Abe Lincoln Used the "N" Word and other racist Language very very Frequently

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you think they should be? Go set a watchman.



In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you thing they should be? Go set a watchman.

Do you think of old Lincoln as your pappy? Ahhhhh, that is so sweet.
And yours?
The author is 86 and the book published in 2000 is generally a dollar store item so what's the point? Lincoln used the "N" word?

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,


Lincoln like virtually everyone in 1860 was a racist by our standards. That word was commonly used in 'polite society' at that point.

Hardly shocking to anyone who has read history of the period.

Bennett is also incensed by the fact that Lincoln never opposed Southern slavery but only its extension into the territories. Indeed, in his first inaugural address he pledged his everlasting support for Southern slavery by making it explicitly constitutional with the "Corwin Amendment," that had already passed the U.S. House and Senate.
Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, said of the Corwin Amendment:[1][17]

I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.


In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,


Lincoln like virtually everyone in 1860 was a racist by our standards. That word was commonly used in 'polite society' at that point.

Hardly shocking to anyone who has read history of the period.

Bennett is also incensed by the fact that Lincoln never opposed Southern slavery but only its extension into the territories. Indeed, in his first inaugural address he pledged his everlasting support for Southern slavery by making it explicitly constitutional with the "Corwin Amendment," that had already passed the U.S. House and Senate.
Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, said of the Corwin Amendment:[1][17]

I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution—which amendment, however, I have not seen—has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service....holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

Mr. Bennett I am sure has written an interesting book.

Again- nothing particularly surprising here- Lincoln was very candid that he was willing to maintain slavery in the slave states in order to maintain the Union.

The slave states did not believe that- and seceded. And then because of Lincoln's decision not to accept the secession- and his subsequent decisions in the war, and the emancipation proclamation, and his support for voluntary emancipation(Lincoln pushed Maryland to voluntarily emancipate Maryland slaves with compensation but that purposal was rejected), precipitated the end of slavery in the United States.
In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you think they should be? Go set a watchman.




why would anyone admit bullshit revisionist history like that?
So the lesson here is that even racists think the institution of slavery was some really messed up crap.
[ He presents chapter and verse of how the Emancipation Proclamation freed no one, since it only applied to "rebel territory," and specifically exempted all the slave-owning/Union-controlled border states and other areas that were occupied by the U.S. army at the time.

This tired old lie?

The Emancipation Proclamation led to the immediate freedom of

here is a map showing in red the areas that had slaves immediately freed by the Emancipation Proclamation

Slaves in all of the areas in Pink were eventually freed by the Emancipation Proclamation, as Union troops liberated the areas.

And just as a nice counter point
10 Facts about the Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln actually considered the Emancipation Proclamation to be the most important aspect of his legacy. “I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper,” he declared. “If my name ever goes into history it will be for this act, and my whole soul is in it."

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
The "Lincoln cult?" What a dumbass.

"Why, one would ask, is such a distinguished African-American journalist so incensed over the Lincoln myth? It is because of his twenty years of painstaking research, resulting in this book, that proves, among other things, what a vulgar racist Lincoln was. Bennett provides quote after quote of Lincoln’s own words, habitually using the N-word so much that people in Washington thought he was weirdly consumed by his racism. Bennett tells of first-hand accounts by some of Lincoln’s generals of how they left a meeting with him during a crisis in the war in which the president spent most of his time in the meeting telling off-color "darkie" jokes (Lincoln’s language). General James Wadsworth, for example, was "shocked by the racism in the Lincoln White House."


Sounds like your author is a card carrying idiot
In the 1860s a fag was a stick, and gay meant happy.

They made movies called The Gay 90s, (Abbott and Costello), and The Gay Caballero, (although the star of that movie, Cesar Romero, WAS gay) in the late 30s and 40s, that had NOTHING to do with homosexuality. Those labels are moderately new.
In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches

Back then, the word "******" did not have the over inflated context it holds today. But even if we ignore that fact, this is still irrelevant.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

Another demented defense of slavery.

Enough already.

In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,

Another demented defense of slavery.

Enough already.
Ol' Abe Lincoln probably did use the N-Word frequently.

So what?

So did damned-near every other White American that was living-and-breathing at the time.

Modern-day Revisionist Idiots, trying to portray people of the 19th using the lens of the 21st, always make me laugh.

The author is 86 and the book published in 2000 is generally a dollar store item so what's the point? Lincoln used the "N" word?

"Bennett argues that "academics and [the] media had been hiding the truth for 135 years and that Lincoln was not the great emancipator or the small emancipator or the economy-sized emancipator." He presents chapter and verse of how the Emancipation Proclamation freed no one, since it only applied to "rebel territory," and specifically exempted all the slave-owning/Union-controlled border states and other areas that were occupied by the U.S. army at the time. He quotes James Randall, who has been called the "greatest Lincoln scholar of all time," as writing, "the Proclamation itself did not free a single slave." It was the Thirteenth Amendment that finally ended slavery, he correctly notes, and Lincoln was dragged into accepting it kicking and screaming all the way.

So what was the purpose of the Proclamation? Primarily to placate the genuine abolitionists with a political sleight of hand, says Bennett, and to deter Britain and France from formally recognizing the Confederate government."

The author is 86 and the book published in 2000 is generally a dollar store item so what's the point? Lincoln used the "N" word?

"Bennett argues that "academics and [the] media had been hiding the truth for 135 years and that Lincoln was not the great emancipator or the small emancipator or the economy-sized emancipator." He presents chapter and verse of how the Emancipation Proclamation freed no one, since it only applied to "rebel territory," and specifically exempted all the slave-owning/Union-controlled border states and other areas that were occupied by the U.S. army at the time. He quotes James Randall, who has been called the "greatest Lincoln scholar of all time," as writing, "the Proclamation itself did not free a single slave." It was the Thirteenth Amendment that finally ended slavery, he correctly notes, and Lincoln was dragged into accepting it kicking and screaming all the way.

So what was the purpose of the Proclamation? Primarily to placate the genuine abolitionists with a political sleight of hand, says Bennett, and to deter Britain and France from formally recognizing the Confederate government."


Bennett has already been proven a fool.

Stop wasting bandwidth
In his masterpiece Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, the author states that he scoured Lincoln’s Collected Works and demonstrates that he used the N-word about as frequently as your modern-day "gangster rapper" does.

Bennett also describes how this has all been covered up by the Lincoln Cult. Despite the hundreds of examples that are right there in black and white in Lincoln’s own speeches,
Are your parents everything you think they should be? Go set a watchman.




why would anyone admit bullshit revisionist history like that?



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