ABC’s Jonathan Karl Just Mopped The Floor With Jay Carney Over That New Benghazi Emai

Heard it. Carney is lying his ass off. No doubt about it.
It will be interesting to see what Bagdad Bob Carney does after the boy king leaves office. Gibbs bailed early. He laid low for a while and now he can be seen on the talking head circuit mildly criticizing the boy king.

Carney is in too deep. He's a laughing stock. A shoe in for MSNBC. He'll fit in well with Ricky Madcow and Tingles Mathews.
Carney is such a fucking lying weasel. No wonder he's found a home in the Obama Administration.
I wouldn't take the job of presidential mouthpiece for ANY amount of money NO MATTER WHO the president. Having to meet the press each day has got to be a pain in the ass - especially when you know that you have to spin a lie. Doesn't matter what color you paint a turd, it will always be a turd.

Carney understands that the White House is busted. Hell, everyone knows this, but he has to make his dumbass boss look good.

Frankly, I think Carney is a punk - but I still wouldn't want HIS gig..... :lol:
May of moped the floor but to most people it doesn't matter.
Especially the LEFT on these boards they like to be lied to...they're constantly bent over waiting for it...
It will be interesting to see what Bagdad Bob Carney does after the boy king leaves office. Gibbs bailed early. He laid low for a while and now he can be seen on the talking head circuit mildly criticizing the boy king.

Carney is in too deep. He's a laughing stock. A shoe in for MSNBC. He'll fit in well with Ricky Madcow and Tingles Mathews.

He has to have been promised to be taken care of, to remain this long.

You can't even be original when copying your daddy [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] and his failed thread. That you posted in.
Carney is the perfect mouthpiece for this administration....
He is a natural.
Based on the best information we had at the time eh ? Sounds like the same talking point that was used with Bush and company over WMD's, and the left tried to barbeque Bush and company along these same lines. Now is the shoe on the other foot now, and do we have a huge double standard near about to take place in America ? They are great at casting stones, even though they are full of sin themselves, so lets see what the results are after they had so eagerly cast those stones during "Iraqi Freedom" and etc.

Now should the left get ready to be fed their own medicine by the Americans who are enraged over these simple explanations that are given each time something bad happens, and especially when people get dead as a result of ?
There is very little doubt that they lied about the video, no doubt. Either they lied or they are really really stupid.

So the question now becomes, and always was is why the lie? What bigger lie are they trying to hide? I believe it had to do with gun running and or a failure of the Hillary state department to protect her people. But what difference does it make if four people were killed?

The other question is that if they didn't know what was going on, and they did, then why did they speak with such surety?
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so now the liberal media has realized Obama and his goons are nothing but lying pieces of shit.

I believe the redlines in Syria and now Ukraine have forced them to see the light regarding their 1/2 black God.....he is nothing but a moron.
President's shouldn't even be allowed to have Press Secretary. Let the President speak to the People on his own --- so we may hold him accountable.
President's shouldn't even be allowed to have Press Secretary. Let the President speak to the People on his own --- so we may hold him accountable.

that would be nice, but i don't think practical.

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