A Word To The Wise, dims


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Everybody that follows politics knows that 2020 is going to be the nastiest election in American History. And even IF (a big if) dimocraps win, given their tactics, will they be able to govern?

That is a good question. A REALLY good question.

I honestly don't think they can. Their biggest supporters, the DISGUSTING FILTH, Hollywood, Academia have been marginalized, half of their Party are full-on socialists and another 10% are total communists.

I just don't see how they can govern. Win? Sure, it's possible. Very possible but the way in which they will have to go about it will damage them to the point that nobody is going to trust them, not even their own people.

I see the dim party as having damaged itself so much, so badly in the last 3 years that the very best thing they can do, IMO, is lose the next election and let Trump run his course. Let him do what he does until people tire of it.

Right now, people who normally don't take any interest in politics at all are energized. Not because they love Trump but because they HATE dimocraps.

You people think the left hates Trump? Wait and see; if the dims win in 2020, wait and see what hatred really looks like.

dims remind me of the Spartans during the Peloponnesian Wars; good at fighting and winning the War but so damaged when they finally win that they can't govern.

dims may think that winning is all that matters. That once they win, the deplorables, the irredeemables and the bitter clingers will fall in line like sheep.

Maybe, maybe not. The people that believe in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution just might do that.

But I believe that once they see that dims have no intention of ever following the spirit of those two documents, bad things will happen.

Not all at once. But slowly.

dims, you better sit back and think about it.

Is winning worth losing everything?

A Conservative Resistance?
dims can win but at the cost of The American People never trusting their government ever again.

dims have jumped the shark (which is hollywood jargon for 'creative exhaustion'). They got nothing other than their hatred of Trump. To win on that platform (hatred) is a bad omen for the future of the Country.

And I'm deadly serious..... dims got nothing. Nothing other than the same old bullshit that's been rejected by Americans time and again. Most of which is based in hate.

Do even dims want to put people that hateful in the Halls of Power?

People capable of -- ANYTHING?

I really think that a dim victory in 2020 will be the end of the greatest experiment in Human History.
Everybody that follows politics knows that 2020 is going to be the nastiest election in American History. And even IF (a big if) dimocraps win, given their tactics, will they be able to govern?

That is a good question. A REALLY good question.

I honestly don't think they can. Their biggest supporters, the DISGUSTING FILTH, Hollywood, Academia have been marginalized, half of their Party are full-on socialists and another 10% are total communists.

I just don't see how they can govern. Win? Sure, it's possible. Very possible but the way in which they will have to go about it will damage them to the point that nobody is going to trust them, not even their own people.

I see the dim party as having damaged itself so much, so badly in the last 3 years that the very best thing they can do, IMO, is lose the next election and let Trump run his course. Let him do what he does until people tire of it.

Right now, people who normally don't take any interest in politics at all are energized. Not because they love Trump but because they HATE dimocraps.

You people think the left hates Trump? Wait and see; if the dims win in 2020, wait and see what hatred really looks like.

dims remind me of the Spartans during the Peloponnesian Wars; good at fighting and winning the War but so damaged when they finally win that they can't govern.

dims may think that winning is all that matters. That once they win, the deplorables, the irredeemables and the bitter clingers will fall in line like sheep.

Maybe, maybe not. The people that believe in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution just might do that.

But I believe that once they see that dims have no intention of ever following the spirit of those two documents, bad things will happen.

Not all at once. But slowly.

dims, you better sit back and think about it.

Is winning worth losing everything?

A Conservative Resistance?

Seems to me the only means by which the Democratic Party can win the White House is either through cheating (an oversimplification), or some kind of predetermined outcome. Now, why does this American Citizen think such is the case? Well, I can't fathom a majority of Americans voting for the implementation of cultural insanity proposed by the Democrats no matter how much they despise President Trump. We're talking running platforms such as overt racism against white Americans, who still comprise the voting majority; abortion up to the moment of birth, allowing the State to mutilate our children into trans monsters, indoctrinating very young children in sexual perversions, and so many others no rational or clear thinking American voter would voluntarily support.

