"A Well Regulated Militia" explained

Read Federalist 46 (no pictures for you to color in, sorry) and get back to us if you don't eat it first.

I'd also recommend Federalist #28 by Hamilton, with extra emphasis on the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), which made clear what was meant in #28 with these words: "...that standing armies in time of peace should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."
The problem with the quislings in that propaganda video there in the OP is that they, as usual, proof text rather than explore what they're reading in its entirety.

Their goal is simple. Centralized government. Always has been. Always will be.

It's why it's so important to understand and recognize our "compound Republic'' (See Federalist #51, by Madison) for what it actually is. And why it is that way.
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Fuentes clearly says " One gets one's MILITIA's Arms from Congress.

He says nothing about an individual's right to bear arms.

I will ask again, are you part of a Militia approved by the Congress of the United States of America? Can one create a Militia in the USA without Congress approval?
Goddamn you are an idiot. The stupid sonofbitches spends his entire talk saying the Second is controlled by the Federal government through the militia clause and you are denying it.

Either you are deliberately being a dishonest Moon Bat idiot or you did not watch the video and don't know what the asshole was saying.
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All three of those definitions applied to the 2nd Amendment as written by the framers. They wanted the population to be armed - with weapons of war - so we could repel any invasion without the wastefulness of a large standing army. They absolutely want the possibility of rebellion to exist, because the knew that good governments fear their people, not the other way around, and there was the general definition of people who can be called up. Allowing and encouraging them to bear arms was essential.
Right. But only Congress can create and regulate those Militias, set up to fight back against Foreign Invaders.

What you are proposing is that any people who do not like their government can create Militias, arm themselves and revolt against that government.

That is called An Insurrection. And if one simply disagrees with one government and wants to bring it down, it is a Coup.

People before the 20th century, needed arms to protect their lives and their property. It was not a matter of fighting a foreign government, as with the American Revolution.

Is there a need for non Congressionally approved Militias, like the National Guard, in present days?
Goddamn you are an idiot. The stupid sonofbitches spends his entire talk saying the Second is controlled by the Federal government through the militia clause and you are denying it.

Either you are deliberately being a dishonest Moon Bat idiot or you did not watch the video and don't know what the asshole was saying.
Or, you only understand things the way you want them to be.

The Army is approved by the Government.
The National Guard, is approved by the Government.

Can anyone in the US create a Militia?

The right of bearing arms is different from the right to start a Militia.

And that is what the guy in the video explains, but there are many like you who do not care to understand it.

Tough to understand it while being proud of the Confederate Flag, which was nothing more than treason towards the US.

That way, any and all Militias not approved by the US Congress would be ok with you and all who continue to embrace that flag.

Again, All have the right to bear arms. 2nd Amendment.

No one has the right to create a Militia, arm themselves and try to take down the government simply because they do not like anything that government represents.

There are elections to change governments. Armed Militias are not it.
Or, you only understand things the way you want them to be.

The Army is approved by the Government.
The National Guard, is approved by the Government.

Can anyone in the US create a Militia?

The right of bearing arms is different from the right to start a Militia.

And that is what the guy in the video explains, but there are many like you who do not care to understand it.

Tough to understand it while being proud of the Confederate Flag, which was nothing more than treason towards the US.

That way, any and all Militias not approved by the US Congress would be ok with you and all who continue to embrace that flag.

Again, All have the right to bear arms. 2nd Amendment.

No one has the right to create a Militia, arm themselves and try to take down the government simply because they do not like anything that government represents.

There are elections to change governments. Armed Militias are not it.
so if the people in control of the government work outside their authority and start selling the country out to the highest bidder the people cant do anything about it??
Or, you only understand things the way you want them to be.

The Army is approved by the Government.
The National Guard, is approved by the Government.

Can anyone in the US create a Militia?

The right of bearing arms is different from the right to start a Militia.

And that is what the guy in the video explains, but there are many like you who do not care to understand it.

Tough to understand it while being proud of the Confederate Flag, which was nothing more than treason towards the US.

That way, any and all Militias not approved by the US Congress would be ok with you and all who continue to embrace that flag.

Again, All have the right to bear arms. 2nd Amendment.

No one has the right to create a Militia, arm themselves and try to take down the government simply because they do not like anything that government represents.

There are elections to change governments. Armed Militias are not it.

What "guys like me" understand is that the Second Amendment is an individual right and has no connection to any membership in any organization. That understanding is backed up by three major Supreme Court cases that affirmed that right. That is the law of the land.

What you stupid uneducated Moon Bat think is that the filthy ass government has the right to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms and that is absolutely wrong.

That moron in the video is a typical confused uneducated Moon Bat that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about what he is talking about. Typical for a stupid Democrat.

By the way. I have the avatar of the Confederate flag to trigger you hate filled Moon Bat idiots. Thanks for playing.
The problem with the quislings in that propaganda video there in the OP is that they, as usual, proof text rather than explore what they're reading in its entirety.
Actually he did the opposite of what you claim. He looked to the original constitution (before any amendments) to see how "militia" was intended to be defined. He looked to the powers of congress over the militia (Article I)
The thread is just an hour old and already it's full of rightwing demagoguery and lies.
Ever heard of elections? That is what Democracies do all the time.
if that works then fine,, but as we see thats not always going to work when you have two private organizations in control of the government,,

so I ask again,, if the people in government work outside their authority and start rounding people up for opposing their actions can the people rise up against them??
What "guys like me" understand is that the Second Amendment is an individual right and has no connection to any membership in any organization. That understanding is backed up by three major Supreme Court cases that affirmed that right. That is the law of the land.

What you stupid uneducated Moon Bat think is that the filthy ass government has the right to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms and that is absolutely wrong.

That moron in the video is a typical confused uneducated Moon Bat that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about what he is talking about. Typical for a stupid Democrat.

By the way. I have the avatar of the Confederate flag to trigger you hate filled Moon Bat idiots. Thanks for playing.

YOU have the right to bear arms.

The Government is NOT infringing in any of your rights, NONE, to buy and keep your weapons.

You have the confederate flag because you think like a confederate. Backwards.

AGAIN: You and other Americans have the right to buy and keep weapons as per the 2nd Amendment.

I have not said ANYTHING different from that.
Can anyone in the US create a Militia?

The right of bearing arms is different from the right to start a Militia.

And that is what the guy in the video explains, but there are many like you who do not care to understand it.
Anyone can start a militia, or an army, or anything else. BUT, they would not be a militia or an army as defined by the US Constitution.

Example: The KISS Army, is not actually an army, it doesn't qualify as an army under the constitution

But the 1st amendment lets you call anything, by any name you want.

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