A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

They should be allowed to, the Constitution only says that the Govt cannot do so.

Nice Constitutional reference and an example of how our Founders understood Classical Liberalism.
They couldn't fix everything ... But they could fix it as far as the Federal Government was concerned.


I don't think marriage is any of the government's business, but they didn't stop there....​

You can take government out of the marriage business. But then, that would put marriage into the sole hands of the church.

And do you want the church to manage your estate?​
Race and color are natural human characteristics. Wanting to marry someone of your own gender is more of a sexual dysfunction, which isn't really protected by law.

How can you say what a natural human characteristics, from what aren't. There are far more gays, then there are albino's. Would you call an albino an abomination? Cast them from society. Stone them?

You can take government out of the marriage business. But then, that would put marriage into the sole hands of the church.

And do you want the church to manage your estate?​

I am not attempting to ... You are attempting to make marriage the Federal Government's business and have succeeded so far.

I am not asking the Church to do anything ...
I am asking the Federal Government to stay out people's business when they haven't been granted the Power to manage the individual's affairs.

The constitution also says that the government can make laws and rules to make us a more perfect union. To promote the general welfare.

Homosexuals have a higher than normal incidence of AIDS, Monkeypox, Hepatitis, drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. The government should outlaw same-sex marriage, in order to promote the general welfare.
Homosexuals have a higher than normal incidence of AIDS, Monkeypox, Hepatitis, drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. The government should outlaw same-sex marriage, in order to promote the general welfare.

Actually encouraging gay people to have a marriage like monogamous relationship would solve almost all of those problems.
Same God, different attitude.

Do you accept or reject that God had changed the rules?

I accept that most of the rules in the Bible were never meant for wide consumption. Most were given to a specific group of people at a specific time and were never meant to be applied universally across all people and all ages
Jesus said that He didn't come to do away with the Old Testament. He came to fulfill it.

Matthew 5:17.
In almost all cases the phrases used in the Beatitudes are familiar from an Old Testament context, but in the sermon Jesus gives them new meaning. Together, the Beatitudes present a new set of ideals that focus on love and humility rather than force and mastery; they echo the highest ideals of Jesus' teachings on spirituality and compassion

Just like Patti LaBelle would say "I got a new attitude"

I am not attempting to ... You are attempting to make marriage the Federal Government's business and have succeeded so far.

I am not asking the Church to do anything ...
I am asking the Federal Government to stay out people's business when they haven't been granted the Power to manage the individual's affairs.

You must realize, the purpose of marriage as a recognized covenant is to formalize the rights of heirs, the obligations of parents.
If you think a gay couple who gets married is only concerned about butt fucking, you are too lost for words. Why do straight people get married? For sex? No. Because they love someone and want to spend the rest of their lives with them. For gays it is exactly the same.\

And BTW, I have been married twice. And I had anal sex with both wives.


TMI bru.....tmi
Homosexuals have a higher than normal incidence of AIDS, Monkeypox, Hepatitis, drug abuse, spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. The government should outlaw same-sex marriage, in order to promote the general welfare.
Let's get rid of the word "marriage" altogether. Stay out of people's bedrooms it's not anyone's business.
Next you will want prohibition back. Good luck with that. americans are overworked and sick of the 9 to 5. They need an escape.
You must realize, the purpose of marriage as a recognized covenant is to formalize the rights of heirs, the obligations of parents.

Anyone can write a Will, and if Parents need to be reminded of, or forced into their obligations, I feel sorry for their kids.
The Constitution still doesn't put that in the hands of the Federal Government.

The constitution also says that the government can make laws and rules to make us a more perfect union. To promote the general welfare.
Totally incorrect: General Welfare

The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." This clause, called the General Welfare Clause or the Spending Power Clause, does not grant Congress the power to legislate for the general welfare of the country; that is a power reserved to the states through the TENTH AMENDMENT. Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare. The principle underlying this distinction—the limitation of federal power—eventually inspired the only important disagreement over the meaning of the clause."

Read more: General Welfare - Federal, Court, Congress, and Spending - JRank Articles General Welfare

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