Beyond that, I also think you're singing the wrong tune here. You're appealing to logic and common sense with the Democrats, and there's just none of that capacity for reason left to approach at the core of their ideology. They seek but two outcomes: the removal of Donald Trump as President, and absolute power--neither of which are reasonable goals, taking into consideration historically no one political party or branch of government has ever held complete power despite periods of party held majorities. If certain larger population states go fully blue, they will likely never go back to red again with the Democrats' cultural replacement agenda. So yeah, essentially, trying to reason with the modern Democratic Party is a dog that just won't hunt. They want total power and they want to keep it forever.
I don't think they care if the people accept them or not, and it's not just about their hatred for Trump These monsters have been working to undermine this country for many decades and just as they were about to seize absolute power, they get blindsided by an outsider who isn't part of the swamp. The only person running who wouldn't go along with the socialization of America. He's fucking everything up for them and they'll do anything to stop him from getting a second term. Barr needs to start handing out indictments and soon, because the left is not wasting any time. They're on the ropes and they need to be KO'd...NOW.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'dd have to conclude the dims are dead and self buried as a political party.
  2. Their too out of touch to make any gains.
Democrats have always been effective than Republicans at implementing their damaging ideas into law. God help us when we lose.
Democrats have always been effective than Republicans at implementing their damaging ideas into law. God help us when we lose.
We can't afford to lose. If we lose, America loses...big time. VOTE!

Eventually we will lose though. It might not be this election, hopefully, but eventually the democrats with have power again, and historically they’ve always been better at getting their legislation passed. That’s why I feel within the next ten years we will see single payer passed.
Prisoner above argues to get moving, when a better-educated definition of the left is precisely movement which can also be precisely non-political. Early hominids had to discern the difference between a tiger and the wind if sound was all they had to go on. duh this paranoia is ancient.
Democrats have always been effective than Republicans at implementing their damaging ideas into law. God help us when we lose.
We can't afford to lose. If we lose, America loses...big time. VOTE!

Eventually we will lose though. It might not be this election, hopefully, but eventually the democrats with have power again, and historically they’ve always been better at getting their legislation passed. That’s why I feel within the next ten years we will see single payer passed.
It's THIS election we need to win, and we need to win back the House as well. If Barr gets moving on the indictments and the left is exposed, it will be much harder for them to pull this shit again, especially if the people recognize the msm and the communist left are one and the same.
Democrats have always been effective than Republicans at implementing their damaging ideas into law. God help us when we lose.
We can't afford to lose. If we lose, America loses...big time. VOTE!

Eventually we will lose though. It might not be this election, hopefully, but eventually the democrats with have power again, and historically they’ve always been better at getting their legislation passed. That’s why I feel within the next ten years we will see single payer passed.
It's THIS election we need to win, and we need to win back the House as well. If Barr gets moving on the indictments and the left is exposed, it will be much harder for them to pull this shit again, especially if the people recognize the msm and the communist left are one and the same.

Name me one thing the dimocrap scum party and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media disagree on.

One thing.

Same goes for Hollywood.

Then I want dimocrap FILTH to try and explain how the DISGUSTING FILTH and the dimocrap scum party are separate entities.

Bullshit. They are one and the same. They are not partners, they are not sympathizers, they are not similar.

They are THE SAME dishonest, lying, thieving, Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, pro-socialist group.

Not different people with matching ideologies, not Fellow Travelers.

THEY are the same people. The same entity.

One part is the political wing of the party, the other is the propaganda wing.

