Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

I think it's an excellent idea and I've been saying so for several years and why is it exactly that children of the very poor would no longer receive an education?
Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged.

I'd agree with that. Look at countries where people struggle to send their kids to school. The kids don't screw around and the parents force the issue because they know that education is the only way out of poverty. Now look at the US where many parents use school at a form of extended day care and just are completely disengaged from what their kids are doing.

If it were up to me, I'm not sure I would eliminate education, but I would allow students to drop out after 8th grade. Let little Jimmy work for a year digging ditches if he wants and then decide if learning trig is a better use of his time. If he doesn't want to go, why spend the money and resources and time on someone who is just there taking up space and being disruptive?
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

I think it's an excellent idea and I've been saying so for several years and why is it exactly that children of the very poor would no longer receive an education?

Because these kids come from families that are not conducive to learning in the first place. There are many parents out there who don't really care about their kids. These kids would be left without an education or even the opportunity at an education. So we would be punishing kids who have stupid parents. Honestly, I'm shocked that you would support such an idiotic idea. I would expect this type of thinking from some others on here but did not expect it from you.
Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged.

I'd agree with that. Look at countries where people struggle to send their kids to school. The kids don't screw around and the parents force the issue because they know that education is the only way out of poverty. Now look at the US where many parents use school at a form of extended day care and just are completely disengaged from what their kids are doing.

If it were up to me, I'm not sure I would eliminate education, but I would allow students to drop out after 8th grade. Let little Jimmy work for a year digging ditches if he wants and then decide if learning trig is a better use of his time. If he doesn't want to go, why spend the money and resources and time on someone who is just there taking up space and being disruptive?

We already have plenty of uneducated non-productive people living in this country. Do you really want to add to that number? And this would be good for America how?
You're going to have the same number of useless drains on society. At least letting them drop out of school frees up money and resources for the kids who truly want to be there and learn.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

I live in Utah and I'm sure this guy is considered some kind of hero. Of course, once you get out of SLC proper, you get all the dumber than dirt, ultraconservative, religious nut jobs trying to run things.

They already spend less per pupil here than anywhere in the US - mainly because families pop out kids like they were candy. I know that I spend 1 to 2 hours a day when the kids are in school trying to make up for the lack of individual attention that they should be getting. This will really be great for the kids who don't get any one on one time at home.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

I think it's an excellent idea and I've been saying so for several years and why is it exactly that children of the very poor would no longer receive an education?

Because these kids come from families that are not conducive to learning in the first place. There are many parents out there who don't really care about their kids. These kids would be left without an education or even the opportunity at an education. So we would be punishing kids who have stupid parents. Honestly, I'm shocked that you would support such an idiotic idea. I would expect this type of thinking from some others on here but did not expect it from you.

Where in the Constitution is it the responsibility of the federal government to care about, take care of and educate kids? You leftists always want Government to be responsible for your lives.. the only thing stupid is YOU and those like you who are a drain on society with your leftist drivel.
I think it's an excellent idea and I've been saying so for several years and why is it exactly that children of the very poor would no longer receive an education?

Because these kids come from families that are not conducive to learning in the first place. There are many parents out there who don't really care about their kids. These kids would be left without an education or even the opportunity at an education. So we would be punishing kids who have stupid parents. Honestly, I'm shocked that you would support such an idiotic idea. I would expect this type of thinking from some others on here but did not expect it from you.

Where in the Constitution is it the responsibility of the federal government to care about, take care of and educate kids? You leftists always want Government to be responsible for your lives.. the only thing stupid is YOU and those like you who are a drain on society with your leftist drivel.

Well if you had an education you would know states and local governments run the show.
Because these kids come from families that are not conducive to learning in the first place. There are many parents out there who don't really care about their kids. These kids would be left without an education or even the opportunity at an education. So we would be punishing kids who have stupid parents. Honestly, I'm shocked that you would support such an idiotic idea. I would expect this type of thinking from some others on here but did not expect it from you.

Where in the Constitution is it the responsibility of the federal government to care about, take care of and educate kids? You leftists always want Government to be responsible for your lives.. the only thing stupid is YOU and those like you who are a drain on society with your leftist drivel.

Well if you had an education you would know states and local governments run the show.

Good.. then you would support the elimination of the dept of ed, since they have nothing to do with the show.. eliminate government waste
Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged.

I'd agree with that. Look at countries where people struggle to send their kids to school. The kids don't screw around and the parents force the issue because they know that education is the only way out of poverty. Now look at the US where many parents use school at a form of extended day care and just are completely disengaged from what their kids are doing.

