ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

You're a liar. Period. You will say anything and twist any truth because that's what you are. A liar.

I don't need to twist what is readily apparent.

You went all incredulous on us at the notion of ABC politicizing this event.

Then you spent the next 500 posts doing the same thing.

Maybe your real problem is that you are too dull to see your own duplicity.

Go whine to your mother.

You're not very good at this, are you?

Maybe you can figure it out.

Obviously, you're a moron, so maybe not.


You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being to petty to admit when you are wrong.

What connection does the Tea Party have to the shooting in Aurora?

None that I know of. (as I already stated) Why? That's not what this exchange was about. Si Modo claimed there are NO EXAMPLES of the Tea Party being a violent organization. I proved him definitively wrong.

What does this have to do with you? Just stick to getting your ass whipped by geauxtohell
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If ABC had not withdrawn their outrageous and blatant lie, they would have been trying to explain how an ignorant teabagger (as they know all tea parties are) got in to a neuroscience PHD program in the first place!

You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being to petty to admit when you are wrong.

What connection does the Tea Party have to the shooting in Aurora?

None thaqt I know of. Why? That's not what this exchange was about. Si Modo claimed there are NO EXAMPLES of the Tea Party being a violent organization. I proved him definitively wrong.

What does this have to do with you?

No you provided individuals that like the tea party concept.

There is a difference.

Will you know play little bitch like meow?

You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being to petty to admit when you are wrong.

What connection does the Tea Party have to the shooting in Aurora?

None that I know of. (as I already stated) Why? That's not what this exchange was about. Si Modo claimed there are NO EXAMPLES of the Tea Party being a violent organization. I proved him definitively wrong.

What does this have to do with you?

Right, none. Thanks.
I have yet to speak of the shooting itself in a political light and will not start now, But I am condemning the right wing reaction on this board. I do not watch TV news for the very good reason that it is usually full of crap so I cannot speak to the specific statement made on ABC but I can speak directly to reactions of various members of this board and I find many of them to be disgustingly misdirected into tea party damage control and unmindful and without sympathy for the dead.

You are condemning the right wing reaction on this board....fucking priceless....:clap2:

Yes I am, Except for one notable exception I have yet to see anything that looks like sympathy and respect for the innocent dead.

Funny that you only note right wing reactions on this board that o not comport with your standards o decency. I have witnessed quite a bit of pussyassed left wing reaction very similar to that which offends you. Typical.:clap2:
Exactly. This had nothing to do with the Tea Party.

It also has nothing to do with liberals or leftists.

Furthermore, people posting stupid shit on a message board (shocking I know), also have no real bearing on this event.

Claim the moral high ground by insulting and denigrating those that are outraged that ABC News on national television made baseless accusations in an attempt to exploit and politicize the horrendous murder of 12 innocent people. Yes, those that express anger that a news organization would act in such a reprehensible and classless manner are the true people that have no bearing on this event.

Again, if Fox News with zero evidence tried to exploit the deaths of these people to denigrate the OWS you would be outraged. Continue to feign outrage and drone on and on about how you are the true beacon of morality by insulting those that are offended by the actions of ABC News.

When did I insult and denigrate those that were outraged by ABC news? If you actually read my posts, as opposed to assuming to know my position, you would have seen that I think ABC is full of shit too.

I also love the subtle message board trick: "If Fox news would have done this...." Guess what, slappy? You don't know me at all. Your claims that I would do this or that are as empty as your head.

I also never claimed to be a "true beacon of morality" - whatever the fuck that means. I just derive wry amusement from pointing out blatant hypocrisy.
Only the left and their sick syncophants will use any tragedy to make political hay. Most Americans have had enough of this sick shit.

The irony is palpable.

I'd like to offer my prayers to the victims of this tragedy and their families. I started crying when I heard the description of the officer carrying the young girl from the theater. I've only read this thread from page 6 or 7 forward, so I may have missed your thoughts and prayers for these people.
we dont deal with mental illness very well in this country.

that is why this happened
It also has nothing to do with liberals or leftists.

Furthermore, people posting stupid shit on a message board (shocking I know), also have no real bearing on this event.

Claim the moral high ground by insulting and denigrating those that are outraged that ABC News on national television made baseless accusations in an attempt to exploit and politicize the horrendous murder of 12 innocent people. Yes, those that express anger that a news organization would act in such a reprehensible and classless manner are the true people that have no bearing on this event.

Again, if Fox News with zero evidence tried to exploit the deaths of these people to denigrate the OWS you would be outraged. Continue to feign outrage and drone on and on about how you are the true beacon of morality by insulting those that are offended by the actions of ABC News.

When did I insult and denigrate those that were outraged by ABC news? If you actually read my posts, as opposed to assuming to know my position, you would have seen that I think ABC is full of shit too.

I also love the subtle message board trick: "If Fox news would have done this...." Guess what, slappy? You don't know me at all. Your claims that I would do this or that are as empty as your head.

I also never claimed to be a "true beacon of morality" - whatever the fuck that means. I just derive wry amusement from pointing out blatant hypocrisy.

You're a shit-stirring lefty just like the others. I can smell you from here.
While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

Very few people give any sort of relevance to network news nowadays.
While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.
As opposed to a left wing piece of trash reporter starts this entire fiasco and a left wing piece of trash like you totally ignores the source of the uproar. I bet you piss sitting down, you limp thing.

I take it a no dick but in your ass fuck like you must be in an uproar that this propaganda piece was making the rounds on this site, as well as other radical right wing outlets claiming the shooter was an iranian muslim named Mohammand Alam, right?

[ame=]Perpetrator Identified as Iranian in Aurora Shooting [07/20/2012] - YouTube[/ame]

Interesting that buford eat-a-dick suddenly vanished,....what a pussy, but that is typical with the radical right.

While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

The whole rush to judgment by ABC to push their leftist template that the Tea Party was involved

seems to point in that direction
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DID YOU READ the thread CLOSELY or just a 30 second sound bite????

The thread should not even be here, If the guy was a teabagger it does not matter at the moment. Have some respect for the dead, leave whatever damage control you feel the tea party needs in this until the dead are buried.

Don't feed us that BS. The left did the same exact thing to Sarah Palin when Gabby Giffords was shot.
It says your join date was May 2012.

Whose sock are you?

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