Aaron Alexis Fort Worth Mug Shot

So the Google spiders have found your thread.

Big Deal. :eusa_hand:

Tell that to the admins...


Hey admins...

What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 1545 (165 members and 1380 guests)

I'm pretty sure most of the "guests" are Google, Bing, and MSN Spiders. Could one of you look into this???

25% of hits come from search engines and spiders...that leaves 2250 genuine hits...

Blow me.
Usmessageboard.com Site Info
Tell that to the admins...


Hey admins...

What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 1545 (165 members and 1380 guests)

I'm pretty sure most of the "guests" are Google, Bing, and MSN Spiders. Could one of you look into this???

25% of hits come from search engines and spiders...that leaves 2250 genuine hits...

Blow me.
Usmessageboard.com Site Info

And according to the search tags at the bottom of the page, most of the hits on this thread are searching for "your link doesnt work." and "posting a pic".

Yeah, that's humans clicking on this thread. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Go look at the thread started by one of your fellow right wing pieces of trash saying it was likely a muslim. The rest of the thread was right wingers saying it was a muslim, not a single person said it was a right winger, not even myself.

Those that aren't on the radical right have respect for those part of horrible tragedies, and aren't pieces of shit the get glee out of these shooting so they can instantly blame "da libs and da muslims"

And the crying continues...

It sure does from you, your avatar is perfect for yourself, an ugly ass crybaby that does nothing but throw tantrums :lol: :lmao:

Im not the piece of trash that brought in what a group of people were hoping for.

Myself, race is not important, what is important are the victims and the families they have left behind. The perps? I don't like to use their name and once found guilty, kill them.
He is a Muslim and another one of your Muslim brothers attacking US civilians in public forum!

Tell us again how you Muslims are so peaceful!

Has it been confirmed that he's a Muslim ?

No, the right wingers are just trying to hold out one last hope that they can blame the attack on being from the muslims. They are going to be devastated he's not a muslim, but being black will be enough for them to pull out their BS
I'm thinking the fact that it's doubtful that you will claim he is a TEA Party racist is enough. It will be interesting to see if they can figure out why he did this.
Poor Black Label, I know you were hoping for a white NRA card carrying, Christian redneck.

So sorry, be sure to wipe your tears.

he's hoping the victims were white

If so, I can't say I blame him after reading the thread about "feral negroes" on this forum. And that's who I blame, people who believe and spread and write that kind of evil, hateful crap. They just keep the hate going on and on and on...
So someone writing about "feral negroes" on an internet website justifies shooting up a Navy Yard? Suppose he hit Jethro or Tony? Or Ducky Gasp!

You're sick, Koosh

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