A Woman Asked How Mike Rowe Could Associate With Glenn Beck. This is How He Responded

Here, let me put it in simple terms for you.

Example A: Mike Rowe and Glenn Beck are TV personalities, who share common political views.

Example B: Barack Obama and Bill Ayers are President and professor slash former domestic terrorist who share common political views.

Now tell me which of these relationships is more innocuous, and which is more disturbing?

That's a good way to put it.

The answer is: unknown. We don't have the requisite info.
We would have to know exactly how each one influenced the other and to what degree the influencee took that influence to heart. And by simple association, there is no way to know that.

Here's another example:
You and I are on this board right now, associating. Does that mean you're a bad influence on my logic? Am I incapable of making my own argument and thus doomed to shift to your position?

Think about it.

We do have the requisite info. You have the wealth and cornucopia of human knowledge known as the "internet" sitting at your fingertips. Obama met Bill Ayers in 1995. So he's known him or about him for almost 20 years. There has been ample time for any of Ayers' influence to rub off on him. Ayers stated personally that while he never knew him on a deeply personal level, he wished to "get to know him better." Obama and Ayers also held a fundraiser together all those years ago.

Obama claimed he didn't know him all that well

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense

However, Ayers has a different story

“We were friendly, that was true; we served on a couple of boards together, that was true; he held a fundraiser in our living room, that was true; Michelle [Obama] and Bernardine were at the law firm together, that was true. Hyde Park in Chicago is a tiny neighborhood, so when he said I was ‘a guy around the neighborhood,’ that was true.”

There. I provided some requisite information to back up my "guilt by association" claim.

No, you didn't. And we can reduce it to this right here:

There has been ample time for any of Ayers' influence to rub off on him.

You're making the leap that simply because there has been "ample time" for something to happen, therefore it is presumed to have happened. Or to put it in your own words, and "appeal to coincidence fallacy". Not to mention you're timeshifting.

This is why I say you're not going to get far in law with thinking like this. You've drawn a conclusion without a basis. Case not proven.

Now is there some special reason you didn't want to touch the second example?
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I absolutely looove how people like you, Pogo, and nodog are purposefully misinterpreting my thread.

I said nowhere that Ms. Walsh violated his First Amendment rights. I said she needs to acknowledge that fact, for she has that same exact right of her own.

You stated: "According to the First Amendment, Mr. Rowe here has the right to freely associate with whom he pleases without fear of reprisal ..."

There is no such First Amendment protection from reprisal comments from any citizen period. She has every right to speak her mind. I'm glad to see Mike isn't thin skinned too. Good for him.

My argument was that she needed to acknowledge that fact. Somehow she doesn't like him associating with Glenn Beck. So what? He isn't a terrorist or a murderer like Bill Ayers. Obama was literally shielded from his past ties. So there you have it.

Just like you, ElRushbo, Hannity and Beck all have the right to accuse Professor Ayers of Murder, this woman has every right to express her opinion of Beck and Rowe association with him.
The OP apparently believes that it's wrong to judge people by their associations if he agrees with their associates. If he personally disagrees with their associates .... well that's just fine.

Pure hypocrisy - PERIOD.
Glenn Beck's outrageous and anti-American rants are far worse thamn anything Rev. Wright ever said.

Please tell me what's outrageous or anti American about the following:

1) The Constitution
2) Nonviolent political involvement
3) Encouraging people to study history
4) Working together with people to build a better country through virtuous living and private service.

I'd love to hear what you have to say.
glen beck claims

Newt Gingrich referenced an old claim spread by conservative commentator Glenn Beck about supposed White House "czars," saying he would "abolish all the White House czars" his first day in [...]
Click here to read more
Czar Search

September 25, 2009
Q: Does Obama have an unprecedented number of "czars"?
A: "Czar" is media lingo, not an official title. But our research shows that George Bush’s administration had more "czars" than the Obama administration.