If it were up to me, I'm not sure I would eliminate education, but I would allow students to drop out after 8th grade. Let little Jimmy work for a year digging ditches if he wants and then decide if learning trig is a better use of his time. If he doesn't want to go, why spend the money and resources and time on someone who is just there taking up space and being disruptive?

We already have plenty of uneducated non-productive people living in this country.
Do you really want to add to that number? And this would be good for America how?
Is that is supposed to be some kind of evidence of the success of compulsory gubmint edumacation?

Mandatory education hasn't done any more good than no education so it stands to reason that mandatory education is just a waste of money.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

Your comment about the poor shows that your education could use some improvement, and I doubt you are part of the poor.

Too large of a chunk of our children do not get an education today, and a good share of them are the poor.

Figure out how to fix the current system, or shut the hell up about your concern for the children of the poor.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

Do you have any basis for that understanding? Education would still be available. Free education would still be available. It would just no longer be mandatory. Parent's who don't care, along with their children who don't care just wouldn't have to keep seats warm in school.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

Do you have any basis for that understanding? Education would still be available. Free education would still be available. It would just no longer be mandatory. Parent's who don't care, along with their children who don't care just wouldn't have to keep seats warm in school.

Exactly and those same kids are trouble makers, disrupt the learning process, drain tax dollars .. That's the parents problem, not big daddy gubmints.
Leftists think the government is a big gigantic piggybank for their fucked up lifestyles, their bad choices.. We're all responsible in their insane mindsets, for their problems, for their piss poor choices in life.

If kids don't want to be there, they shouldn't have to be there. The idea of mandatory education is ludicrous. It leads to the situation we have now -- our schools becoming warehouses instead of educational facilities. Teachers should not be babysitters. Teachers should be able to dismiss anyone who disrupts his or her classroom. You cannot force people to learn. It's a silly notion.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

I think it's an excellent idea and I've been saying so for several years and why is it exactly that children of the very poor would no longer receive an education?

Because these kids come from families that are not conducive to learning in the first place. There are many parents out there who don't really care about their kids. These kids would be left without an education or even the opportunity at an education. So we would be punishing kids who have stupid parents. Honestly, I'm shocked that you would support such an idiotic idea. I would expect this type of thinking from some others on here but did not expect it from you.

It's up to the kid to want to learn. No magic psycho-drama or well-intentioned force will make the child want to learn.
Where in the Constitution is it the responsibility of the federal government to care about, take care of and educate kids? You leftists always want Government to be responsible for your lives.. the only thing stupid is YOU and those like you who are a drain on society with your leftist drivel.

Well if you had an education you would know states and local governments run the show.

Good.. then you would support the elimination of the dept of ed, since they have nothing to do with the show.. eliminate government waste

They are there mostly for emergency funding if needed. I have no issue removing it.
That doesnt take away from the fact that what lgs said is fucking moronic.
Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

A Republican state senator in Utah is calling for the end of mandatory education in the state.

State Sen. Aaron Osmond (R-South Jordan) wrote on the state Senate blog Friday that mandatory education in the state has forced teachers and schools to take on parenting responsibilities. Prior to the mandate taking effect in 1890, he wrote, education was "an opportunity" and parents were more engaged. He also wrote that teachers were more respected. The Deseret News first reported Osmond's blog post on Tuesday.

Aaron Osmond, Utah State Senator, Calls For End To Mandatory Education

So, How many cons are going to tell us how great an idea this is? Of course we know that it would only be children of the very poor who would no longer receive an education, but hey, that would be a good thing, right?

You will never hear me saying that there should not be enough education for everybody to learn to read and write and perform simple tasks of arithmatics.

But it is nothing less than snobbish and unreasonable to think and publicly say that EVERY child must have a college education. That idiocy is equivalent to say that every child should and MUST be able to and be allowed to play in the NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL.

Meanwhile jobs for carpenters, plumbers, tailors, painters, mechanics, locksmiths, pipe-fitters, tire-builders, steam-fitters, truck drivers, clerks, miners, lumberjacks, factory workers, etc., etc., go unfilled, because illiterate college graduates think (and I use the word quite liberally) that they are too good to get their hands dirty and do something useful, while they are waiting for the call to become Vice Presidents of companies, in their parents's basement.

The only thing that is more despicable than the soft racism of low expectations is the unrealistic projection of non-existent abilities and qualifications.

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