ABC News edits RFK Jr. interview to exclude ‘false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines’

What a bunch of slimeballs they have over at ABC News. Kennedy spoke the truth about the killer vaccines and ABC couldn't stand it. So they censored his interview. Just goes to show they're nothing but propagandists for Biden and big Pharma.

ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.'s vaccine claims: 'Used our editorial judgement'​

  • ABC News edited anti-vax comments made by Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of an interview that aired Thursday night
Okay. Whatever. Bobby is a bit, well you know -- special.:auiqs.jpg:
What a bunch of slimeballs they have over at ABC News. Kennedy spoke the truth about the killer vaccines and ABC couldn't stand it. So they censored his interview. Just goes to show they're nothing but propagandists for Biden and big Pharma.

ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.'s vaccine claims: 'Used our editorial judgement'​

  • ABC News edited anti-vax comments made by Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of an interview that aired Thursday night
OP posted half-hour late. This was posted at 12:22 PM, and also added Hunter Biden. Anyone reporting on dem-controlled media and censorship should include Hunter Biden in their report.

Post #57
ABC knows that censoring the interview is absolutely necessary because of Big Farmer Gates and the Jesuit Elf Fauci. Hunter Biden is the closest link to Chinese communist virus labs of any Biden family member.

When the Elf was mouthing off to the Senate as the sick Mojiang miners went into hospital: 2012

When Barbara Walters was interviewing the Miss Universe contestant tranny and Trump's penis was mentioned: 2012
Did you take the vaccine or any of your family members?
A lot people took the Trump vaccine because he recommended it.

I suspect he recommended it so his kick backs from pharma would increase.

Gym needs to follow the money between Trump and big pharma...after the anti inflation bill of course.
A lot people took the Trump vaccine because he recommended it.

I suspect he recommended it so his kick backs from pharma would increase.

Gym needs to follow the money between Trump and big pharma...after the anti inflation bill of course.
Trump wasn't a scientist. He was given advice on what to recommend. Biden on the other hand mandated the vaccine be taken or else. Trump said go with your gut instinct.
Trump wasn't a scientist. He was given advice on what to recommend. Biden on the other hand mandated the vaccine be taken or else. Trump said go with your gut instinct.
Good point Macho Man. He was given advice and didn't take it.

Fauci recommended against the EUA but Trump didn't listen. Instead he disregarded fauci and threw socialist money at big pharma to push out a vaccine because he had an election coming up.

Doesn't that piss you off or do you love Trump to much? ❤️

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