Cash for Clunkers
August 10, 2009
Q: Fox News’ Glenn Beck said that the government will get complete access to your computer and all of your files when you log on to Cars.gov for the Cash for Clunkers program. Is there any truth to this?
A: This claim is false. Beck quoted from a security message on the site for dealers, not the site for the general public.
those are just a few go and look for your self
here are more of his lies
Says Allen West helped thwart a terrorist plot by shooting a gun in the direction of an Iraqi detainee, then reported the incident to his superior and said it was wrong.

Glenn Beck

Misinformed outrage
Says Michelle Obama has 43 people on her staff; Nancy Reagan had just 3.

Glenn Beck

Quoting a member; spokesmen said otherwise
The Muslim Brotherhood has "openly stated they want to declare war on Israel."

Glenn Beck

Roots yes, but now rivals
Many of the 9/11 conspirators came from the Muslim Brotherhood, including Osama bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Glenn Beck

Pesky things like facts won't mess up his good story
"This town (Wilmington, Ohio) hasn’t taken any money from the government. They don’t want any money from the government."

Glenn Beck

He's right
"The federal government is now on track" for the second-largest budget deficit "in 65 years."

Glenn Beck

Lincoln Memorial is open for biz - and rallies
"The government is trying to now close the Lincoln Memorial for any kind of large gatherings."

Glenn Beck

Beck's count on census is flawed
"The 2000 Census cost $4.5 billion. The 2010 Census is set to cost up to $14.5 billion."

Glenn Beck

More Americans agree with Beck
"Sixty-four percent of Americans support the Arizona immigration law.''

Glenn Beck

People didn't live as long back then
"When Social Security started, age expectancy for the average man was 58. It was 62 -- 62 for women."

Glenn Beck

Only if you eliminate the final third of FDR's presidency
Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.

Glenn Beck

Off by one president
"Thomas Jefferson created the Marines for the Islamic pirates that were happening."

Glenn Beck

Chile's economy has grown, but Beck's rankings are off
Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.

Glenn Beck

Only if you use incomplete, outdated data
Labor union president Andy Stern is "the most frequent visitor" at the White House.

Glenn Beck

Most of them do, to varying degrees
Less than 10 percent of Obama's Cabinet appointees "have any experience in the private sector."

Glenn Beck

No public option for Bo
"In the health care bill, we're now offering insurance for dogs."

Glenn Beck

It's the economy, actually
"Mitt Romney ... gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state" of Massachusetts.

Glenn Beck

A questionable assertion based on questionable data
Forty-five percent of doctors "say they'll quit" if health care reform passes.

Glenn Beck

Three decades of flu shots since then without problems
"You don't know if this (the H1N1 vaccine) is gonna cause neurological damage like it did in the 1970s."

Glenn Beck

"Was," not "is"
Van Jones "is an avowed, self-avowed radical revolutionary communist."
The OP apparently believes that it's wrong to judge people by their associations if he agrees with their associates. If he personally disagrees with their associates .... well that's just fine.

Pure hypocrisy - PERIOD.

Really? Then why weren't republicans allowed to do the same to Obama during the two presidential elections? The mainstream media literally shielded him because they feared the association that such a connection would draw.

Yes, you are the hypocrite, not I. Normally, I don't make a habit of associating with terrorists. And frankly, nor should the president. Naturally, one relationship would seem more innocuous than the other.
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"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?"
- Glenn Beck

So much for the never advocated violence line hmmmmmm
You stated: "According to the First Amendment, Mr. Rowe here has the right to freely associate with whom he pleases without fear of reprisal ..."

There is no such First Amendment protection from reprisal comments from any citizen period. She has every right to speak her mind. I'm glad to see Mike isn't thin skinned too. Good for him.

My argument was that she needed to acknowledge that fact. Somehow she doesn't like him associating with Glenn Beck. So what? He isn't a terrorist or a murderer like Bill Ayers. Obama was literally shielded from his past ties. So there you have it.

