A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

because in this country the people are the government and you got me involved,,,

now you see the problems with not leaving people alone,,, and by extension a democracy,, dont get mad when your idea fails since you wanted me involved, you should have left me alone,,
How about minding your own business. No one is forcing you to get a government marriage license.
Yes, that is the problem... I'd love to give everyone an inch, mind my own business and go about my own life, but as soon as I give an inch, they take a mile. Berfore I know it, they are trying to take away everything I know, my whole world, everything I grew up on to where my parent's getting together and having my family is no different from or better than two pigs rutting, and by the way the left railed about RvW being turned back to the individual states because it might get in their way of having easy, fast, and cheap abortions, I may not be too far from the truth.
So you don't mind your own business because........others? Sad excuse making for your own voyeurism.
No, I do not. The US is not a democracy. Not sure who "you people" refers to, but I am not in favor of mob rule when it comes to individual rights and freedoms.

In many cases, the majority was never in favor of changes we now see as positive. A perfect example was the Civil Rights movement and desegregation of the south. At no time were the majority of people living in the south in favor of desegregation. But it happened anyway.
One more think the MAGA-right is unhappy about.
By whom, Nazi wannabe guy?

You're talking I should be hunted relentlessly, but you're gonna claim you're for free speech? I don't think so. Fuck You.
My relatives and even my friend's relatives actually killed Nazis, motherfucker. If you wanna test what America has and wanna push the limits like that? You're going to have a bad time, little commie booger. Some of us actually have the guns taken from dead Nazis that were killed by Americans, boy.
Some might even have MG42s, which may or may not be better than American M249..truthfully I think it was.
So why have you joined them?
Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.
Fuck your version of Christianity. It can eat a fat dick. When you Christian warriors bend our knees instead of us bending yours then you can make demands. Until then, suck it. 😝
In your perversion mind, but not all agree.

Who gives a fuck if you agree, nobody is asking you to marry someone of the same sex.

Not all agree that people should be allowed to marry between races, yet we allow that as well.

You live your life and let them live theirs.
Who gives a fuck if you agree, nobody is asking you to marry someone of the same sex.

Not all agree that people should be allowed to marry between races, yet we allow that as well.

You live your life and let them live theirs.

A marriage is defined as "A holy union between one man and one woman."

Men or women "marrying" each other is not a marriage in the eyes of God. It is an aberration and a sin.

They're free to live their lives and call themselves "married", but they're only living together.
Who gives a fuck if you agree, nobody is asking you to marry someone of the same sex.

Not all agree that people should be allowed to marry between races, yet we allow that as well.

You live your life and let them live theirs.

Well, first off…marriage isn’t the sole property of Christians and wanting to marry isn’t shoving anything down anyone’s throat. It’s a couples own personal business.

But the bakery is the sole property of the baker ... Mind your own business.

A marriage is defined as "A holy union between one man and one woman."

Men or women "marrying" each other is not a marriage in the eyes of God. It is an aberration and a sin.

They're free to live their lives and call themselves "married", but they're only living together.

We do not base the laws of our country on the words of a ancient religious text. Nobody gives a fuck if it is a sin or not. They are free to be married because we are not a theocracy.
Who gives a fuck if you agree, nobody is asking you to marry someone of the same sex.

Not all agree that people should be allowed to marry between races, yet we allow that as well.

You live your life and let them live theirs.
Freedom means everyone is free to do what they want, AS LONG AS, their freedom doesn't infringe on the freedoms of others.

A gay marriage in no way effects a straight marriage. Just like if you choose to ride an electric bike, no way effects their right to ride a traditional pedal bicycle.

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