He Who Tells The People What To Think Does Not Need To Be King
Reading over this thread I see a bunch of people who feel this election must be won by any means necessary except not being horrible to the people Trump has alienated anymore. Trump has attracted every last supporter he will ever have by being a dick but the dicks will feel betrayed if he starts trying to build support from the alienated people he desperately needs to win. In short, you love it when Trump is a dick but it is his greatest liability. Not enough spin in the world to make Trump not an asshole so what are you going to do now? Hope Russia comes through for you again? Hope all the voter suppression is successful? Make no mistake, only cheating can win him a victory.
Reading over this thread I see a bunch of people who feel this election must be won by any means necessary except not being horrible to the people Trump has alienated anymore. Trump has attracted every last supporter he will ever have by being a dick but the dicks will feel betrayed if he starts trying to build support from the alienated people he desperately needs to win. In short, you love it when Trump is a dick but it is his greatest liability. Not enough spin in the world to make Trump not an asshole so what are you going to do now? Hope Russia comes through for you again? Hope all the voter suppression is successful? Make no mistake, only cheating can win him a victory.

A dyslexic way of looking at things.

Not surprising.

Trump won through his base and his base virtually by itself.

Don't forget the GOPe, the elitists in the Republican Party that DESPISE Trump. They fought him almost as much, in some cases more, than dimocrap scum did. THAT is a fact.

Bill Kristol, George Will, Stephen Hayes -- Phony Conservatives, to put it nicely.

They have been disempowered, relegated to the status of Cucks. They've lost -- Everything.

But back in 2016, they managed to mobilize a LOT of 'republicans' against Trump. And still try, except they don't have a platform.

Always happens to traitors. Nobody trusts them. Nobody believes them.

What was it? Forty+ House Republicans retired or stepped down in 2018 out of fear of -- Something. Maybe their pussies hurt. dunno

And how many seats did dimocrap scum win? Do a count and let us all know.

Now that the traitors, the GOPe, the phony conservatives have been all but eliminated from our (and your) midst, The People are starting to see.

Trump isn't the most articulate person on the Planet but, you know what? He's effective.

People ain't buying what you're selling. Maybe the Middle Schoolers are, but serious people aren't.

They've completely lost faith in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Media. Nobody believes them anymore. Maybe the homeless guy camped outside the appliance watching the free TV does, but that's about it.

And who you gonna run against the Sitting President of The United States? A creepy perv like Joe Bidet?

A denuded socialist that's older than dirt? Some Blck chick from Kalifornication that fucked and sucked her way to the top (the whole world know it, don't deny it)?

A phony-assed Pocahontas?

You gonna put Occasional-Cortex on the campaign trail?

Right now, the only negatives are aimed at Trump.

Wait until we start hitting back.

You're not gonna like what happens.
Reading over this thread I see a bunch of people who feel this election must be won by any means necessary except not being horrible to the people Trump has alienated anymore. Trump has attracted every last supporter he will ever have by being a dick but the dicks will feel betrayed if he starts trying to build support from the alienated people he desperately needs to win. In short, you love it when Trump is a dick but it is his greatest liability. Not enough spin in the world to make Trump not an asshole so what are you going to do now? Hope Russia comes through for you again? Hope all the voter suppression is successful? Make no mistake, only cheating can win him a victory.
The only people he's alienated are people who were never gonna vote for him in the first place. His base is still solidly behind him and has actually grown.
A lot of Democrat voters have defected and a lot of Independents will never vote Democrat again, thanks to their abhorrent conduct over the past two years.

People don't care about the "dick" part because he gets shit done. Results are important to everybody except you leftist freaks who hate it when America does well.

Your "Russia got Trump elected" bullshit died with the Mueller report. And the longer you keep up that phony mantra the more votes you're gonna lose.

And your "voter suppression" claim? Name somebody's vote, other than illegals, the RNC has tried to suppress. The left, on the other hand, try to suppress the military vote every fucking election, as well as engaging in voter intimidation. Remember Philadelphia in 2008? The public is wise to your tactics and to your propaganda. You can't win the next election on your record and what ideas are you gonna present to the people? Free everything? Trump is bad? You sure as shit can't run on JOBS, can you? As James Carville would say..."It's the economy, STUPID".

