ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

ABC apologizes for incorrect Tea Party tie or Left happy he isn't a white Hispanic

Comrades, this is most discouraging news and does not help in our battle to speak on anything
besides Papa Obama's bad economy

Editor's Note: An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted.​

Good news- at least he is not a white Hispanic- that only seems to mix our message of identity politics

Keep up the good work, comrades

Will Ross apologize on the air, or is a blurb on the website sufficient.
How many people heard the original comments but will never hear the retraction?
So just agree with me that the corporate media is full of crap and mostly ignore them like I do. If you think I am going to defend those people on TeeVee as having any kind of integrity then you can just wait, it is truly an idiot box full of sensationalism and rumor, abandon them and watch your IQ soar.
Oh, on that we are in TOTAL agreement. But you aren't arguing from your original position anymore.

Originally, you stated:
You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

So if you now agree with me, at least in SOME respect, that the media is, if not evil, then at a minimum full of crap that shouldn't be watched...we can get back to my original point -

While you and I now agree that it is putting forth an agenda regardless from what the facts say and should be ignored completely - the majority of Americans are not doing that...they are swallowing the bullshit and being unduly influenced by it.

I would argue that until we STOP doing what you are suggesting....until we STOP IGNORING IT, letting it go, excusing it, looking the other way because we kinda agree with their end result even if we know they lied to get there, etc....we are, in fact, CONDONING them. We are ENCOURAGING our media to LIE to us...just so long as we like the lie.

And, as we've seen here this morning...those who say "Wait a minute, thats not what really is happening here!" are often immediately met with a smack down from those people who like the outcome of the lies. "How dare you try to politicize this tragedy!!!" they shout...ignoring the fact that the media already politicized it the MOMENT they decided to put forth shoddy information...simply because it supported the story they WANTED to tell.
Only the left and their sick syncophants will use any tragedy to make political hay. Most Americans have had enough of this sick shit.

The irony is palpable.

I'd like to offer my prayers to the victims of this tragedy and their families. I started crying when I heard the description of the officer carrying the young girl from the theater. I've only read this thread from page 6 or 7 forward, so I may have missed your thoughts and prayers for these people.

Emma dear heart, you are different. You are a good soul and a wonderous democrat who makes arguments we can understand without hate or without vileness.

You are in a different category Emma. :eusa_angel:

ETA: on the other hand you could be the anti christ and I've fallen for your avatar for forever. I love that guy.
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Black_Fable and the left are just jealous of wealth that isn't thiers. Any wonder he supports Obama and excuses him?

Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Are you always this stupid?

Actually, this is a high point for him.

He's usually MUCH stupider.
Holy hell are you stupid, you are seriously using that argument that "well,'s OK he committed the massacre because Rush sent him a check himself"

How mentally ill are you?

Are you always this stupid?

Every time you come around, I almost want to make a donation to the special olympics, your mental retardation is truly disturbing.

Demeaning special needs people in an attempt to demean a single poster at USMB... I'm afraid that is what is truly disturbing... Your lack of morals speaks volumes.
ABC apologizes for incorrect Tea Party tie or Left happy he isn't a white Hispanic

Comrades, this is most discouraging news and does not help in our battle to speak on anything
besides Papa Obama's bad economy

Editor's Note: An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect. ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted.​

Good news- at least he is not a white Hispanic- that only seems to mix our message of identity politics

Keep up the good work, comrades

Will Ross apologize on the air, or is a blurb on the website sufficient.
How many people heard the original comments but will never hear the retraction?

I want his balls on the wall. I'm tied up this afternoon miracle growing my sweet millions and my lemon boys (tomatoes people) but I want an official apology on air and will go for the throat later today.

We cannot let ABC squirm out of this. I refuse to let this happen. I want blood.
So just agree with me that the corporate media is full of crap and mostly ignore them like I do. If you think I am going to defend those people on TeeVee as having any kind of integrity then you can just wait, it is truly an idiot box full of sensationalism and rumor, abandon them and watch your IQ soar.
Oh, on that we are in TOTAL agreement. But you aren't arguing from your original position anymore.

Originally, you stated:
You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

So if you now agree with me, at least in SOME respect, that the media is, if not evil, then at a minimum full of crap that shouldn't be watched...we can get back to my original point -

While you and I now agree that it is putting forth an agenda regardless from what the facts say and should be ignored completely - the majority of Americans are not doing that...they are swallowing the bullshit and being unduly influenced by it.

I would argue that until we STOP doing what you are suggesting....until we STOP IGNORING IT, letting it go, excusing it, looking the other way because we kinda agree with their end result even if we know they lied to get there, etc....we are, in fact, CONDONING them. We are ENCOURAGING our media to LIE to us...just so long as we like the lie.

And, as we've seen here this morning...those who say "Wait a minute, thats not what really is happening here!" are often immediately met with a smack down from those people who like the outcome of the lies. "How dare you try to politicize this tragedy!!!" they shout...ignoring the fact that the media already politicized it the MOMENT they decided to put forth shoddy information...simply because it supported the story they WANTED to tell.

They have no agenda other than ratings and profits. Even Fox would change their political tone if it was no longer profitable to act as if they actually like the libertarian/conservative segment of society. Stage one of any story is to throw out a bunch of sensationalized crap and see what sticks during the many, many hours of airtime they have to fill with no real information, the wise will put no credence in the early stages of news coverage on a story. My first reply to this thread was to urge restraint by all parties in jumping to conclusions and I would have never dreamed just how unpopular and provocative that advice would turn out to be, lost 4 rep points already just urging people to morn the dead first and leave political crap for when we have some facts in the case.
No wonder ABC has what, about a 20 something per-cent trust rating? Who the hell is watching the MSM anymore? Oh yeah, liberals.... they do so love living in the alter-reality.
For those who live in the region:

Bonfils Blood Center is currently accepting appointments from community members wanting to donate blood on behalf of the Aurora movie theatre shootings that occurred early this morning. All six Denver metro donor centers are open today until 7 p.m. and there are also mobile drives open to the public. Please call 303-363-2300 or visit to schedule your appointment and find a donor center/mobile drive nearest you. We are particularly in need of O-, A- and platelets and ask that donors with those blood types please consider donating. As of this time, Bonfils has met the needs of the local hospitals involved in this tragedy and is asking that donors not only donate today but make appointments in the coming days to help replenish our blood supply.
It is disingenuous to say they have no agenda
besides ratings and profits

If that was the case, CNN would have adjusted their coverage a long time ago

ABC and Ross jumped to conclusions because
it fit what their view of the world is...
Wrong Holmes.....he has grounds for a lawsuit against the network

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