Abortion - 12 Weeks In The Womb

Ok libs, start spinning.


Congratulations, sucker. All it takes is some photoshopping and idiots like you fall into line.

Trick-or-treat fetus models
Trick-or-treat fetus models - Jill Stanek

I strongly feel that this was not the right thing to do at a children’s event.
Again, this was a great event except for the people that were handing out toy fetuses to small children. At an adult event, OK, at a small children’s event, I think not.”

~ Grandfather John Ramsey complaining about Project:Ignite’s distribution of 12-week-old fetus toys at a local Halloween event, as quoted byThe Walton Tribune, November 6
- See more at: Trick-or-treat fetus models - Jill Stanek

lol, what a shame it is that the OP is too stupid to be embarrassed.
Hey asshole, it says "This is what we all looked like at 12 weeks in the womb". It does not say "This is an aborted fetus". Maybe you two can't read so well.
Ok libs, start spinning.


Congratulations, sucker. All it takes is some photoshopping and idiots like you fall into line.

Trick-or-treat fetus models
Trick-or-treat fetus models - Jill Stanek

I strongly feel that this was not the right thing to do at a children’s event.
Again, this was a great event except for the people that were handing out toy fetuses to small children. At an adult event, OK, at a small children’s event, I think not.”

~ Grandfather John Ramsey complaining about Project:Ignite’s distribution of 12-week-old fetus toys at a local Halloween event, as quoted byThe Walton Tribune, November 6
- See more at: Trick-or-treat fetus models - Jill Stanek

lol, what a shame it is that the OP is too stupid to be embarrassed.
Hey asshole, it says "This is what we all looked like at 12 weeks in the womb". It does not say "This is an aborted fetus". Maybe you two can't read so well.

See what I mean?
I guess liberals whose efforts at reproduction sometimes result in other-than-human births are right in their belief that their little internal parasites may be killed without risk of killed a person.

Still, if they make those little lumps of cells then it ought to be up to them to pay for cleaning up their own messes. Do you ask taxpayers to hire people to clean up the mess your dog makes on The Axminster?

Whoops....now there'll be a cry for dog-poop cleanup coverage to be added to Obamacare.

Wait! It's in there. You had to pass it to read it so read it and prove me wrong.
You guess wrong, as usual, and this fails as a straw man fallacy.

Liberals understand and respect the right to privacy, and seek in good faith to work with others to end the practice of abortion where the solution comports with the Constitution and its case law.
Didn't Dr. Kermit Gosnel's house of horrors teach Americans anything? It didn't happen in podunk Alaska or Arkansas, it happened in Philadelphia, Pa where democrats should have been monitoring abortion clinics but didn't. Gosnel was only convicted in two murders of unnamed humans and one mother but it is estimated that the slaughter house was worse than anything Hollywood pretended in dozens of splatter movies. Gosnel beheaded human babies who were too mature to be killed in the "normal" inhumane "partial birth abortion" procedure and the "clinic" put human babies through the garbage disposal. Insane Nazi doctors would appalled at the slaughter but it goes on and on and on.
I thought we had a ban on fetus porn.

Here's the big question- Did that 12 week fetus live when it came out of the womb?

No. No case of a fetus born before 22 weeks has lived and even at 22 weeks, they have a mortality rate of 95%.

The point is that you should be aware of what you are aborting. That tiny life needs the womb and though women have the choice to have it ripped out and tossed in the garbage, maybe they would hesitate if they knew exactly what they were killing. Sad thing is that some babies are aborted in late term abortion when they could live on their own. That is why they have to be killed halfway through the birth process. It gets more sickening to abort as the fetus matures.

Give us your ideal laws against abortion, especially, what would be the punishment for women who broke your laws?
No one on the right has yet responded to this.

Please explain the mechanics of making abortion illegal. How many years in prison must a woman serve if convicted of the 'crime' of abortion. Is her doctor charged with a 'crime' as well. Will the woman and her doctor be charged with 'murder,' and 'attempted murder' if they're arrested before the abortion is performed. Will a pregnant woman be required to register with the state and have the government monitor her pregnancy. Will her doctor be required to report to the state the pregnant woman's condition and the condition of the embryo/fetus. Will the police conduct a criminal investigation in the event of a miscarriage. When a woman is convicted of 'attempted abortion,' and sent to prison, what will become of the child born to her while she's incarcerated.

And are social conservatives so naïve and clueless that they actually believe if abortion were made illegal that the practice would indeed stop, or even significantly decrease.

We await your answers.
I thought we had a ban on fetus porn.

Here's the big question- Did that 12 week fetus live when it came out of the womb?

No. No case of a fetus born before 22 weeks has lived and even at 22 weeks, they have a mortality rate of 95%.

The point is that you should be aware of what you are aborting. That tiny life needs the womb and though women have the choice to have it ripped out and tossed in the garbage, maybe they would hesitate if they knew exactly what they were killing. Sad thing is that some babies are aborted in late term abortion when they could live on their own. That is why they have to be killed halfway through the birth process. It gets more sickening to abort as the fetus matures.

Give us your ideal laws against abortion, especially, what would be the punishment for women who broke your laws?
No one on the right has yet responded to this.

Please explain the mechanics of making abortion illegal. How many years in prison must a woman serve if convicted of the 'crime' of abortion. Is her doctor charged with a 'crime' as well. Will the woman and her doctor be charged with 'murder,' and 'attempted murder' if they're arrested before the abortion is performed. Will a pregnant woman be required to register with the state and have the government monitor her pregnancy. Will her doctor be required to report to the state the pregnant woman's condition and the condition of the embryo/fetus. Will the police conduct a criminal investigation in the event of a miscarriage. When a woman is convicted of 'attempted abortion,' and sent to prison, what will become of the child born to her while she's incarcerated.

