A Year Ago Today Trump Won – Here's What He's Accomplished!

Trump has done an awesome job and is proving to be a magnificent president. .... :thup:
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.
o, he got a guy on the SCOTUS. The rest of that is just hype and no action
Hopefully 2 more will die off in the next three years

We do not even know if he did a good job with his first choice yet.

I think gorsech is good, even great. He’s been good thus far...But I only have a little bit of confidence in the appointments that could come later (no I don’t hope more die off, more like retire). I could very easily see milk toast appointments from now on, since we’ve gotten nothing but milk toast bills from GOP lawmakers, that trump has pushed despite his promises. One thing is for sure, people need to stop making excuses for trump on these milk toast bills. “He can’t control the GOP establishment.” The guy tweets all friggen day, if he truly wanted better and more conservative bills, tweet that out, and force the hand of the Ryan’s and the McConnells of congress, instead of propping them up. They’d get in line real quick. Trump does have A LOT of sway with his supporters, and you best believe if he used that sway for more conservative, and principled non progressive bills, it would get done. Stop making excuses for trump. This is shit he promised that he’s not delivering on

He has not really done anything or made any major decisions yet to know what he is going to be like as a Justice.
Trump has done an awesome job and is proving to be a magnificent president. .... :thup:
Suuure, uh-huh.

Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...
Baseless lie - we've been through this.

Just about ALL job growth was [full time] and median income jumped big 5% in 2015

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and studies by Harvard and Princeton are wrong? Their studies showed that most of the job growth was part-time or contract work; many of the positions with no real benefits.

They aren't wrong - you are simply mischaracterizing what is in it

They talk about more CONTRACT type jobs in the economy, that's not the same as saying they are bad jobs or are not full time.

Read page 17 on their take for the reasons.


Page 17 didn't tell me much, but what earlier pages told me is that many contract or independent workers are temps that use a temp agency for work which is a pretty low paying job in most cases, particularly blue collar. We have several customers that use temp agencies exclusively due to flexible sales and to try out employees before they hire them full-time.

Other companies such as UPS and DHL use on-call workers who only come in when needed. They are part-time of course and don't make as much money as the full-time workers they replace for the day or week. Sometimes it's the only way to get a full-time job with such companies but it takes months or years before they offer you a full-time position.

So the analysis (not mine, the link I provided) is absolutely correct as far as I can see.
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.

Ever hear of Bailous? Stimulus? QE? Low interest rates? GM is alive and Osama is dead?

No? Nothing? Did you get you head hit too hard bumbling around in the rightwing bubble?
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

And I’m certain there’s more than these!

Here is a partial list of what President Donald Trump has accomplished so far:
President Trump compelled major corporations to reinvest billions in America.
After years of outsourcing, companies announced massive investments in American facilitates and labor. They include Exxon Mobil Corp., Apple, General Motors, Toyota, Hyundai-Kia, Bayer AG, and LG Electronics. All told, businesses have created more than 1.5 million new jobs.
The "Trump Effect" has resulted in 16-and-a-half year high in the Consumer Confidence Index. This index measures how ordinary consumers feel about the economy. Going from Main Street to Wall Street, the future looks as bright with the Dow Jones Industrial Average at record highs, creating $5 trillion in wealth.
The president delivered on ensuring a conservative Supreme Court. President Trump's appointment of originalist Neil Gorsuch to the Court was a huge win for Republicans. It's possible there could be three more vacancies before the end of his first term.
President Trump singlehandedly killed Obama's Trans-Pacific-Partnership. Many groups – on the right and left – were critical of this agreement for giving foreign corporations the means to circumvent our laws and potentially costing millions of manufacturing jobs.
Trump is making good on his promise to strengthen border security. Congress has appropriated money to build a wall along the southern border. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have constructed and begun testing prototypes. Already, CBP has noted a precipitous drop in illegal border crossings.
Like any good businessman, President Trump is actively cutting government waste. One of his first actions was to sign an executive order empowering government departments to eliminate unnecessary agencies and streamline their bureaucracies. Government transparency is a top priority, too.
Trump finished Dakota Access Pipeline and approved the Keystone Pipeline after years of inaction.
Finally, ISIS is on the run.
Just last year, its caliphate extended from the suburbs of Damascus to the oil fields of Iraq. Now, that once-fledging evil empire has collapsed. The Islamic State no longer occupies any important Middle Eastern cities. Many of its leaders are dead or captured.

