ABC News edits RFK Jr. interview to exclude ‘false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines’

What a bunch of slimeballs they have over at ABC News. Kennedy spoke the truth about the killer vaccines and ABC couldn't stand it. So they censored his interview. Just goes to show they're nothing but propagandists for Biden and big Pharma.

ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.'s vaccine claims: 'Used our editorial judgement'​

  • ABC News edited anti-vax comments made by Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of an interview that aired Thursday night
So the investigative trajectory of ABS'c fascism will include the apparent debunking of an autism link to SARS2 "vaccine."
There is Trump resonance in the Hynansky 2012 chron: Trump's penis, mentioned @~ timepoint 8:00 in the Barbara Walters Miss Universe tranny video of 2012.

Fine-tuning the chron, which came first in the 2012 media, Trump's penis or the tranny intverview? Inquiring patriots and Ukraine war funders should want to know.
Youtube search should retrieve the video, or the URL will function if typed in the spacebar. Here is the URL schizophrenized by asterisks so that USMB software won't recognize it:
Vel's thread, Confirmed: Published 12:05 17 Aug 2012

What is the date of the Barbara Walters interview?
So, it was ABC News doing the Barbara Walters Talackova interview as early as 6 Ap 2012, that mentions Trump's penis. Vel's Obama-Biden-Hynansky report was not until 17 Aug 2012. So this was (before [italics]) the Jesuit Elf, Anthony Fauci mouthed off to the U.S. Senate in testimony about "Dual Use," which occurred on 26 Ap 2012.

The sick Mojiang miners started to go into the Kunming Hospital on 25 Ap 2012. So there is an 11-day time-window between the sick miners (from shoveling bat guano) and ABC News Obama-Biden-Hynansky assemblage.
As Vel's OP states, Alexandra Hynansky donated $7,280 to Biden campaign. Alexandra Hynansky is the mu-opioid connection.

1995 Hynansky A / Mu-Opioid mRNA

Vel's OP reports says "Biden's home state of Delaware" though Biden was born in Scranton, Pa.
As Vel's OP states, Alexandra Hynansky donated $7,280 to Biden campaign. Alexandra Hynansky is the mu-opioid connection.

1995 Hynansky A / Mu-Opioid mRNA

Vel's OP reports says "Biden's home state of Delaware" though Biden was born in Scranton, Pa.
Thanks for your educational posts, badger2. The dots are being connected.
As Vel's OP states, Alexandra Hynansky donated $7,280 to Biden campaign. Alexandra Hynansky is the mu-opioid connection.

1995 Hynansky A / Mu-Opioid mRNA

Vel's OP reports says "Biden's home state of Delaware" though Biden was born in Scranton, Pa.

We linked specific SARS2 mutations to very similar mu-opioid receptor mutations on 17 Aug 2021. The former specific mutations the CDC changed on their website after they were published. We have found no other humans who noticed the change:

Post #41
Huff, (The Truth About Wuhan) thinks that the plandemic begun in Aug 2019. Creepy.

15 Aug 2019
'....Hynansky's daughter, Alexandra, grew up as a close friend of the senator's sons, according to a person who knows both families. Joe Biden was present at Alexandra's wedding.'
How is it that no one reacts against this factory of death? We know that the elites for the most part are crooked and do nothing and we should hope that it is Robert F. Kennedy Jr who wins the keys to the White House even being conservative I see that no one else seems to care about the injured or the family who lost a love one because of the vaccine.
I don't know anyone who died from covid vaccine. I've asked other and they say the same. No.
The mutation that the CDC changed after it was published on the internet was the Brazil-Japan, K417T/N, which initially showed a double choice that the virus could make (either T or N). CDC removed the N. So here is the post explaining the mu-opioid connection to the Japan-Brazil variant:

16 Aug 2021 Post #10
'....Belgium....removing the N [asparagine]....'

The reader cans now see the similarity between SARS2 mutation and mu-opioid receptor mutation. Hynansky is the mu-opioid mRNA link to a likely reason for the CDC to change the Brazil-Japanese mutation. In addition, the African coronavirus collected by Hunter Biden's Metabiota links the lack of published material on this virus to authors of that African Malacomys coronavirus paper, who are/were located at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
How is it that no one reacts against this factory of death? We know that the elites for the most part are crooked and do nothing and we should hope that it is Robert F. Kennedy Jr who wins the keys to the White House even being conservative I see that no one else seems to care about the injured or the family who lost a love one because of the vaccine.
RFK Jr. is fearless about it and has never stopped investigating....unless to run for president.

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