandable why you deceitfully need to make it about that.



I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

She is, as a direct result of a lifetime of experience with regard to the issues of familial homosexuality... therefore an expert, whose experiences rise above others, save the very few people on earth who can make the same claim. This person, is a person who is well known in her field. She has a sound reputation and who has come out against the cult, from within the cult. And she has done so bearing warnings of the cult's nefarious intent, which you and your local cult within our own little micro-community, demonstrate here... every single day.

What's more... this person is speaking from UP-STREAM of where the United States is... and she is telling us that the signs we see here everyday and which we've seen for some time now; wherein the Militant Homo-Lobby targeted innocent people, which they wanted to either show 'accepting deviant behavior', in which case they were used to prove that 'most people approve of sexual deviancy', or to ruin their lives through abusing the legal system, so as to injure them, so that others could see what happens when you do not accept sexual deviancy.

It's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

All the author of the article is doing is simply saying, "Yes... what you witnessed in that behavior, gets WORSE and it gets MUCH WORSE and here, specifically, IS HOW, IT GETS WORSE."

I posted the OP purely as a means to demonstrate that what I and, so many other capable contributors, have said would be the inevitable consequences of this mess... over the last few years, here and else where FOR DECADES.

What are your thoughts on the children of drug addicts such as Toronto's crack cocaine mayor?

I think that they're the natural, unavoidable consequence of Left-think. And it's never pretty, it never ends well... it always ends tragically.
Good thing righties are such moral highgrounders, huh?

The Shameful Record of Republican Sexual Misconduct

Oops! :ack-1:
I found one person, who was raised by homosexuals, in a homosexual marriage... who literally 'wrote the book' on the issue... .

Hitler wrote a book, so what?

So what indeed.

(Reader, do you see the trend? The above, would-be 'Contributor'; in order to oppose the published opinion of the author, who comes to convey her experiences within the homosexual movement; wherein she describes the movement as totalitarian, intending to prevent all form of public dissent, comes to project that this woman is "HITLER".

Now... does such a projection promote an environment of open and honest debate on the issue, or... does the projection tend to discourage debate?

If you had similar experiences and wanted to convey them publicly, would such discourse encourage you or discourage you?

Now, what did the author say of these people? Did she say that they intend to discourage debate?

She did, didn't she? So... well, you see how that works, )
Canada's free speech rights were limited in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms long before gay marriage was made legal.

The US and Canadian legal treatments of speech are not comparable.

So what? Have those rights and freedoms expanded or retracted as a result of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality?

Which simply asks: Can one speak more freely because Homosexuals are finding power Gilligan, or has the things a person can say more limited?
Show where the U.S. government has limited such free speech...
Canada's free speech rights were limited in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms long before gay marriage was made legal.

The US and Canadian legal treatments of speech are not comparable.

So what? Have those rights and freedoms expanded or retracted as a result of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality?

Which simply asks: Can one speak more freely because Homosexuals are finding power Gilligan, or has the things a person can say more limited?

In which US states where same sex marriage is legal can you be prosecuted or held civilly liable when you repeat your mantra

'marriage is between a man and a woman'?

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