Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

Good boy, getting those DNC talking points in, good boy, good boy. Here, I'll throw a stick for you. Go get it, boy!!!
Your so full of shit. The DNC doesn't have or do shit, They don't know if they are coming or going. They never even try to counter the sic lies of the Neo-GOP, especially the Vicious Lifers. Every election cycle is theirs to lose and they try very hard every time to lose too. The only thing worse than those weak knee'd Democrats are the Corrupt as shit Neo-GOP wannbe Fascist fucks who slobbered over the monger Trumpybear.

Fuck you.

Have a great weekend.
Your so full of shit. The DNC doesn't have or do shit, They don't know if they are coming or going. They never even try to counter the sic lies of the Neo-GOP, especially the Vicious Lifers. Every election cycle is theirs to lose and they try very hard every time to lose too. The only thing worse than those weak knee'd Democrats are the Corrupt as shit Neo-GOP wannbe Fascist fucks who slobbered over the monger Trumpybear.

Fuck you.

Have a great weekend.

You're FAR too drunk or drugged out to be posting right now.

I'm serious - sleep it off. You can't even spell "sick."
Your so full of shit. The DNC doesn't have or do shit, They don't know if they are coming or going. They never even try to counter the sic lies of the Neo-GOP, especially the Vicious Lifers. Every election cycle is theirs to lose and they try very hard every time to lose too. The only thing worse than those weak knee'd Democrats are the Corrupt as shit Neo-GOP wannbe Fascist fucks who slobbered over the monger Trumpybear.

Fuck you.

Have a great weekend.

Neo-Gop! Good boy! Good boy! You're the Democrat Dog. Good boy. Here's a treat!!!
Oh hey look it's the Neil and Bob twins trying to tag team me.

But don't go away ladies mad ladies, just...

Oooh, calling us girls. How high school of you, racist.

So you're a libbie who thinks calling people girls is an insult, LOL. Do people laugh at you in real life, too? They do, don't they? Be honest ...
It has not developed into a human being yet. It is a clump of undifferentiated human cells. At this point it hasn't even attached to the hosts uterus. Many zygotes do not attach to the hosts uterus. They are not people.
The science says otherwise. But then, leftists only support science that's been perverted to prop up their agenda.
As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

For the Baby it puts a whole new spin on a "Cruise to Nowhere"

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