A white nationalist posted Dr Ford's home address

Do you enjoy being wrong. Never voted for him. I enjoy watching mental pigmies like you throw out the trump supporter reference hoping that it changes the subject away from your ignorant statements. Keep it up. Your hypocrisy is still on record.
You spend all your time here defending him and attacking his opposition. Don’t deny it.
Wrong. I attack all stupid statements. Unfortunately I spend an exceptional amount of time attacking yours. Keep up the trump stuff. That wasn’t the basis of the original conversation. You brought it up, not me.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
This shit with Kavanaugh....more fodder that the level of division needs to increase 100 fold and it cant come soon enough. People in the right need a few more switches triggered, that's all. Hopefully the coming crap into the mid-terms launches the real pushback on the right.....tens of millions can only hope!:popcorn:

Time to 'own da libs', amirite?
Lol! Sounds like a fool proof plan... Unless someone can conjure up more than one car...
That’s not even getting to the part where one has to convince a police force that their plight is worth the communities time and money... It ain’t like calling an Uber...

They had death threats. Their email was hacked. They were doxed. You bet the cops would protect them, particularly involving a story that was breaking nationally.
It still wouldn’t keep a determined set of people from following them. As for the death threats... I’d have to see it to believe it. We’re already dealing with one baseless accusation by this woman that she can’t back up. No need to compound them now...
You spend all your time here defending him and attacking his opposition. Don’t deny it.
Wrong. I attack all stupid statements. Unfortunately I spend an exceptional amount of time attacking yours. Keep up the trump stuff. That wasn’t the basis of the original conversation. You brought it up, not me.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
I rightfully compared your alt-right movement to ISIS and then you crapped your pants over Maxine Waters for some reason. Really stupid, Steven.
Lol! Sounds like a fool proof plan... Unless someone can conjure up more than one car...
That’s not even getting to the part where one has to convince a police force that their plight is worth the communities time and money... It ain’t like calling an Uber...

They had death threats. Their email was hacked. They were doxed. You bet the cops would protect them, particularly involving a story that was breaking nationally.
So she says. She isn’t very credible
Wrong. I attack all stupid statements. Unfortunately I spend an exceptional amount of time attacking yours. Keep up the trump stuff. That wasn’t the basis of the original conversation. You brought it up, not me.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
I rightfully compared your alt-right movement to ISIS and then you crapped your pants over Maxine Waters for some reason. Really stupid, Steven.
It’s not my movement. Nobody crapped there pants. I’m simply stating Maxine supports the same harassment. Who is Steven?
Typical left wing tactic. Pretend to be a white supremacist and do something outrageous so everyone can be "outraged". They can't get Ford to testify so they need to provide an excuse for her. This is the excuse. They're hoping it will generate sympathy for their "victim" to get some public support for her. It's just one desperate attempt after the next with these people. It's ok because it's all about to come crashing down on them when the declassification of the FISA documents expose their corruption. Their days are numbered.
Lol! Sounds like a fool proof plan... Unless someone can conjure up more than one car...
That’s not even getting to the part where one has to convince a police force that their plight is worth the communities time and money... It ain’t like calling an Uber...

They had death threats. Their email was hacked. They were doxed. You bet the cops would protect them, particularly involving a story that was breaking nationally.
It still wouldn’t keep a determined set of people from following them. As for the death threats... I’d have to see it to believe it. We’re already dealing with one baseless accusation by this woman that she can’t back up. No need to compound them now...

95% - YES it would
The cockroaches would have scattered at the mere arrival of the cops.
Law enforcement does not normally release specifics on death threats - It merely encourages other loons.
Wrong. I attack all stupid statements. Unfortunately I spend an exceptional amount of time attacking yours. Keep up the trump stuff. That wasn’t the basis of the original conversation. You brought it up, not me.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
I rightfully compared your alt-right movement to ISIS and then you crapped your pants over Maxine Waters for some reason. Really stupid, Steven.

LoL - I marveled at that idiocy as well! :lol:
Typical left wing tactic. Pretend to be a white supremacist and do something outrageous so everyone can be "outraged".

You mad that they didn't post the link and send people over to some racist idiot stalker's Twit feed bro?
Wrong. I attack all stupid statements. Unfortunately I spend an exceptional amount of time attacking yours. Keep up the trump stuff. That wasn’t the basis of the original conversation. You brought it up, not me.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
I rightfully compared your alt-right movement to ISIS and then you crapped your pants over Maxine Waters for some reason. Really stupid, Steven.
Should have been statements not Steven. I phone in an uber. Not a good idea.
Next you’ll say this Nazi twitter account isn’t owned by a Trump voter :rolleyes:
It probably is. What’s your fucking point? You really aren’t to bright.
That all you do is in support of the dotard.
You don’t have good comprehension. I attack stupid Stevens’s and hypocracy. It’s not my fault you top the list. Let’s go back to your original statement and my retort. It wasn’t about trump.
I rightfully compared your alt-right movement to ISIS and then you crapped your pants over Maxine Waters for some reason. Really stupid, Steven.

LoL - I marveled at that idiocy as well! :lol:
I’m sure you marvel at airplanes
She already moved her family out and is in hiding herself. This is sick, but it's how things go these days, I guess. I wonder if Anita Hill had to do this.
I dont care which does this it is absolutely wrong! :(

Wrong and DANGEROUS. I can't even imagine the horror of finding a gaggle of alt-right loons crawling around outside my house like cockroaches.
Once packed up, I'd have called for a police escort and backup to ensure I wasn't being followed.
it would be the same thing with a bunch of far left loons outside the house....
Typical left wing tactic. Pretend to be a white supremacist and do something outrageous so everyone can be "outraged".

You mad that they didn't post the link and send people over to some racist idiot stalker's Twit feed bro?
That doesn't even make sense. But then I cut you some slack because you're about to see your party go down in flames and you can't think straight. Kavanaugh will be confirmed and there's nothing you limp wristed leftists can do to stop it. But the icing on the cake will be watching you tear your hair out when Trump gets to replace Ginsberg.

None of this happens if Dirtbag Feinstein had not released the Doctors name to the public.

Shame on her.
Typical left wing tactic. Pretend to be a white supremacist and do something outrageous so everyone can be "outraged".

You mad that they didn't post the link and send people over to some racist idiot stalker's Twit feed bro?
That doesn't even make sense. But then I cut you some slack because you're about to see your party go down in flames and you can't think straight. Kavanaugh will be confirmed and there's nothing you limp wristed leftists can do to stop it. But the icing on the cake will be watching you tear your hair out when Trump gets to replace Ginsberg.

You claimed that the racist idiot stalker is someone "pretending to be a be a white supremacist".
Which is goofy - I am certain that they scoured its Twit feed and while one tweet could be fake - pages and pages of them could not.
Besides which, why would a lefty out this lady's home address? That makes your contention even goofier.
I'm an indy not a Dem - but no, Dems will not be going down in flames in 6 weeks.
But Trump has most certainly taken YOUR party to hell in a hand basket!

None of this happens if Dirtbag Feinstein had not released the Doctors name to the public.

Shame on her.

Not gonna give up the ridiculous BS are ya Orangeling? Sad
I wonder if the twitter account belongs to Diane Feinstein?

She sure seems to take a lot of pleasur in putting Dr. Ford through hell.

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