Just like you, ElRushbo, Hannity and Beck all have the right to accuse Professor Ayers of Murder, this woman has every right to express her opinion of Beck and Rowe association with him.

Did I say she didn't? Where are you deriving these contrived arguments from? People under Ayers influence did commit murder, by the way, such as the 1991 Brinks Robbery, and the Bombing of Fort Dix. So there you have it.
Mike Rowe has willingly done jobs that get one dirty, therefore those jobs are intolerable for liberals, who not only don't want dirty jobs, but don't want any jobs at all. And why should they? As long as there is an unending supply of welfare and unlimited food stamps, - paid for by the same hard working people who are reviled by liberals - why should they bother to do anything useful for a wage?

Glenn Beck had more dirt and scum and slime and filth thrown at him than Mike Rowe has ever acquired doing, voluntarily, the jobs that hard-working ordinary Americans do, for which they earn the title of "rednecks" and "tea baggers" from the oh-so-loving-and-tolerant liberals.

And let us not forget, that Glenn Beck never did and never would refer to the Obama children the same way as the liberals referred to the children of Sarah Palin, including the Downs Syndrome baby, while forgetting to give credit to the son who served in the military.

If I were a liberal, I would call those who disagree with me the same or similar names they call those who disagree with them, sprinkled - needless to say - with generous amounts of vulgar profanity that only a liberal or an immature fourteen-year-old could be proud of, but I would not, because it is just simply not in my DNA or genetic make-up.

Mike Rowe and Glenn Beck are a natural alliance of basic human decency, hard-working ambition, success through adversity, overcoming odds making money without an ounce of government help.

Nothing could spawn envy, jealousy and hatred in liberal hearts more than that.
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Looking for the person who claimed Beck has never endorsed violence to admit he/she is dead wrong.

In light of this quote:

"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?"
- Glenn Beck
This Glenn Beck is one great American, huh?

"When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005
This Glenn Beck is one great American, huh?

"When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005

That is great where Wright quoting someone on Fox news saying "chickens coming home" to roost is terrible.

See the pattern....A dem does it its terrible and no explanation is accepted. A repub does it and suddenly explanations are good and just.

That's what you call principles ladies and gentlemen
To me wanting to stop the wanton slaughter of millions of Asians and thousand of Americans is a virtue. Sell conspiracy theories to make a few bucks, not so virtuous.

But to each his own I guess.

We know what you're about..

{Ayers stated, "I'm not so much against the war as I am for a Vietnamese victory," and "I'm not so much for peace as for a U.S. defeat."

In 1970, Ayers explained what the Weather Underground was all about: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."[5] }

William Ayers - Conservapedia

Got proof he said that?

Most of the conservapedia links to their references don't work. Well except for the one to the WND opinion piece......which is typical.

Here is their Declaration.

Pacifica Radio/KPFA/UC Berkeley Library: Other Social Activist Movements & Activities Social Activism Sound Recording Project: Anti-Vietnam War Protests, Berkeley and San Franciso: Weathermen - First Communique, July 31, 1970
This thread is a good reminder of why we would all be better off if liberals and conservatives each had their own country.
"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?"
- Glenn Beck

So much for the never advocated violence line hmmmmmm

Making a habit of taking things out of context aren't we?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctwqnkWdCJg]Glenn Beck threatens to kill Michael Moore - YouTube[/ame]
William Ayers

What? Care to expound on this? Just don't throw out random names of underground terrorists without explaining their relevance! Thank you!

The wingnuts were all over Obama in 2008 because he once attended a tea at the home of Bill Ayers. (Who used to be a member of the Weather Underground and who is now a professor emeritus at the University of Chicago.)

We had 24-7 coverage and analysis. And every wingnut on these boards was vilifying Obama. I'm glad to hear you denounce such behavior.

(I apologize for assuming you had been paying attention to the 2008 campaign)

He did a lot more than have tea at his house once, and he played it down by saying he was just "A guy who lives in my neighborhood."

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