ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

No wonder ABC has what, about a 20 something per-cent trust rating? Who the hell is watching the MSM anymore? Oh yeah, liberals.... they do so love living in the alter-reality.

From what I understand it's 21% trust rate. After this? They might surpass Congress...:eusa_whistle:
Ross should be fired... what he did is beyond irresponsible. And yes, if I were this guy, I'd sue the fuck outta Ross AND ABC.
I am going to have the human decency not to comment on this tragedy in a political context until facts are known, you should do the same.

Ahhh, that's adorable... following your messiah's instructions to the letter. Pity that the media didn't get a copy of that letter.
They have no agenda other than ratings and profits. Even Fox would change their political tone if it was no longer profitable to act as if they actually like the libertarian/conservative segment of society. Stage one of any story is to throw out a bunch of sensationalized crap and see what sticks during the many, many hours of airtime they have to fill with no real information, the wise will put no credence in the early stages of news coverage on a story. My first reply to this thread was to urge restraint by all parties in jumping to conclusions and I would have never dreamed just how unpopular and provocative that advice would turn out to be, lost 4 rep points already just urging people to morn the dead first and leave political crap for when we have some facts in the case.

Did you lose the points becasue you urged restraint? Or because you told people who were upset by the fradulent "TeaParty" narrative to stop complaining about it? While I agree - we should all be prepared to apologize for putting our feet in our mouths if we decide to come out swinging before all the facts are known...I think that we BOTH know that this message board would be a quiet and boring place if no one discussed anything until they had complete knowledge of all the facts.

While I'm glad we are agreeing on the fact that the media is full of crap - I'm going to have to continue to disagree with you on the political leaning of that crap. I feel that the evidence that you so ardently claim to want is out there proving that the media will ignore sensational stories (i.e. the Edwards' affair(s) that the media ignored for as long as it could, Barney Frank's partner's brothel that no one seems to know much about although a Republican toe-tapping in a bathroom is national news, Obama's numerous gaffes that no one seems to know about while Bush-isms are made into calendars, and on and on) because they do not forward the political agenda the media supports....while over-covering if not blatantly fabricating evidence to put forth tales that support their views.
This kind of so called reporting is insame. What if he drove a chevy to the shooiting , do we blame GM for it. The so called press is medium press that is interest in ratings, being first with the lastest news if you can call it that. I am sick of the distortions just to get more viewers.
They should be fired. This was politcal commentary. Not news. And their bias is obvious.
he didnt kill anyone did he?

why is it OK for fox to flat out lie and not OK for a reporter to report that someone with the same name as the gunman and living in the same town as the gunman had ties to something in the middle of a breaking news report.

He NEVER claimed it was the same guy.

he said it might be him.

they appologised and said it wasnt him when they fleshed it out.

I have heard and seen Fox do much worse
Latest reports coming out claim he's a registered Democrat. If that means anything to anyone.

By the time you nutty rw's get done with this, you'll be calling him Obama's best friend, mentor, classmate in China, former spouse, massive financial contributor and quoted all through all of his books.


Poor Luddly - hyperbole and unfounded accusations bother him so much.

That's why he has devoted his life to showing others what extremism looks like.
Yet another example of newies trying to scoop each other..and irresponsibly.

Very bad form.
For those who live in the region:

Bonfils Blood Center is currently accepting appointments from community members wanting to donate blood on behalf of the Aurora movie theatre shootings that occurred early this morning. All six Denver metro donor centers are open today until 7 p.m. and there are also mobile drives open to the public. Please call 303-363-2300 or visit to schedule your appointment and find a donor center/mobile drive nearest you. We are particularly in need of O-, A- and platelets and ask that donors with those blood types please consider donating. As of this time, Bonfils has met the needs of the local hospitals involved in this tragedy and is asking that donors not only donate today but make appointments in the coming days to help replenish our blood supply.

