ABC News Video Suggests Explosives Looted After US Took Control

White knight said:
I don’t care much for liberals, the view I have of them is they want things for free, and don’t believe in hard work and personal responsibilities, self-reliance and strength of the individual, these are the values I would more associate with a conservative.

What I was referring to was not being able to get a Bush/GOP supporter to admit that they are human and make mistakes, now matter what evidence or argument I posted. Nobody, no party can be that perfect.

I can't believe that the entire world media is biased in favor of Kerry.

Do some research and you will find many things that republicans don't like about the policies of Bush and his administration and have posted them. I agree that the entire world media is not pro-Kerry but our MSM has no problem pouncing on anything that remotely indicts Bush (true or not) and bends over backwards to avoid stories that would hurt Kerry.
White knight said:
I don’t care much for liberals, the view I have of them is they want things for free, and don’t believe in hard work and personal responsibilities, self-reliance and strength of the individual, these are the values I would more associate with a conservative.

What I was referring to was not being able to get a Bush/GOP supporter to admit that they are human and make mistakes, now matter what evidence or argument I posted. Nobody, no party can be that perfect.

I can't believe that the entire world media is biased in favor of Kerry.

What are some of Kerry's errors?

Lying about war crimes in vietnam?

Having his head up his ass on intelligence and military spending during the cold war?

Going to air with spurious allegations with no basis in truth?

Are any of these errors in your view?
I beleive the Pentagon presentation today should put to rest the fears of these weapons being looted after our arrival. I said should because i know libs like acludem will never believe anything that doesnt conform to his propaganda.
Palestinian Jew said:
So far the Pentagon has only given out one picture of a truck by the compound. I seriously doubt that 300 tons of explosives could be loaded onto one truck.

LOL - you said a mouthful there!

Let's do a little math. 380 tons of explosive have allegedly "disappeared". You don't do that with smoke and mirrors.

380 x 2000 = 760,000 pounds

That's right, boys and girls. SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND pounds. You don't back your Ford 350 heavy duty pickup up to that and carry it off.

Tank transporters are the among some of the vehicles which could be used to accomplish this task. They can carry something in excess of sixty tons each. To spirit off 380 tons of explosives, you would need approximately 6 of these transporters. The top speed of these vehicles when loaded varies, but 50 mph would be a close estimate. Given the condition of most roads in Iraq, probably 35 mph would be more like it.

Most trucks available to the opposition military in Iraq during the war had a capacity on the order of five tons. If those were used, they would need 76 trucks to move the explosives. After we took the munitions site, it is highly unlikely that any Iraqi military vehicles would have been unchallenged - especially 76 of them.

Assuming that the military did not move them, then the only way to get the explosives out would have been by civilian vehicles which could blend in with local traffic. So is it possible that insurgents sneaked onto the premises and loaded all that stuff onto their Toyota pickups? Your average Toyota has a load capacity of one half ton. To move 380 tons of explosives would have required 760 trucks.

I love the desperation exhibited by ACLU and his liberal friends. In their frenzy to succeed in a cheap, sleazy last minute gotcha they have become totally irrational. And they make the assumption that the rest of us are either equally irrational or incapable of performing first grade level math calculations.
...thanks for the math lessons (should have been learned in first grade, though). How about a counter arguement....

The US military said it has accounted for 250 tons of the explosives on an initial many toyotas would it take to move the remaining 122 tons, then?

a) 4000
b) 12
c) 244

Bonus points: What color were the toyotas?
Fmr jarhead said:
...thanks for the math lessons (should have been learned in first grade, though). How about a counter arguement....

The US military said it has accounted for 250 tons of the explosives on an initial many toyotas would it take to move the remaining 122 tons, then?

a) 4000
b) 12
c) 244

Bonus points: What color were the toyotas?

Which model toyota? :rotflmao:

and beige of course!
Not sure which model, but I am certain it won't cost more than 3 camels.

You get the bonus points!
Fmr jarhead said:
Not sure which model, but I am certain it won't cost more than 3 camels.

You get the bonus points!
I'll call your 3 camels and raise ya 1 virgin.
I'll go for (C.) 244 for the WIN!
Mr. P said:
I'll call your 3 camels and raise ya 1 virgin.
I'll go for (C.) 244 for the WIN!

3 Camels and 2 hookers will win every time, but you got the right answer and win! (I doubt you will find 2 virgins anywhere except right next to Allah!)
I never said I supported Kerry, I'm voting for Bush,
Really their is no good choice as usual.
Something is wrong when you can't criticize and support your leader at the same time.
What would be the point in debate if we did not and all said Hail to Bush and death to any who oppose him?
Why even bother wasting your time posting here if everyone here all has the same view.

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