ABC News edits RFK Jr. interview to exclude ‘false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines’

What a bunch of slimeballs they have over at ABC News. Kennedy spoke the truth about the killer vaccines and ABC couldn't stand it. So they censored his interview. Just goes to show they're nothing but propagandists for Biden and big Pharma.

ABC News admits to cutting down RFK Jr.'s vaccine claims: 'Used our editorial judgement'​

  • ABC News edited anti-vax comments made by Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of an interview that aired Thursday night

*Another* MAGA thread about RFK, Jr?
Y'all have such a hard-on for this dude.
The Biden-Hynansky link is here:
Post #2,166
I don't know. I would think, however, that expecting the media to not be the propaganda arm for the DNC would be an issue for many.
They don't care about state-run media as long as it is in their favor. This is exactly how short-sighted people think. The Democratic party and our enemies are very aware of their constituency's shortcomings and are taking full advantage.
They don't care about state-run media as long as it is in their favor. This is exactly how short-sighted people think. The Democratic party and our enemies are very aware of their constituency's shortcomings and are taking full advantage.
They never seem to realize that, whatever tool they are using and cheering for will eventually be used against them, and they will be left pissing in the wind. It happened when Harry Reid nuked the super majority requirement to confirm judges and suddenly they couldn't stop Republicans from appointing SC justices. They were, of course, dumfounded.
We The People decide what info to accept or reject. Not agenda driven libs at ABC.
OP's report mentions autism in the third paragraph, which is already an ABC News/CIA link. It's modus operandi resonates with word games of the trannies and manipulating the signifier-signified relationship:

'Wired's seed funding came from MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte, whose brother, John Negroponte, was the first Director of National Intelligence, notorious for his support of Central American death squads.

Wired's central function was to "scrub every last particle of progressive thinking from reporting on the then-developing online world and to promote a pro-military/pro-corporate/pro-intelligence agency view within the digital media and technology community," according to McCarthy, who lived and worked in San Francisco in the 1990s and organized the first conference on monetizing the web. When he saw his first copy of Wired, Dr. Timothy Leary reportedly called it "the CIA's answer to Mondo 2000."

In 2015, Wired emerged as a promoter of a particular brand of autism epidemic denial known as "Neurodiversity." By normalizing autism as "neurodiversity," this movement seeks to dilute autism numbers, deny the vaccine association, and promote the larger view that all vaccines are safe and vaccine injuries are the delusions of crackpots.

This "movement" has spawned an army of "activist" trolls weaponized to attack autism researchers, advocacy groups, and even families of vaccine-injured children.

Steve Silberman, a writer for Wired since 2010, published the book, Neurotribes in 2015 to massive acclaim and highly orchestrated publicity. It became the manifesto for the new "autism rights" movements, which also demonize medical freedom and food safety advocates. Its tactics include online attacks and aggressive disruption of public events, including conferences and film screenings.

Wire is also the fountainhead of the equally sinister movement, transhumanism, which advocates for the integration of human beings and machines....has fervent acolytes among the Silicon Valley elites, including C-suite titans at Microsoft, Facebook, Tesla's Elon Musk, Google Engineering Director Raymond Kurtzweil, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, satellite and biotech titan Martine Rothblatt, and Bill Gates. In-Q-Tel has made transhumanism one of the persistent themes of its long-term investment strategies.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp.409-10)

This is the first confirmed CIA-linked propaganda episode since the RFK Jr. campaign announcement in Boston. Further investigation of autism science is now in order.
OP's report mentions autism in the third paragraph, which is already an ABC News/CIA link. It's modus operandi resonates with word games of the trannies and manipulating the signifier-signified relationship:

'Wired's seed funding came from MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte, whose brother, John Negroponte, was the first Director of National Intelligence, notorious for his support of Central American death squads.

Wired's central function was to "scrub every last particle of progressive thinking from reporting on the then-developing online world and to promote a pro-military/pro-corporate/pro-intelligence agency view within the digital media and technology community," according to McCarthy, who lived and worked in San Francisco in the 1990s and organized the first conference on monetizing the web. When he saw his first copy of Wired, Dr. Timothy Leary reportedly called it "the CIA's answer to Mondo 2000."

In 2015, Wired emerged as a promoter of a particular brand of autism epidemic denial known as "Neurodiversity." By normalizing autism as "neurodiversity," this movement seeks to dilute autism numbers, deny the vaccine association, and promote the larger view that all vaccines are safe and vaccine injuries are the delusions of crackpots.

This "movement" has spawned an army of "activist" trolls weaponized to attack autism researchers, advocacy groups, and even families of vaccine-injured children.

Steve Silberman, a writer for Wired since 2010, published the book, Neurotribes in 2015 to massive acclaim and highly orchestrated publicity. It became the manifesto for the new "autism rights" movements, which also demonize medical freedom and food safety advocates. Its tactics include online attacks and aggressive disruption of public events, including conferences and film screenings.

Wire is also the fountainhead of the equally sinister movement, transhumanism, which advocates for the integration of human beings and machines....has fervent acolytes among the Silicon Valley elites, including C-suite titans at Microsoft, Facebook, Tesla's Elon Musk, Google Engineering Director Raymond Kurtzweil, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, satellite and biotech titan Martine Rothblatt, and Bill Gates. In-Q-Tel has made transhumanism one of the persistent themes of its long-term investment strategies.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp.409-10)

This is the first confirmed CIA-linked propaganda episode since the RFK Jr. campaign announcement in Boston. Further investigation of autism science is now in order.

And by 'confirmed CIA-linked propaganda', you mean ABC?
Is the nutbag crying about it, or just you?

Tucker and RFK Jr. Are Right About the COVID “Vaccines​

  • In December 2022, a peer-reviewed study in the second oldest medical publication in the world, the British Medical Journal, said unequivocally that for every person that the Covid shots kept out of the hospital, they put nearly 20 others in the hospital, or killed them. The BMJ said the COVID shots were:
“likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults—for each hospitalisation averted we estimate approximately [18.5 serious adverse events]…“

The BMJ study also said that the risk of heart damage from the shots is more than the risk of heart damage from COVID, especially in young men:

Postvaccination myocarditis has been found to be equivalent to or exceed the risk of post-COVID myocarditis in males less than 40 years old…”

The BMJ study says that “University booster mandates are unethical.”

  • A Columbia University professor vetted and appearing on Dr. Drew concludes from his study of multiple data sets that COVID “vaccine” deaths in the US are in the hundreds of thousands. Columbia University Professor Spiro Pantazatos found that: “Significant regression terms estimate 130K-180K US deaths can be attributed to vaccination between February and August of 2021.”

  • A former Wall Street investment manager at the world’s largest investment house Blackrock, in his book “Cause Unknown”, concludes from life insurance data that the true number of Covid vaccine deaths since the start of 2021 is in the hundreds of thousands.

  • In October of 2021, the peer-reviewed science journal Toxicology Reports published a study which estimated that deaths directly caused by the vaccines “could be in the hundreds of thousands for the USA.” In a highly unusual incident, the paper was hastily retracted by the publisher, against the wishes of the authors, who to this day stand by their conclusions.
Crippling COVID injection reactions (view in Bitchute)


"Safe and Effective"


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