ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

The left is so predictable. They swarm all over crap like this and dump their propaganda, then like feeding sharks the frenzy dies down and calm is restored. Lots of innocent victims are torn to shred in their wake, but at least the sharks got fed for the day.
While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

No one could ever prove that to you and your ilk. You see what you want to see.

The corporate media cares only for profit and ratings and so I do not care to listen or watch, it in no way reflects my values or standards of journalism.
Rush likely is sending him a check right now for his good work.

Atleast it would be his money.

You must use tax payer cash.
What is it, 16 crony companies gone tits up without the owners losing a dime?

Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?
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You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

Identifying this man as a possible Tea Partier before doing the research to confirm or deny, NOT identifying the Fort Hood shooter as a Muslim with numerous ties to violent extremists despite ample evidence, identifying George Zimmerman as a white man, then a "white Hispanic" a term NEVER dreamt of before that moment, identifying Gabrielle Giffords' shooter as a right-wing extremist and going after the Tea Party and Sarah Palin when no evidence suggested a link, ignoring the violence of OWS-members while desperately seeking to attach anything and everthing to the Tea Party, the Duke Lacrosse rape case, and on and on...

We can argue whether the media's tilt is Democrat or just merely LEFTIST in general...but to ignore the repeated attempts by the part of the media to "TELL THE STORY THEY WANT TO TELL" regardless of what the actual facts say is pretty well documented.
Atleast it would be his money.

You must use tax payer cash.
What is it, 16 crony companies gone tits up without the owners losing a dime?

Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Ever heard of demonstarting absurity by being such, or does that concept out of your reach?

they did NOT say it WAS him they said that A man with the samename was in the same city and was in the tea party.

they have appologised and hopefully will learn from the mistake.
DemocracyNow,Thinkprogress, Moveon, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones and NPR........

Journalistic excellence !!!!!!!!! LOL
A simple white pages check.............

and I found three James Holmes - ages 30, 33 and 65. None age 24.

Which begs the question - where the #@$&)(*^& did Brian Ross get his journalism degree?
they did NOT say it WAS him they said that A man with the samename was in the same city and was in the tea party.

they have appologised and hopefully will learn from the mistake.
TM. This is something they should have learned when studying "journalism" - they used to teach them to check sources an info.
You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

Identifying this man as a possible Tea Partier before doing the research to confirm or deny, NOT identifying the Fort Hood shooter as a Muslim with numerous ties to violent extremists despite ample evidence, identifying George Zimmerman as a white man, then a "white Hispanic" a term NEVER dreamt of before that moment, identifying Gabrielle Giffords' shooter as a right-wing extremist and going after the Tea Party and Sarah Palin when no evidence suggested a link, ignoring the violence of OWS-members while desperately seeking to attach anything and everthing to the Tea Party, the Duke Lacrosse rape case, and on and on...

We can argue whether the media's tilt is Democrat or just merely LEFTIST in general...but to ignore the repeated attempts by the part of the media to "TELL THE STORY THEY WANT TO TELL" regardless of what the actual facts say is pretty well documented.

So just agree with me that the corporate media is full of crap and mostly ignore them like I do. If you think I am going to defend those people on TeeVee as having any kind of integrity then you can just wait, it is truly an idiot box full of sensationalism and rumor, abandon them and watch your IQ soar.
Atleast it would be his money.

You must use tax payer cash.
What is it, 16 crony companies gone tits up without the owners losing a dime?

Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Are you always this stupid?
ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

"Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes," Ross cautioned "but it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."
Aurora shooting: ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection -

I must also note that Brian Ross who maybe of ABC news pleaded not guility..

ST. ALBANS — Four men pleaded not guilty today at Franklin County District Court for their alleged roles in the ongoing case surrounding the death of Christopher Davis, 22.

Brian Ross, 23, Travis Bugbee, 23, Joshua Fortine, 29, and Stephen Wells, 36, all pleaded not guilty, with their defense attorneys arguing for their release.

Ross and Bugbee are charged with the assault and robbery of Davis who was found dead in the St. Albans City swimming pool more than three weeks after the alleged attack. Bugbee also faces an unlawful mischief count.

Death case arrests made | The Saint Albans Messenger

Oh god
it gets even better


Why does the Left and the MSM hate white Hispanics?
Dare ya to link even a single example, moron.

I know you can't, but I rarely miss an opportunity to expose the morons and the dishonest.

[ame=]Tea Party Violence: Teabagger Tries To Kill Man With Obama Bumper Sticker - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Teabagger Violence Mars Tax Day Rally With Sen. Marco Rubio - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Protester Assaulted by Violent Tea Party Members at Palin McCain Rally - YouTube[/ame]

Tea Party Leader Calls For Violent Overthrow Of Government Over Health Care Ruling (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

Dawn Teo: Tea Party Protest Turns Violent (VIDEO)

Tea Party Nation trying to incite violence in Wisconsin. Judson Phillips likens protesters to Nazi storm troopers. | The Political Carnival

Tea Party Violence in Kentucky. I am OUTRAGED. - Razzle Dazzle - Open Salon

ooops - there's a lot more out there

Man enough to admit you're wrong?

Yoooo Hoooo anybody home?

Not at your house, apparently.
Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Are you always this stupid?

Every time you come around, I almost want to make a donation to the special olympics, your mental retardation is truly disturbing.
Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Are you always this stupid?

What else do you think the Papa Obama Truth goon squads can hire?

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