ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Right - the Tea Party is an organization with violent tendencies - established.
No evidence whether the Tea Party had any link to this incident - established.
I never said anything otherwise.

Are some of you so beaten down that you try to claim a victory over me when you agree with me?

How sad.
While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

No one could ever prove that to you and your ilk. You see what you want to see.
The thread should not even be here, If the guy was a teabagger it does not matter at the moment. Have some respect for the dead, leave whatever damage control you feel the tea party needs in this until the dead are buried.

Don't feed us that BS. The left did the same exact thing to Sarah Palin when Gabby Giffords was shot.
It says your join date was May 2012.

Whose sock are you?

Why don't you find out, you lying miscreant bitch.
Right - the Tea Party is an organization with violent tendencies - established.
No evidence whether the Tea Party had any link to this incident - established.
I never said anything otherwise.

Are some of you so beaten down that you try to claim a victory over me when you agree with me?

How sad.

Wait when did we establish the tea party was violent again? I think you might be confusing the OWS occupy behaviors with the Tea Party Protestors....or maybe you know about an incident I do not know me up.
Nothing matters to the Obamabots. They're obviously seeing this as vindication for their hero and a foil to the ceaseless Republican attacks on Obama's Defining Moment "You didn't create your success yourself, the Government did it for you, you were just a mere cog in the Governments wheel of largesse" This was an opportunity to shout four more years because these twelves deaths somehow suddenly put that back again within reach as it appeared to be slipping away.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Video: Obama Supporters Hoot And Holler Through His Remembrance Speech For Victims Of Colorado Movie Shooting – Update Chant “Four More Years”….
I don't need to twist what is readily apparent.

You went all incredulous on us at the notion of ABC politicizing this event.

Then you spent the next 500 posts doing the same thing.

Maybe your real problem is that you are too dull to see your own duplicity.

Go whine to your mother.

You're not very good at this, are you?


Give him a break. He's still frantically searching his dictionary for "histrionic".
Right - the Tea Party is an organization with violent tendencies - established.
No evidence whether the Tea Party had any link to this incident - established.
I never said anything otherwise.

Are some of you so beaten down that you try to claim a victory over me when you agree with me?

How sad.

Wait when did we establish the tea party was violent again? I think you might be confusing the OWS occupy behaviors with the Tea Party Protestors....or maybe you know about an incident I do not know me up.

Like ABC

pushing a left template


You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being too petty to admit when you have been definitively proven to be dead wrong.
As expected. You can't figure out the fail. No surprise.

You are a moron.
Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.

You're a liar. Period. You will say anything and twist any truth because that's what you are. A liar.

I don't need to twist what is readily apparent.

You went all incredulous on us at the notion of ABC politicizing this event.

Then you spent the next 500 posts doing the same thing.

Maybe your real problem is that you are too dull to see your own duplicity.

You're equating an Internet poster with a LMSM "Journalist"?

How cute!!
Clearly, he didn't do that killing on he own, someone else did. Maybe Obama wants to take credit for this?

Rush likely is sending him a check right now for his good work.

Atleast it would be his money.

You must use tax payer cash.
What is it, 16 crony companies gone tits up without the owners losing a dime?

Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?
Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.

You're a liar. Period. You will say anything and twist any truth because that's what you are. A liar.

I don't need to twist what is readily apparent.

You went all incredulous on us at the notion of ABC politicizing this event.

Then you spent the next 500 posts doing the same thing.

Maybe your real problem is that you are too dull to see your own duplicity.

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