Read more at A Year Ago Today Trump Won – Here's What He's Accomplished! | American Action News

Legal Insurrection Authors Discuss Trump’s One Year Winaversary – Multiple “experts” weigh in @ Legal Insurrection Authors Discuss Trump's One Year Winaversary

Man are your braindead.

Half are Obama's accomplishment.

Ending TPP gave us NO leverage in future negotiation.

Trump screwed us.

And the Trump voters are lubing their asses for more.
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest
As always, you dupes are 100% wrong in your assumptions and facts
Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Not too much of a surprise given his opposition. How much did DumBama accomplish after his first two years in the White House?

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest

And there you have it. Commie Care was designed to give low income people (usually Democrat voters) insurance at the expense of middle-income (many Republican) people. And this is why government should not be involved in healthcare; Democrats can make politics out of a chocolate cake.
Trump's doing quite well, IMO.

He has the right idea, unlike Republicans and Democrats.

You partisan shills just don't get it because it doesn't fit into your little boxes, but that doesn't mean it isn't so.

Know why the economy was good for Clinton? Reagan policies, that's why.

Enter H.W. effect, and NAFTA and it's all downhill from there.
Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Obama ended the deepest recession in history. Passed major legislation, especially his signature healthcare reform, the first in decades. He cut the deficits, created millions of jobs.

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest

And there you have it. Commie Care was designed to give low income people (usually Democrat voters) insurance at the expense of middle-income (many Republican) people. And this is why government should not be involved in healthcare; Democrats can make politics out of a chocolate cake.
You need a 2 x 4 to the Head... Did you notice cost came down and they will continue to with Obamacare helps everybody. If you don't count minorities white Democrats and white Republicans are exactly the same, it's just that the white Republicans are brainwashed fools like you...
He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

He didn't do shit. Name me one policy of his that's responsible for all this job creation. And BTW, he didn't cut anything. The deficit was cut after the Republicans took over leadership of Congress. Commie Care is a total disaster with prices going so high most can't afford healthcare and policies so bad it's almost like having no insurance at all. It was a failure.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest

And there you have it. Commie Care was designed to give low income people (usually Democrat voters) insurance at the expense of middle-income (many Republican) people. And this is why government should not be involved in healthcare; Democrats can make politics out of a chocolate cake.
You need a 2 x 4 to the Head... Did you notice cost came down and they will continue to with Obamacare helps everybody. If you don't count minorities white Democrats and white Republicans are exactly the same, it's just that the white Republicans are brainwashed fools like you...

Did you even read your own article? The reason it's cheaper is because costs went up. There is even more of a subsidy which will put us more into debt.

Last year when I applied, they gave me a quote of $725.00 per month. It didn't cover anything. 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental, no eye, no prescriptions and a $50.00 copay for office visits. I'll contact them again this year and I'll tell you how much cheaper it is.
Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Sorry your a hole GOP dupe boss cut your Healthcare, dupe. 80%on the exchanges can get healthcare for less than $75 a month...

Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year - Oct. 31, 2017
CNN.com › money › news › economy

Oct 31, 2017 · Some 80% of enrollees will be able to find a policy for $75 a month or less -- up from 71% this year and the highest

And there you have it. Commie Care was designed to give low income people (usually Democrat voters) insurance at the expense of middle-income (many Republican) people. And this is why government should not be involved in healthcare; Democrats can make politics out of a chocolate cake.
You need a 2 x 4 to the Head... Did you notice cost came down and they will continue to with Obamacare helps everybody. If you don't count minorities white Democrats and white Republicans are exactly the same, it's just that the white Republicans are brainwashed fools like you...

Did you even read your own article? The reason it's cheaper is because costs went up. There is even more of a subsidy which will put us more into debt.

Last year when I applied, they gave me a quote of $725.00 per month. It didn't cover anything. 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no dental, no eye, no prescriptions and a $50.00 copay for office visits. I'll contact them again this year and I'll tell you how much cheaper it is.
That's how much health care costs after no regulation for ever... Only Obamacare gave us a chance of fixing it.

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