A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.
I'm a lifelong Christian and I disagree. If one believes in freedom, then one doesn't care if two consenting adults get married. If it's this much of an issue then I fully support getting rid of the word marriage and calling them all unions. Marriage is only a word. And since marriages are slowly decreasing perhaps it will take care of itself. Good riddens.
What I meant was marriage occurs in every culture not just Christians. It has also included polygamy and polyandry so no, not just two people.

According to this, same sex marriages have occurred in some cultures:

There is history of recorded same-sex unions around the world.[3] Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned relationships to highly ritualized unions.

Same-sex unions were known in Ancient Greece and Rome,[3] ancient Mesopotamia,[4] in some regions of China, such as Fujian province, and at certain times in ancient European history.[5]

So did interracial marriage at one time. Currently, 71% support same sex marriage, that’s a majority.

That preeminent faith doesn’t get to define life for the rest of us.

It isn’t about feeling normal and accepted. It is about the fact that marriage (not civil unions) are a sacred rite symbolizing love and commitment and religion doesn’t have the right to define it.
Religion developed to fill in all the gaps. And there are no people who have a different answer that is relevant enough to fill in those gaps.
I think the left knows full well the implications of pushing this country into a civil war. They seem to think their precious "government" will step in and save them or something, which is why they're so adamantly trying to instigate something.

They should be careful what they ask for.
Us laughing at you is really hard to take, isn't it?
No need, WB, you just proved his case without even realizing it.

Gays don't need to get "married," they had legal civil unions already available, but they just had to force it being called a "marriage" just to again stick it right in the eye of 70% of the country already tired of having their sensibilities trampled.
Ironically, religious marriage has been around longer than legal marriage...and it was the religious right that shot down an alternative "civil union" option.
Because it is my business. Because gays refuse to mind theirs. Gays were allowed civil usions years ago to enjoy all of the legal benefits available to them as a couple, but that just was not enough, they had to attack Christianity as well thus MAKING it my business; the term marriage was set forth millennia ago to connote an act of man and woman joining together in holy matrimony before God in order to have children.

Calling gay unions a "marriage" was a deliberate attack and offense against the traditions and sensibilities of 70% of this country.

If gays had just stuck to minding their own business instead of going out of their way to provoke conflict shoving it down christian's throats to make themselves believe their union was as good as a marriage in an effort to justify and elevate a perverse lifestyle as "normal," there would have been no problem. Instead, the far left gay community attacked religion, making what had been a pure, divine act now no different from or better than two perverts getting together in sin.

Now maybe you don't see it that way, but Christians do. I realize some people have homosexual proclivities, but they don't have to try to force it down my throat as a "normal " act because it ISN'T.
Mind your own business.

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