:clap2::clap2: Well done, Emma.
You know the leftists/liberals/progressives/democraps are just chomping at the bit to politicize this. They don't give a rats ass about the victims. All they're frothing at the mouth about is the first chance they can get to scream "CONSERVATIVE," or "REPUBLICAN," or "TEA PARTY," and then start their pathetic demands for "MORE" GUN CONTROL. Sickening sons a bitches.

I wonder how many bloody, violent video games the shooter played? That's what people should take a look at, not more gun control.
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They have no agenda other than ratings and profits. Even Fox would change their political tone if it was no longer profitable to act as if they actually like the libertarian/conservative segment of society. Stage one of any story is to throw out a bunch of sensationalized crap and see what sticks during the many, many hours of airtime they have to fill with no real information, the wise will put no credence in the early stages of news coverage on a story. My first reply to this thread was to urge restraint by all parties in jumping to conclusions and I would have never dreamed just how unpopular and provocative that advice would turn out to be, lost 4 rep points already just urging people to morn the dead first and leave political crap for when we have some facts in the case.

Did you lose the points becasue you urged restraint? Or because you told people who were upset by the fradulent "TeaParty" narrative to stop complaining about it? While I agree - we should all be prepared to apologize for putting our feet in our mouths if we decide to come out swinging before all the facts are known...I think that we BOTH know that this message board would be a quiet and boring place if no one discussed anything until they had complete knowledge of all the facts.

While I'm glad we are agreeing on the fact that the media is full of crap - I'm going to have to continue to disagree with you on the political leaning of that crap. I feel that the evidence that you so ardently claim to want is out there proving that the media will ignore sensational stories (i.e. the Edwards' affair(s) that the media ignored for as long as it could, Barney Frank's partner's brothel that no one seems to know much about although a Republican toe-tapping in a bathroom is national news, Obama's numerous gaffes that no one seems to know about while Bush-isms are made into calendars, and on and on) because they do not forward the political agenda the media supports....while over-covering if not blatantly fabricating evidence to put forth tales that support their views.

All are guilty, I will not even go into detail about the rumor mill at Fox news but some will swear up and down that they are the only source of reliable news while crying about the liberal media elsewhere, I do not condemn one and not the other, I condemn all, do you?
he didnt kill anyone did he?

why is it OK for fox to flat out lie and not OK for a reporter to report that someone with the same name as the gunman and living in the same town as the gunman had ties to something in the middle of a breaking news report.

He NEVER claimed it was the same guy.

he said it might be him.

they appologised and said it wasnt him when they fleshed it out.

I have heard and seen Fox do much worse

The shooter was how old 23? This guy was 52...Hello CLUE?
You're a liar. Period. You will say anything and twist any truth because that's what you are. A liar.

I don't need to twist what is readily apparent.

You went all incredulous on us at the notion of ABC politicizing this event.

Then you spent the next 500 posts doing the same thing.

Maybe your real problem is that you are too dull to see your own duplicity.

You're equating an Internet poster with a LMSM "Journalist"?

How cute!!

No. That is precisely what I am not doing.

Thanks for playing.
Yes they should have confirmed the identity first.

Ive seen fox do it on purpose

Like all issues, you are asking disgusting excuses for human beings to use their brains, rightwingers never do that....

Fox lies all day long to the point of committing treason, the rest of the MSM has a lot of catching up to do...
he didnt kill anyone did he?

why is it OK for fox to flat out lie and not OK for a reporter to report that someone with the same name as the gunman and living in the same town as the gunman had ties to something in the middle of a breaking news report.

He NEVER claimed it was the same guy.

he said it might be him.

they appologised and said it wasnt him when they fleshed it out.

I have heard and seen Fox do much worse

The shooter was how old 23? This guy was 52...Hello CLUE?

Makes you wonder sometimes how they make decisions about what to air..and who are the fact checkers?

It would have been a pretty simple thing to confirm.

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