A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

So why not mind your own business and let them mind theirs and get married?

Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.
Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.
They're never satisfied. Total destruction of the traditional Christian American family is the goal.
Which is the same as other marriages. So, why aren’t you minding your own business?
because in this country the people are the government and you got me involved,,,

now you see the problems with not leaving people alone,,, and by extension a democracy,, dont get mad when your idea fails since you wanted me involved, you should have left me alone,,
No, it isn't the same. Butt fucking isn't marriage.

If you think a gay couple who gets married is only concerned about butt fucking, you are too lost for words. Why do straight people get married? For sex? No. Because they love someone and want to spend the rest of their lives with them. For gays it is exactly the same.\

And BTW, I have been married twice. And I had anal sex with both wives.
Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.

Well, first off…marriage isn’t the sole property of Christians and wanting to marry isn’t shoving anything down anyone’s throat. It’s a couples own personal business.
If you think a gay couple who gets married is only concerned about butt fucking, you are too lost for words. Why do straight people get married? For sex? No. Because they love someone and want to spend the rest of their lives with them. For gays it is exactly the same.\

And BTW, I have been married twice. And I had anal sex with both wives.
Anal sex is one of the unhealthiest things you can do. The only marriage is a male and female. Sorry, that's reality.
Anal sex is one of the unhealthiest things you can do. The only marriage is a male and female. Sorry, that's reality.

No, that is incorrect. Marriage in the US is also female and female or male and male. You may not like it. But those are the facts.

And this is far from the first time in history that same sex couples have been able to marry.
No, that is incorrect. Marriage in the US is also female and female or male and male. You may not like it. But those are the facts.

And this is far from the first time in history that same sex couples have been able to marry.
I understand perversion is now legal. However, millions of Americans believe marriage is a male and female. Those are also the facts.
And this is far from the first time in history that same sex couples have been able to marry.
Yes, this is indeed the first time ever.

Well, excepting two Roman emperors who were totally insane.
"... an Emperor would never legally marry a slave. There were some cases, however, that the Emperor role-played doing so. The most famous cases are Nero and Elagabalus.

Nero made a castrated slave, Sporus, be his ‘wife’. Allegedly, Sporus reminded Nero of his recently deceased wife, Poppaea Sabina.

The second example, Elagabalus, according to historical sources was very feminine. Modern authors speculate that Elagabalus was actually transexual. According to the Historia Augusta — a non-reliable source — he had a “husband” in Hierocles, a charioteer. More reliable sources, such as Dio Cassius, claim Elagabalus had a very “deviant sexual life.”
They're never satisfied. Total destruction of the traditional Christian American family is the goal.
Yes, that is the problem... I'd love to give everyone an inch, mind my own business and go about my own life, but as soon as I give an inch, they take a mile. Berfore I know it, they are trying to take away everything I know, my whole world, everything I grew up on to where my parent's getting together and having my family is no different from or better than two pigs rutting, and by the way the left railed about RvW being turned back to the individual states because it might get in their way of having easy, fast, and cheap abortions, I may not be too far from the truth.

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