AARP Organizers Cancel Listening Session After Participants Ask Questions

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Some people don't like free speech OR healthy debate and will lie to your face!:


"AARP does not endorse the legislation"

Oh really? Well then why on the AARP site do they have this page that "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" if they don't endorse the legislation?:
AARP - Health Action Now! : Myths vs. Facts
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They are endorsing a real Health Care System. And I applaud and support their efforts. My membership money is being put to a use I approve of.
Some people don't like free speech OR healthy debate and will lie to your face!:


"AARP does not endorse the legislation"

Oh really? Well then why on the AARP site do they have this page that "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" if they don't endorse the legislation?:
AARP - Health Action Now! : Myths vs. Facts

Yep--I am an AARP member too, & read the "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" & it sure was written like they agreed with this health care proposal.

Again--they put out NO DETAILS on the plan--which is starting to tick me off. You know Americans can actually READ--& that's what they want is the DETAILS OF THIS PLAN--how are they going to fund it without bankrupting this country--& what it will mean for our health care.

We don't want the SALES rhetoric.
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Some people don't like free speech OR healthy debate and will lie to your face!:


"AARP does not endorse the legislation"

Oh really? Well then why on the AARP site do they have this page that "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" if they don't endorse the legislation?:
AARP - Health Action Now! : Myths vs. Facts

Yep--I am an AARP member too, & read the "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" & it sure was written like they agreed with this health care proposal.

Again--they put out NO DETAILS on the plan--which is starting to tick me off. You know Americans can actually READ--& that's what they want is the DETAILS OF THIS PLAN--how are they going to fund it without bankrupting this country--& what it will mean for our health care.

We don't want the SALES rhetoric.

The problem is that while most Americans can read, very few actually do these days. They are just going along with their leaders, doctors, etc. and not questioning what they see anymore.
Some people don't like free speech OR healthy debate and will lie to your face!:


"AARP does not endorse the legislation"

Oh really? Well then why on the AARP site do they have this page that "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" if they don't endorse the legislation?:
AARP - Health Action Now! : Myths vs. Facts

Yep--I am an AARP member too, & read the "Debunks Health Care Reform Myths" & it sure was written like they agreed with this health care proposal.

Again--they put out NO DETAILS on the plan--which is starting to tick me off. You know Americans can actually READ--& that's what they want is the DETAILS OF THIS PLAN--how are they going to fund it without bankrupting this country--& what it will mean for our health care.

We don't want the SALES rhetoric.

The problem is that while most Americans can read, very few actually do these days. They are just going along with their leaders, doctors, etc. and not questioning what they see anymore.

yeah they're going along with their so called representatives who don't read anything either
ahh the complexities of government...that allow no anyone...gotta love the dog and pony show
btw i didnt join aarp due to their endorsement of bush's medicare plans...they are like a leaf blowing in the wind...they blow towards what they think will give them money...

dont join...cancell your membership...they are bogus
A committed group of people who are setting out to take over a meeting, people who are willing to be rude and interuptive, can make it impossible for people to hold a meeting and discuss things rationally.


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