ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

He's 24 years old. Been in college since he got out of high school, targeted the military in the theater, booby trapped his apartment to "off the pigs" like a good little OWSer. He's likely a heavy pothead like Jared Loughter is.

This doesn't happen in a vacuum. His mother expected it. Likely he was well known for being a nut for a long time. It was buried because no one wanted to be offensive.

Loughner is a paranoid schizophrenic. Marijuana had nothing to do with his assassination attempt.
I have yet to speak of the shooting itself in a political light and will not start now, But I am condemning the right wing reaction on this board. I do not watch TV news for the very good reason that it is usually full of crap so I cannot speak to the specific statement made on ABC but I can speak directly to reactions of various members of this board and I find many of them to be disgustingly misdirected into tea party damage control and unmindful and without sympathy for the dead.

You are condemning the right wing reaction on this board....fucking priceless....:clap2:

Yes I am, Except for one notable exception I have yet to see anything that looks like sympathy and respect for the innocent dead.

Calling out the classless actions of those seeking to politicize their deaths is showing respect--what is disrespectful is seeking to exploit their deaths which is exactly what ABC News attempted to do.

Think real hard, and try to be honest, and ask what your response would be if on Fox and Friends this morning, without any evidence at all, on national television they accused this madman of being a Occupy Wallstreet fanatic--now if you can be honest you will admit you are a damn hypocrite. I highly doubt you can be honest though.
The only thing I have to say about what happened in Aurora is that businesses should think twice about banning their customers from being armed. If this movie theater (which is only an hour drive from me) had a pro-self defense policy, I think this terrorist would have thought twice about going in to shoot it up. Banning self defense only empowers criminals. This case is proof of that.

What's the difference between this theater and an internet cafe?

An armed 71 year old.
Just when you think the left can't go any lower .............

As if you are any better.

You are milking this tragedy for the exact same end as what you apparently accuse the left of doing.

You are a liar. Brian Ross and ABC inserted the Tea Party into this and they have both apologized. Did you want to apologize to me now? Accepted. Thanks.

Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.
Only the left and their sick syncophants will use any tragedy to make political hay. Most Americans have had enough of this sick shit.
So I'm listening to the Jim and Margery show, liberals, on 96.9 boston talks this morning and a caller calls in saying "This was a conservative mad at the movie because it portays conservatives as evil villians. The bad guy's name is Bane after all"

To which i laughed at the stupidity of such a comment

Then I switch over to 1200 am and listen to the Jeff Katz show. On his show I hear someone call in and say "Well there are a group of people who are similar to the occupy people in the movie and the movie makes them look bad, it was an occupod who was mad that did this"

Political hackery has no limits.

BTW ABC knew it wasn't the same person.

Did you laugh when Rush Limbaugh said the Batman movie was a conspiracy against Romney too?
As if you are any better.

You are milking this tragedy for the exact same end as what you apparently accuse the left of doing.

You are a liar. Brian Ross and ABC inserted the Tea Party into this and they have both apologized. Did you want to apologize to me now? Accepted. Thanks.

Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.

Buford would like you to know that Jesus told him that you're going to hell for being a liberal.
Latest reports coming out claim he's a registered Democrat. If that means anything to anyone.

Clearly he's an Obama supporter who took the Bane Connection too seriously

Obama needs to tell his supporters to pull back on the fanaticism

His plates were from tennessee likely meaning he was a radical right wing teabagger.

Limbaugh just days ago said the new batman movie was a liberal conspiracy against Romney as the villain's name is bane, which could have been the motive.

You are about a dumbass. You didn't hear what Limbaugh said in context, did you? Let me guess? Think progress I presume?

As if you are any better.

You are milking this tragedy for the exact same end as what you apparently accuse the left of doing.

You are a liar. Brian Ross and ABC inserted the Tea Party into this and they have both apologized. Did you want to apologize to me now? Accepted. Thanks.

Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.

You're a liar. Period. You will say anything and twist any truth because that's what you are. A liar.
Dare ya to link even a single example, moron.

I know you can't, but I rarely miss an opportunity to expose the morons and the dishonest.

[ame=]Tea Party Violence: Teabagger Tries To Kill Man With Obama Bumper Sticker - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Teabagger Violence Mars Tax Day Rally With Sen. Marco Rubio - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Protester Assaulted by Violent Tea Party Members at Palin McCain Rally - YouTube[/ame]

Tea Party Leader Calls For Violent Overthrow Of Government Over Health Care Ruling (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

Dawn Teo: Tea Party Protest Turns Violent (VIDEO)

Tea Party Nation trying to incite violence in Wisconsin. Judson Phillips likens protesters to Nazi storm troopers. | The Political Carnival

Tea Party Violence in Kentucky. I am OUTRAGED. - Razzle Dazzle - Open Salon

ooops - there's a lot more out there

Man enough to admit you're wrong?

Maybe you can figure it out.

Obviously, you're a moron, so maybe not.


You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being too petty to admit when you have been definitively proven to be dead wrong.
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Any average reporter knows not to release junk such as this. Ross knew this and he knew that he would have to retract it. His goal was to launch his lie and have the perception that this guy was tied to the tea party. Ross should be fired from ABC but he'll probably receive a promotion. There's a reason why network news is just about finished.

It's all about the headline. Mary Mapes and Axelrod school of so called journalism.

Good grief I want to throttle something I am so angry over this.

What connection does the Tea Party have to the shooting in Aurora?
You are a liar. Brian Ross and ABC inserted the Tea Party into this and they have both apologized. Did you want to apologize to me now? Accepted. Thanks.

Why would I apologize to you?

You are as vile as ABC for pimping this issue.

How low is your self esteem to want to glom onto a tragedy so you can force people that had nothing to do with it to apologize to you - who also has no ties to this event.

Buford would like you to know that Jesus told him that you're going to hell for being a liberal.

That's strange. The voices in my head tell me I am great.


You claim no one can link any violence to Tea Party.
I show multiple instances and THIS is all you got?????
What a moron and a loser.

This has nothing to do with the original thread and incident - but it has EVERYTHING to do with YOU being to petty to admit when you have been definitively proven to be dead wrong.

when the assaults even out let us know.... By my tallies democrats are still owed several assaults and countless deaths.

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