ABC, CBS, NBC Are 'Censoring Footgage' of Union Thug Violence in Lansing

ABC, CBS, NBC Are 'Censoring Footgage' of Union Thug Violence in Lansing​

NewsBusters ^

The pro-union broadcast networks are deliberately censoring footage of thuggish union violence directed at conservatives. If a Tea Partier had physically assaulted a liberal journalist or ripped down a structure occupied by a liberal organization all on video, the footage would be broadcast on an endless loop.

Both Steven Crowder and Americans for Prosperity should press charges on the parties responsible for these assaults, and they should be prosecuted. ABC, CBS, and NBC may be willing to turn a blind eye to union violence, but the unions are not above the law.

Read more:
Bozell: It's 'Absolutely Outrageous' That ABC, CBS, NBC Are 'Censoring Footgage' of Union Thug Violence in Lansing |

No. They're networks, which tend to show less violence than cable. None too complicated.
Were they carrying firearms like some of the TPM. Both firearms and box cutters are legal, and both sides intimidated others. Sounds like typical American behavior.

The union "thugs" are about as violent as were the TPM at the town hall meeting in the summer of 2009. The police took care of the few stupids in each movement. And, yes, the news media covered both this and the TPM town hall meetings.

Guys, it is OK to assemble and protest.

With :terror: and box cutters. Sounds like the fucking Taliban, but no,,they were union thugs taking down a tent that did not belong to them.

The union members were merely taking back their tent at a time.

Regards from Rosie
Google it yourself, OK. TPMs were arrested for public disturbance as well.

You made the accusation, Jake. The onus is on you. I don't recall anyone at the Tea Party rally assaulting anybody or tearing down structures.
I don't recall you making this is a debate club, Taz, so step off.

We had three TPMs led out in handcuffs out one of our town hall meetings. Yes, there was stupidity at some of the TPM town hall too stupid stuff. Occupied was far worse. And the union boys get mad.

So what In America, we have the right to assemble and protest, and if someone steps out of line, they get arrested like the guys did.

You don't have a point, Taz.
Google it yourself, OK. TPMs were arrested for public disturbance as well.

You made the accusation, Jake. The onus is on you. I don't recall anyone at the Tea Party rally assaulting anybody or tearing down structures.

From the Examiner. Of course that shyte rag has the woman throwing her face into the man's fist:

Sharron Angle: Woman punched in the face "looking for a fight" - Las Vegas Democrat |

Regards from Rosie
A Lansing man who joined the protests Tuesday against Michigan's controversial right-to-work legislation claims that Steven Crowder, the Fox News contributor who was punched by a protester, had provoked and insulted pro-union activists prior to the high-profile scuffle.

Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, told HuffPost that he walked to the protest at the state Capitol during a break from work and that he witnessed Crowder getting in protesters' faces and goading them.

"He was just after everybody," said the 56-year-old Spitzley, a procurement technician whose workplace is represented by the United Auto Workers. "There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble."

According to Spitzley, Crowder had an exchange with two pro-union men wearing blue jeans, hard hats and Carhartt clothing. One of them asked Crowder what he did for a living, according to Spitzley.

"He said, 'I sell soap. I should sell you some,'" Spitzley said, quoting Crowder.

Spitzley said he did not witness the punching incident or the exchange leading up to it. But in Spitzley's estimation, Crowder "wasn't going to go home until he got punched."

Steven Crowder Punched: Man Claims Fox News Contributor Goaded Other Union Protesters
The union "thugs" are about as violent as were the TPM at the town hall meeting in the summer of 2009. The police took care of the few stupids in each movement. And, yes, the news media covered both this and the TPM town hall meetings.

Guys, it is OK to assemble and protest.

Really show me a photo of a TPM throwing a left hook.

Here's a photo of a Rand Paul supporter stomping on a woman's head.


Happy now?
The union "thugs" are about as violent as were the TPM at the town hall meeting in the summer of 2009. The police took care of the few stupids in each movement. And, yes, the news media covered both this and the TPM town hall meetings.

Guys, it is OK to assemble and protest.

Really show me a photo of a TPM throwing a left hook.

Here's a photo of a Rand Paul supporter stomping on a woman's head.


Happy now?

:eusa_clap: Weak.... very weak!

Plus, IF that were an actual assault, I'd agree with ya... but we all know it wasn't.

Nice try though. :cool:
Now if these were Tea Partiers, the networks would be showing the violence 24/7
TPM has far more probability for massive violence than the union guys and gals.

The former are simply unbalanced and vicious. Witness some of the nonsense they pull on the Board.
Time to file assault charges along with civil charges against the old man who threw the punches.
If the old guy broke the law, sure, arrest him and charge him and sue him.

Also, you young dudes should be more careful around old guys. They won't play fair, and they will whip your asses if you provoke them.
If the old guy broke the law, sure, arrest him and charge him and sue him.

Also, you young dudes should be more careful around old guys. They won't play fair, and they will whip your asses if you provoke them.

....and then they'll be sued and charged with assault for not complying with the law.
Crap....we have union people now saying that the fights and all that went wrong at the protest was because the Republicans sent in people to PRETEND they were union members & causing the problems!!! I almost had to laugh at that.....if it were such a sad lie!

State propagandists in action...both the union and the press.
Let's see.....

Young punk provokes old union guy. Old union guy whips his sorry ass. Young guy then whines about it on national TV.

Am I the only one that finds this all to be hilarious?

Okay, so if a young occupy movement punk provokes a old tea party guy, by saying he should pay his way, and he sucker punches and beats him down. You still find that funny?
OP-All a big Koch Bros/Pub propaganda machine put up job....

During Tuesday's mass demonstrations that attracted an estimated 10,000 to the Capitol lawn, protesters of the right-to-work law the Legislature was passing and voting on tore down a tent rented by the Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity. Witnesses and Internet videos show protesters, some wearing union clothes, using knives or box cutters to cut the tent's ropes.
Clint Tarver, owner of Clint's Hot Dog Cart, said he was trapped inside as the tent came down and damaged about $400 in catering equipment. Tarver's hot dog cart, which is usually parked outside Lansing City Hall along Capitol Avenue, was not on the Capitol grounds during the incident.

Images and video of the incident went viral on social media, prompting an aide to state Rep. Al Pscholka of Stevensville to start an online fundraising drive to help replace Tarver's damaged equipment. Lorilea Zabadal initially set a goal of $2,000, but by late Wednesday afternoon more than $15,000 had been donated through an account at Raise Money for YOU! How to raise money on your donation website! after what happened to Tarver spread among state government employees and lobbyists who frequent his stand. Zabadal said Wednesday donations were coming in from across the country.
"I never expected it to get this big," she said.
Tarver, who had to crawl out of the collapsed tent on his knees, was overwhelmed Wednesday by the outpouring of support.
"I had no idea so many people cared about 'the hot dog guy,'" Tarver said.
Tarver, who is black, said the protesters called him an "Uncle Tom" and the n-word for working for Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group supporting the right-to-work law.
"I've been called worse than that," he said.

(Detroit News)

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