Abolish the FBI

Yeah, Trump had NO IDEA who ran the FBI.

The current crop of Republicans are part of the same Cabal and would never make any meaningful change.

Jim Jordan, House Speaker
Rand Paul, Majority Leader
Michael Franzese, AG

Not sure which Republican should be President. Maybe DeSantis, but expectations are near absolute zero
I think Rand Paul would love to gut the FIB like a fish.....After he's none with the CDC. ;)
The FBI decided not to prosecute Clinton even though she compromised national security.
Maybe, because, the FBI is not in the business of prosecuting. They are in the business of investigating. Once complete, they turn it over to the DOJ.

But since you keep claiming that the FBI is "prosecuting" Conservatives, here is your chance to give examples. Go.
The FBI is completely fucking incompetent.

They can't even find terrorists, which is supposed to be one of their primary missions

They missed the one in Texas, they're missed the one in Arizona, and they missed the one in Michigan.

But they found the soccer mom's. And they found Melania's panties.

FIRE the whole lot of those dumb fucking assholes and start over.
They find plenty of terrorists. They found the one in Mar-a-Lago, too.
Dark Brando has no fucks to give about your fragile tears, snowflake
Well, ass-wipe Brando definitely gives no fucks about those in Afghanistan, police and citizens being killed in our streets, and those dying from fentanyl.
The OSS was abolished to create the CIA. Was that really a good thing?
The OSS was a necessary wartime intelligence bureau that worked closely with the military.
The CIA is a largely peacetime agency full of Ivy League elitists, peeping toms, mad scientists and the like, which has admitted to using unsuspecting U.S. citizens as test subjects.

We have to be REALLY careful with that idea your proposing there.
What we need to do is fire some people and possibly make the bosses of the FBI ELECTED OFFICIALS with 4 or 6 year terms.
A weak point by you.
LOL Facts are a "weak point" to you?

But talking about weak points... here you are starting a thread on how the FBI needs to be abolished and yet... cannot come up with an example of how the FBI is "prosecuting" Conservatives! :laughing0301:

Gad, you retards are so cute. Stupid, but cute. :itsok:

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