A Win For Trump: SCOTUS Rules Illegal Aliens And DACA Dreamers Can Be Detained Indefinitely If Caugh

No they are NOT illegal immigrants, they are not immigrants they are criminals. The Dem party in California just chose an anchor baby from an illegal family to run against Diane Feinstein for her senate seat. The guy said under Trump half his family is at risk of deportation due to massive identify theft and forged documents. That doesn't sound like an immigrant to me, it sounds like a criminal. So we are going to allow an anchor baby from a family of criminals to hold a seat in the U.S. Senate a guy who's loyalties are obviously to Mexico and not to the U.S.? Fuck why not elect a few ISIS leaders to our senate too.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
They are not all criminals . The only crime is entering without going thru customs . Daca kids don’t count and people who overstay have not committed a crime .
They are not all criminals . The only crime is entering without going thru customs . Daca kids don’t count and people who overstay have not committed a crime .

Liar, once here they commit gobs more crimes, identify theft is a crime HELLO.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
No they are NOT illegal immigrants, they are not immigrants they are criminals. The Dem party in California just chose an anchor baby from an illegal family to run against Diane Feinstein for her senate seat. The guy said under Trump half his family is at risk of deportation due to massive identify theft and forged documents. That doesn't sound like an immigrant to me, it sounds like a criminal. So we are going to allow an anchor baby from a family of criminals to hold a seat in the U.S. Senate a guy who's loyalties are obviously to Mexico and not to the U.S.? Fuck why not elect a few ISIS leaders to our senate too.
That anchor baby can be challenged on his citizenship. This would be the perfect time to do it. They are not true citizens. They've subverted the 14th Amendment that was framed strictly to give citizenship to the newly freed slaves.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
That'll fly about as well as gun control.
I asked a semi serious question. Can anyone answer it? It costs $32,000 p/year on average to incarcerate one prisoner. Federal Register :: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration
The detention centers will cost millions. Yes, you can force them to work. What are you going to have them do? Pick your crops? How convenient.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
They can work as laborers on building Trumps beautiful wall. Kind of like Hitler using Jews as laborers to build his secret underground tunnels and facilities to work on his secret V1 Buzz-Bomb and V2 Missile projects.
I wonder how many lib nut jobs have capped themselves today after hearing Trump is running in 2020?
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
That'll fly about as well as gun control.
I asked a semi serious question. Can anyone answer it? It costs $32,000 p/year on average to incarcerate one prisoner. Federal Register :: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration
The detention centers will cost millions. Yes, you can force them to work. What are you going to have them do? Pick your crops? How convenient.
We spent a trillion on welfare last year. 60% of illegal households are receiving welfare. Not to mention the medical and educational resources that could be used for citizens.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
That'll fly about as well as gun control.
I asked a semi serious question. Can anyone answer it? It costs $32,000 p/year on average to incarcerate one prisoner. Federal Register :: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration
The detention centers will cost millions. Yes, you can force them to work. What are you going to have them do? Pick your crops? How convenient.

Jails and incarceration are a huge cost for any society. But we pay it if we want to live under the rule of law.

Maybe for money the federal government could cut some waste.

The all-day summit will teach lesbian and transgender hillbillies how to get subsidies from the government like rural housing loans and "community facility grants." Bullying will also be discussed.”

Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers - Washington Free Beacon
Another case of trumpybear standing on the shoulders of the Great President Obama..........:muahaha:

"The Obama administration appealed to the high court, insisting that Congress — not the courts — has the power to make immigration law and that the law allows the government to detain "criminal and terrorist aliens" as well as "aliens seeking admission to the United States."

The Trump administration continued the case."
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.

they don't care.... it has nothing to do with money. it's all about abusing anyone who isn't a white anglo saxon protestant male. kkk boi is a Nazi. this suits him. he just isn't understanding the ruling in light of DACA because that ruling by the Court did NOT overturn the lower federal court decision.

but kkk boi isn't that bright. he's just disgusting.
This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
That'll fly about as well as gun control.
I asked a semi serious question. Can anyone answer it? It costs $32,000 p/year on average to incarcerate one prisoner. Federal Register :: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration
The detention centers will cost millions. Yes, you can force them to work. What are you going to have them do? Pick your crops? How convenient.

Jails and incarceration are a huge cost for any society. But we pay it if we want to live under the rule of law.

Maybe for money the federal government could cut some waste.

The all-day summit will teach lesbian and transgender hillbillies how to get subsidies from the government like rural housing loans and "community facility grants." Bullying will also be discussed.”

Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers - Washington Free Beacon

we jail people more than almost any other country. that is not a price you pay
Another case of trumpybear standing on the shoulders of the Great President Obama..........:muahaha:

"The Obama administration appealed to the high court, insisting that Congress — not the courts — has the power to make immigration law and that the law allows the government to detain "criminal and terrorist aliens" as well as "aliens seeking admission to the United States."

The Trump administration continued the case."
Right. People all over are killing off the plague that was Obama and his occupation of the white house. Here's another that is dumping that bastards legacy. But you go ahead and pretend. No cares about your lies anymore.

One state pursues 'end of ObamaCare,' setting stage for new fight
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This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
Typical of what liars pushing their own agendas do. Take out a word and the whole original meaning can be screwed to reflect an absolute lie.

This ruling ought to chap the asses of liberals and DACA recipients. Remember, they're illegal and criminal.

And what's with the politically correct title by NPR? They're not immigrants, they're illegal immigrants!
Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely
You mean like in jail? Are you concerned about illegal immigrants getting food stamps and now you're applauding because we're going to keep them incarcerated for a year or more? Do you know how much that costs?
Forget the Wall. You are going to have to build a LOT of detention centers. Good jobs program while it lasts, though.
Old fashion work camps for those caught doing illegal activities in the country or entering the country illegally. What a great idea! Thanks Old Lady
That'll fly about as well as gun control.
I asked a semi serious question. Can anyone answer it? It costs $32,000 p/year on average to incarcerate one prisoner. Federal Register :: Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration
The detention centers will cost millions. Yes, you can force them to work. What are you going to have them do? Pick your crops? How convenient.

Jails and incarceration are a huge cost for any society. But we pay it if we want to live under the rule of law.

Maybe for money the federal government could cut some waste.

The all-day summit will teach lesbian and transgender hillbillies how to get subsidies from the government like rural housing loans and "community facility grants." Bullying will also be discussed.”

Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers - Washington Free Beacon

we jail people more than almost any other country. that is not a price you pay
Most scum like you agree that you want to let criminals free.

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