Abolish the FBI

Comey did everything in his power NOT to take her down.

I fix it for you.
What you did was lie.

Did you forget about him opening the investigation into her server again just days before the election very publicly and then ending it in days once the damage was done… all against FBI policy?
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What you did was lie.

Did you forget about him opening the investigation into her server again just days before the election very publicly and then ending in in days once the damage was done… all against FBI policy?
Did you forget he outlined all of her crimes, then rewrote the statute to include “intent” when it wasn’t there?
It needs to be purged top to bottom of any dem and Ivy League influences.....Reams of pink slips should be in their hands on inauguration day in '25.

Start with anyone hired from the Clinton years on for a start.

I'm more than willing to take the risk till they get their feet under them.
By what reason would you have to fire most of them? You cannot just fire people without cause.
Did you forget he outlined all of her crimes, then rewrote the statute to include “intent” when it wasn’t there?
He broke DOJ. Policy by “outlining” her indiscretions (which were not prosecutable) in a very public way.
The FBI is ignoring Antifa and BLM atrocities and going after conservative groups.
That is because D.H.S. has identified you people as the greatest threat facing America today.

This report came out during Trump's tenure.

Now I'll bet you want to "do away" with DHS also right?

Why do Republicans hate cops?

(3) An April 2017 Government Accountability Office report on the significant, lethal threat posed by domestic violent extremists explained that “ince September 12, 2001, the number of fatalities caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year.” The report noted: “[F]atalities resulting from attacks by far right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001. Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).”.

Trust in this agency is at an all time low.

I know that bad ideas can originate from almost anywhere. But I'll be damned if conservatives haven't cornered the market on momentously bad ideas. For example, back during the great recession, many conservatives wanted to let the car companies go under (in other words, going bankrupt and out of business) as some form of sign of capitalistic purity. It was a stupid and foolish idea as it would have impacted millions of jobs (and families, of course), and it likely would have caused thousands of automotive supplier businesses to fail as well.

The simple truth is that the FBI is the nation's preeminent investigative agency. Abolishing the FBI would be a huge win for criminals, terrorists, money launderers, sex traffickers, drug traffickers, gun runners, and organized crime to name just a few.

And why do conservatives want to do this? It's because they're upset that Trump is being investigated.

These people simply don't live in the real world.
He broke DOJ. Policy by “outlining” her indiscretions (which were not prosecutable) in a very public way.
No, he broke FBI policy by deciding she wouldn’t be charged. That isn’t his power to exercise, Simp.
You mean when they just ignored at all?
No, I mean when your orange douchebag was blowing kisses at the FBI because they were investigating Hillary.

Now that they are doing the same thing to him, you and your orange loser are whining your hearts out.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Sure thing, twinkletoes. Here ya go:

But the public may not always understand that the FBI does not have the job of deciding who should, or should not, be prosecuted for crime. It was created to do investigations – period. When it finishes one of its probes, it can and usually does make recommendations, but someone else has the job of deciding what to do with the results of those investigations – an actual prosecutor.

Now, your turn. Prove that the FBI prosecuted someone, anyone. Can you do that? I don't think you will be back. Or, you will come back and keep trying to equivocate.

So, if you come back without proof, I will label you a lying retard. Deal? Go.
You didn't make your case.

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