Face it, the only hope you have is if the freeloaders turn out in record numbers wanting their free shit, and half of them either don't speak English or have gotten jobs created by Trump. You guys are in big trouble, especially if Comey, Strzok, and Brennan appear on tv in fucking shackles.
Every election I hear the same thing-this is the most important election ever! Also this party(fill in the blank) will ruin the US for the next 2 generations. There are things I don't like or think are wrong, but at the end of the day, I eat supper, watch TV and go to bed. And so do many more millions of Americans.
Everybody that follows politics knows that 2020 is going to be the nastiest election in American History. And even IF (a big if) dimocraps win, given their tactics, will they be able to govern?

That is a good question. A REALLY good question.

I honestly don't think they can. Their biggest supporters, the DISGUSTING FILTH, Hollywood, Academia have been marginalized, half of their Party are full-on socialists and another 10% are total communists.

I just don't see how they can govern. Win? Sure, it's possible. Very possible but the way in which they will have to go about it will damage them to the point that nobody is going to trust them, not even their own people.

I see the dim party as having damaged itself so much, so badly in the last 3 years that the very best thing they can do, IMO, is lose the next election and let Trump run his course. Let him do what he does until people tire of it.

Right now, people who normally don't take any interest in politics at all are energized. Not because they love Trump but because they HATE dimocraps.

You people think the left hates Trump? Wait and see; if the dims win in 2020, wait and see what hatred really looks like.

dims remind me of the Spartans during the Peloponnesian Wars; good at fighting and winning the War but so damaged when they finally win that they can't govern.

dims may think that winning is all that matters. That once they win, the deplorables, the irredeemables and the bitter clingers will fall in line like sheep.

Maybe, maybe not. The people that believe in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution just might do that.

But I believe that once they see that dims have no intention of ever following the spirit of those two documents, bad things will happen.

Not all at once. But slowly.

dims, you better sit back and think about it.

Is winning worth losing everything?

A Conservative Resistance?
If the Dims should happen to win - which I believe could only happen through massive voter fraud or literal assassination - it could easily mean the end of the USA. The Democrats have an enormous disconnect with their actual voters, and zero cohesion within their party.

Their politicians have become nihilists and extremists. Their platforms have no substance, and all are based on fantasy, socialism (aka Communism), and "orange man bad".

Dims have already demonstrated their utter inability to govern, and can't pass a single bill. Face it, Lefties - a Party whose only unity is obstruction cannot govern themselves, much less a Nation. Their performance record for the last three years proves this beyond any doubt.
Every election I hear the same thing-this is the most important election ever! Also this party(fill in the blank) will ruin the US for the next 2 generations. There are things I don't like or think are wrong, but at the end of the day, I eat supper, watch TV and go to bed. And so do many more millions of Americans.
Hopefully other people are concerned about the future of their country and take their civic duty more seriously.
Every election I hear the same thing-this is the most important election ever! Also this party(fill in the blank) will ruin the US for the next 2 generations. There are things I don't like or think are wrong, but at the end of the day, I eat supper, watch TV and go to bed. And so do many more millions of Americans.
Hopefully other people are concerned about the future of their country and take their civic duty more seriously.
Haven't missed a vote yet, my point is, you people jump off cliffs every time your candidate does not get in. Life goes on. If you are as concerned as you say you are, you will run for office instead of just commenting. Civic duty does NOT include crying.
Every election I hear the same thing-this is the most important election ever! Also this party(fill in the blank) will ruin the US for the next 2 generations. There are things I don't like or think are wrong, but at the end of the day, I eat supper, watch TV and go to bed. And so do many more millions of Americans.
Hopefully other people are concerned about the future of their country and take their civic duty more seriously.
Haven't missed a vote yet, my point is, you people jump off cliffs every time your candidate does not get in. Life goes on. If you are as concerned as you say you are, you will run for office instead of just commenting. Civic duty does NOT include crying.
If you're annoyed by spirited debate, why are you here?

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