And are social conservatives so naïve and clueless that they actually believe if abortion were made illegal that the practice would indeed stop, or even significantly decrease.

We await your answers.
It wouldn't stop but it might save the lives of a few million babies.
Ok libs, start spinning.


Actually you mean this? This is a fetus at 12 weeks. It's barely formed and absolutely incapable of surviving outside the womb. It's not a baby.

BTW, the picture you posted is a complete lie. The picture is real, but it's of a baby that is 18 weeks old. Those six weeks make a very big difference. Personally, while I support a woman's right to choose abortion, I would be more than willing to support a ban beyond the first trimester. The truth is that most people actually would support that if the right to lifers would not use that as a stepping stone to ban all abortions.
What baby is viable without help?

Whether a baby/fetus is in a womb or a crib, they need constant support and care.

But you can't compell someone to take care of a baby in a crib if they don't want to.

You have to compel a specific woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. WHich is not only sort of cruel, but also impractical. Are you going to put her under house arrest? Execute her if she has an illegal abortion?

You see, I see you guys showing me the Fetus Porn all day, but I have yet to hear one of you explain how you are going to enforce the abortion laws you want to impose.

If someone doesn't care for a baby in a crib what happens to them? We take that offense rather seriously. It makes no sense that the only difference is the location of the being and their age.

I agree that we can't compel a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy. That's why abortion has always existed and always will. I am not in favor of changing the basic law as much as I am in favor of stopping the abortion mills where they fight the slightest regulation of their profitable venture, stopping the insane practice of late term abortion, contraception and education and support for the mother (you may call her a mother-to-be).

Oh, and I also favor letting people be against abortion. If you own a company and don't want to cover abortions for your employees, that should be your right.

If the burden of care can be transferred to another person, then the woman can choose to do that instead of abortion. However, the burden of caring for and growing a fetus (baby, whatever) inside her is her burden alone, and therefore, her choice alone.

Uh yeah, and without the sperm of the man? There is no burden. The man carries out the fertilization process. If it is a married couple, it should be a joint decision. Learn some basic human biology before spouting talking points.
Ok libs, start spinning.


Actually you mean this? This is a fetus at 12 weeks. It's barely formed and absolutely incapable of surviving outside the womb. It's not a baby.

BTW, the picture you posted is a complete lie. The picture is real, but it's of a baby that is 18 weeks old. Those six weeks make a very big difference. Personally, while I support a woman's right to choose abortion, I would be more than willing to support a ban beyond the first trimester. The truth is that most people actually would support that if the right to lifers would not use that as a stepping stone to ban all abortions.

I'm sorry? What were you saying?


Fully recognizable as a human baby, not anything else. The picture you posted was a baby miscarried at 12 weeks. Some miscarriages result after the baby fails to develop properly. Don't mislead people. A human baby at any stage of development in the womb and any point between birth and 6 years of age cannot survive out on their own. That puts a lot of holes in your logic. What you're saying is that an already born child is not human.

Here's the video:

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Didn't Dr. Kermit Gosnel's house of horrors teach Americans anything? It didn't happen in podunk Alaska or Arkansas, it happened in Philadelphia, Pa where democrats should have been monitoring abortion clinics but didn't. Gosnel was only convicted in two murders of unnamed humans and one mother but it is estimated that the slaughter house was worse than anything Hollywood pretended in dozens of splatter movies. Gosnel beheaded human babies who were too mature to be killed in the "normal" inhumane "partial birth abortion" procedure and the "clinic" put human babies through the garbage disposal. Insane Nazi doctors would appalled at the slaughter but it goes on and on and on.

But that was the point. They started out with hundreds of fetuses, then only got the charges down to 7, then only got it down to 4 after the judge threw a bunch of them out, and then the jury could only agree he had killed 2. Then they quickly got him to plea to a sentencing agreement so he wouldn't appeal those to someone who actually can read a law book.

Oh, yeah, and everyone else who worked there including Gosnell's wife got plea agreements to testify. Also not charged - the women who actually GOT the abortions.

Of course, they had this guy dead to rights on the patient he killed and the drug dealing, but someone wanted to convict him on killing fetuses.
Uh yeah, and without the sperm of the man? There is no burden. The man carries out the fertilization process. If it is a married couple, it should be a joint decision. Learn some basic human biology before spouting talking points.

Why should they have to be married for it to be a joint decision?

It's still her body and her choice.
Ok libs, start spinning.


Actually you mean this? This is a fetus at 12 weeks. It's barely formed and absolutely incapable of surviving outside the womb. It's not a baby.

BTW, the picture you posted is a complete lie. The picture is real, but it's of a baby that is 18 weeks old. Those six weeks make a very big difference. Personally, while I support a woman's right to choose abortion, I would be more than willing to support a ban beyond the first trimester. The truth is that most people actually would support that if the right to lifers would not use that as a stepping stone to ban all abortions.

It's still innocent human life, obviously, and I can't blame the pro-lifers for wanting to protect it.

We can be honest about this and still prevail on this issue.

Ok libs, start spinning.


Actually you mean this? This is a fetus at 12 weeks. It's barely formed and absolutely incapable of surviving outside the womb. It's not a baby.

BTW, the picture you posted is a complete lie. The picture is real, but it's of a baby that is 18 weeks old. Those six weeks make a very big difference. Personally, while I support a woman's right to choose abortion, I would be more than willing to support a ban beyond the first trimester. The truth is that most people actually would support that if the right to lifers would not use that as a stepping stone to ban all abortions.

What's his face just crushed your ass. Feel differently now? :)

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