A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

those are just words dumbass,,


Just when I think that people cannot get any dumber on this forum one of you goes and proves me wrong.

They are not just words, they are the very basis our country was founded upon, it is from that point of view that all things came about.
What is this obsession with other peoples sex life? We have laws already in place to protect. Everything else is personal & private.

Just when I think that people cannot get any dumber on this forum one of you goes and proves me wrong.

They are not just words, they are the very basis our country was founded upon, it is from that point of view that all things came about.
I was talking about murder not life you stupid fuck,,

why do you idiots keep switching the context mid stream??
Not stupid at all.

Are you claiming conservatives/republicans tried to mind their own business?

By opposing same sex marriage? Shall I list other issues too?
when the Catholic Church used to help rule countries (worked with monarchs) moral laws were implemented... Hey, kinda like Moses and other Godly leaders..

Then when the Godless liberals came on the scene, it was all about freedom, READ License... They twisted the notion of freedom to make it the freedom to do whatever one's animalistic nature said to do.. which is bondage, not freedom

And today we see the terrible results..
What I meant was marriage occurs in every culture not just Christians.
According to this, same sex marriages have occurred in some cultures:

Taken from off your linked website:
"no documentation or evidence of same-sex marriage exists"

Look, its not an attack against gays, everyone has a choice to live however they want more or less, just the fact that there is no solid grounds for believing that same sex couples were ever considered "married" by any culture I know of, until the left started that stuff a few years ago in deference to all protests from religious groups.

So gays only have themselves to blame now for some of the hostility and resistance meted their way.
I'm a lifelong Christian and I disagree. Marriage is only a word.

Wow, some christian you must be. The act of marriage was carried out in church before God to signify a union between man and wive for procreation, for the protection of the specials both morally and otherwise. Since the homosexual act is not pure in the eyes of God and is considered sin and a perversion, the church cannot rightly approve of same sex unions! Period.

So if you think differently or your church does, then all I can say is now you know why so much religion and christianity is dying. Religion is something you either take on its terms or not at all.
Fuck your version of Christianity. It can eat a fat dick. When you Christian warriors bend our knees instead of us bending yours then you can make demands. Until then, suck it.

Looks like you are already good at bending a knee, getting down there and sucking dicks. But if bending knees is all you understand then you won't complain then when yours gets BENT.
Looks like you are already good at bending a knee, getting down there and sucking dicks. But if bending knees is all you understand then you won't complain then when yours gets BENT.
I'm not gay but I do have a gay brother and I'm more than happy to see you cucks broken on his behalf. The difference between me and you is I have no problem calling you the enemy and advocating for your subjugation. That's because I'm on the side of righteousness. 😁 I have no fear of you bending my knee because you pussies don't have any fight in you. You don't even have the balls to be honest what it is you're fighting about. As long as you're going to be a pussy about it I have no reason to fear you. 😁
I'm not gay but I do have a gay brother and I'm more than happy to see you cucks broken on his behalf.
Don't hold your breath waiting for it.

The difference between me and you is I have no problem calling you the enemy and advocating for your subjugation.
Obviously because you are a fascist.

That's because I'm on the side of righteousness.
Because you're a goddam Marxist asshole who believes all must comport with YOUR ideology.

I have no fear of you bending my knee because you pussies don't have any fight in you.
You go right on believing that moron.

You don't even have the balls to be honest what it is you're fighting about.
Sure. WE are fighting to preserve the USA as intended by our founders and traditions to NOT become just another commie scumbag globalist hellhole.

As long as you're going to be a pussy about it I have no reason to fear you.
Thank you. You just gave me license to stop at nothing to defeat you. And by the looks of it, we already have taken a large bite out of defeating you. :auiqs.jpg:
Don't hold your breath waiting for it.
You already have been. You're entire life all you've been doing is losing political and social ground.
Obviously because you are a fascist.
Because you're a goddam Marxist asshole who believes all must comport with YOUR ideology.
You go right on believing that moron.
I will. All I see from your side is pussy. Wake me when you lot find your balls.
Sure. WE are fighting to preserve the USA as intended by our founders and traditions to NOT become just another commie scumbag globalist hellhole.
The Founders? 😄

This hasn't been a white ethno slave state for quite some time.
Thank you. You just gave me license to stop at nothing to defeat you. And by the looks of it, we already have taken a large bite out of defeating you. :auiqs.jpg:
Ask yourself whether gays have more social and political standing today than they did 10-20 years ago and whether the same can be said about Confederate and Founder Idolaters? 😄
No need, WB, you just proved his case without even realizing it.

Gays don't need to get "married," they had legal civil unions already available, but they just had to force it being called a "marriage" just to again stick it right in the eye of 70% of the country already tired of having their sensibilities trampled.

It's worse than that! A whole bunch of us out here COULDN'T CARE LESS IF THEY WANT TO CALL IT "MARRIAGE"!

Imagine that! A world full of people who simply....don't care about that which terrifies you!

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