A word from the wise,, take heed for you know not what you started

Our founding fathers knew this: A rattlesnake can be bruised by the heel, but not before delivering a pretty nasty, and in many times, a fatal bite.

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I find if you pang them in the head with a shovel until their jaw goes sideways, that's enough to chop their head off and then bat it into a hole you already dug for it so the the chopped-off head doesn't try to pop up and bite you.
Step 1:

Pang rattlesnake in head

Step 2: dig hole for head.

Step 3: chop head off, get into hole and bury it ASAP.

Some people eat the meat, I can't do it. I know how to skin 'em real good, though.
Well, first off…marriage isn’t the sole property of Christians and wanting to marry isn’t shoving anything down anyone’s throat. It’s a couples own personal business.

Sez U. First off, your idea then means that not all marriages are equal or alike so they should be distinguished one from the other. When two gays get "married," all that means is that they are now recognized by the state as two people who live together as a couple for the sake of taxation and a few other legal and social benefits towards life and property. But I guess the real danger in all of this flies over your head because you were deprived growing up of being taught the meaning of absolutism, ie: that there is a true, unwavering RIGHT and a true unwavering WRONG, raised instead on the socialist belief in relativism, that one thing is the same as or as good as another if you just say so or belief so.

That is the whole idea behind gay marriage.

That all stems from the statist philosophy of a godless society because the state absolutely ABHORS the very idea of there being some Absolute Good above them-- a moral authority higher than man by which to guide them, limit them, because then, that would deprive all of the little leftwing tin gods out there from believing there is nothing superior to THEM.

But after deluding yourself that your belief is the right way and accepted after thousands of years of being told not to live that way just because some activists got it ramrodded pushed through as legal, the reality is that it flies in the face of everything knowledge and history teaches us, it is wrong, and it offends and is not truly accepted by at least 70% of the people in this country who VALUE the traditions of their forefathers as not WASTED.

I guess I'm just not so arrogant to think that all of the generations of humanity on this planet for the past 40,000 years were all a waste-- learning nothing of value along the way to guide my life.
What they believe is largely irrelevant in this case.

Spoken like a true statist. Yeah, fuck what the majority of the people think, want or believe!

Funny how any other time, you people do nothing but holler about the dangers to democracy of not following the will of the majority until that majority doesn't believe as you do, then it is every man for himself. :th_waiting:
Spoken like a true statist. Yeah, fuck what the majority of the people think, want or believe!

Funny how any other time, you people do nothing but holler about the dangers to democracy of not following the will of the majority until that majority doesn't believe as you do, then it is every man for himself. :th_waiting:

No, I do not. The US is not a democracy. Not sure who "you people" refers to, but I am not in favor of mob rule when it comes to individual rights and freedoms.

In many cases, the majority was never in favor of changes we now see as positive. A perfect example was the Civil Rights movement and desegregation of the south. At no time were the majority of people living in the south in favor of desegregation. But it happened anyway.
In many cases, the majority was never in favor of changes we now see as positive.
Then maybe they were not positive nor popular changes, we are just being TOLD they were.

A perfect example was the Civil Rights movement and desegregation of the south. At no time were the majority of people living in the south in favor of desegregation. But it happened anyway.
So I guess that dispels the myth that America is a representative republic.
…marriage isn’t the sole property of Christians
Name me any culture on the planet which has always seen two people of the same sex being a couple together always as being married. You can't.

and wanting to marry isn’t shoving anything down anyone’s throat.
It is when it flies in the face of everything the majority of a nation's people have always seen as BEING a "married couple."

It’s a couples own personal business.
Not when it tramples on the institution of marriage as defined by the preeminent faith on the planet for the last 2000 years.

Look, I get it, gays want to feel and be seen as completely normal and accepted in society, but when they demanded the term "marriage" for their civil unions, they went a step too far.
You don't need to wonder much: You and your leaders.

This is not rocket surgery.
For simply having a different view?
You’re a moron and should be put down if you ever found the stones to act. You insurgent types will be hunted relentlessly.
For simply having a different view?
You’re a moron and should be put down if you ever found the stones to act. You insurgent types will be hunted relentlessly.
By whom, Nazi wannabe guy?

You're talking I should be hunted relentlessly, but you're gonna claim you're for free speech? I don't think so. Fuck You.
My relatives and even my friend's relatives actually killed Nazis, motherfucker. If you wanna test what America has and wanna push the limits like that? You're going to have a bad time, little commie booger. Some of us actually have the guns taken from dead Nazis that were killed by Americans, boy.
Some might even have MG42s, which may or may not be better than American M249..truthfully I think it was.
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Name me any culture on the planet which has always seen two people of the same sex being a couple together always as being married. You can't.
What I meant was marriage occurs in every culture not just Christians. It has also included polygamy and polyandry so no, not just two people.

According to this, same sex marriages have occurred in some cultures:

There is history of recorded same-sex unions around the world.[3] Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned relationships to highly ritualized unions.

Same-sex unions were known in Ancient Greece and Rome,[3] ancient Mesopotamia,[4] in some regions of China, such as Fujian province, and at certain times in ancient European history.[5]

It is when it flies in the face of everything the majority of a nation's people have always seen as BEING a "married couple."
So did interracial marriage at one time. Currently, 71% support same sex marriage, that’s a majority.

Not when it tramples on the institution of marriage as defined by the preeminent faith on the planet for the last 2000 years.
That preeminent faith doesn’t get to define life for the rest of us.

Look, I get it, gays want to feel and be seen as completely normal and accepted in society, but when they demanded the term "marriage" for their civil unions, they went a step too far.

It isn’t about feeling normal and accepted. It is about the fact that marriage (not civil unions) are a sacred rite symbolizing love and commitment and religion doesn’t have the right to define it.

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