A whole lot of nothing

The states are not the answer, where_r. The people through the elected senators and reps are the answer.

A question FakeyJakey: How do the people get through to "the elected senators and reps" around the lobbyists?
By not letting them, MalarkeyMarion :lol:, get away with fake news.

What?! Please elaborate.
A chimp would understand, so, no, MalarkeyMarion, you just get "not once more."

You made no sense, dipshit. You're dismissed.
And right over to the NCO Club for a root beer.
While House Republicans and President Trump were in the Rose Garden celebrating their health care win, Senate Republicans announced that they wouldn’t be voting on the House bill, but will instead write their own.

The Washington Examiner reported, “Senate Republicans said Thursday they won’t vote on the House-passed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare but will write their own legislation instead.A Senate proposal is now being developed by a 12-member working group. It will attempt to incorporate elements of the House bill, senators said, but will not take up the House bill as a starting point and change it through the amendment process.”

The assumption had long been that Senate Republicans would at least vote on the House bill. Instead, what is going to happen is that the Senate is going to try to pass their own bill with no timeline for passage, and then the House and Senate will need to reconcile their bills into one final bill, which may or may not be able to pass the House and Senate depending on how far to the middle the final bill moves.

Trump’s victory party in the Rose Garden was overblown and premature because Republicans haven’t really accomplished anything. House Republicans passed a bill that could have devastating political consequences for their futures that may never become law.

The House health care bill that Trump was celebrating is already dead.

In its place is who knows what, but the reality is that Trump was celebrating a whole lot of nothing.

ACHA, American Health Care Act, Senate Republicans kill House health care bill, Senate won’t vote on ACHA

Follow Jason Easley on Twitter

While Trump Was Celebrating Senate Republicans Killed The House Health Care Bill added by Jason Easley on Thu, May 4th, 2017

Its along way thru the senate Ed.
While House Republicans and President Trump were in the Rose Garden celebrating their health care win, Senate Republicans announced that they wouldn’t be voting on the House bill, but will instead write their own.

The Washington Examiner reported, “Senate Republicans said Thursday they won’t vote on the House-passed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare but will write their own legislation instead.A Senate proposal is now being developed by a 12-member working group. It will attempt to incorporate elements of the House bill, senators said, but will not take up the House bill as a starting point and change it through the amendment process.”

The assumption had long been that Senate Republicans would at least vote on the House bill. Instead, what is going to happen is that the Senate is going to try to pass their own bill with no timeline for passage, and then the House and Senate will need to reconcile their bills into one final bill, which may or may not be able to pass the House and Senate depending on how far to the middle the final bill moves.

Trump’s victory party in the Rose Garden was overblown and premature because Republicans haven’t really accomplished anything. House Republicans passed a bill that could have devastating political consequences for their futures that may never become law.

The House health care bill that Trump was celebrating is already dead.

In its place is who knows what, but the reality is that Trump was celebrating a whole lot of nothing.

ACHA, American Health Care Act, Senate Republicans kill House health care bill, Senate won’t vote on ACHA

Follow Jason Easley on Twitter

While Trump Was Celebrating Senate Republicans Killed The House Health Care Bill added by Jason Easley on Thu, May 4th, 2017

Its along way thru the senate Ed.

It seems apparent to me, the Senate is the biggest problem with America today.

Full of graft, they serve for 6 years.


Term limits and no lobbying or immunity from insider trading laws, prosecution for taking bribes, let's see how long those that are

there want to stick around if that happens.

That's a big if. It will probably take the states coming together to make that happen, but that's what needs to happen.
If they can force us to pay for your healthcare, then they can force us to pay for your abortions. Oh wait...
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

i'm afraid President Trump doesn't know the difference between tactics and strategy.
Andrew Jackson said, "The party that can force the citizens to pay for their own health care is the party than controls the citizens, not the citizens the party."
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

i'm afraid President Trump doesn't know the difference between tactics and strategy.
He knows the frontal assault, nothing else. The brave and foolish 600 rode on.
I can't remember anytime in modern history that the left was in such a freaking tizzy about a bill that was passed in the House and had a long way to go. It's easy to reduce the radical angry left to incoherent chaos these days.
I can't remember anytime in modern history that the left was in such a freaking tizzy about a bill that was passed in the House and had a long way to go. It's easy to reduce the radical angry left to incoherent chaos these days.
The far left is unhappy the bill passed because it means the GOP own national health care, too, and the far left will be forced to share the solution.
I can't remember anytime in modern history that the left was in such a freaking tizzy about a bill that was passed in the House and had a long way to go. It's easy to reduce the radical angry left to incoherent chaos these days.
The far left is unhappy the bill passed because it means the GOP own national health care, too, and the far left will be forced to share the solution.
lol The far left is unhappy with everything. They were unhappy with Obamacare and now they'll be unhappy with the Republican plan. If you weren't unhappy about everything, you just wouldn't fit in in the far left.
tmt, the far left and the far right today are both snowflaking big time.

The GOP Senate majority is rewriting the bill, with goals of saving medicaid, protecting PP, and much more.

We move closer to single payer.
tmt, the far left and the far right today are both snowflaking big time.

The GOP Senate majority is rewriting the bill, with goals of saving medicaid, protecting PP, and much more.

We move closer to single payer.
The Senate bill, after a lot of grandstanding, will look much like the House bill because the House bill doesn't threaten anything consumers now have, it just provides it at the state level instead of the federal level. After a transition period, premiums will fall, the deficit will be reduced and people will once again have the freedom to buy the insurance they want or to choose not to buy any without being threatened by the federal government. There is no rational basis for believing any of this will lead to a single payer plan.
tmt, the far left and the far right today are both snowflaking big time.

The GOP Senate majority is rewriting the bill, with goals of saving medicaid, protecting PP, and much more.

We move closer to single payer.
The Senate bill, after a lot of grandstanding, will look much like the House bill because the House bill doesn't threaten anything consumers now have, it just provides it at the state level instead of the federal level. After a transition period, premiums will fall, the deficit will be reduced and people will once again have the freedom to buy the insurance they want or to choose not to buy any without being threatened by the federal government. There is no rational basis for believing any of this will lead to a single payer plan.

the states can opt out of the 10 essential basic protections should they decide to do so. that very act threatens everything consumers now have.
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

i'm afraid President Trump doesn't know the difference between tactics and strategy.

tmt, the far left and the far right today are both snowflaking big time.

The GOP Senate majority is rewriting the bill, with goals of saving medicaid, protecting PP, and much more.

We move closer to single payer.

The US is never going to single payer because: America!

That and our government is too corrupt.

It may work in Canada, will not work in the US.

The Senate would loot the funds before they get back to the people.

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