Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

So that means it's a human being. Just like we've been saying.

But now y'all have convinced yourselves it's okay to kill human beings when they're inconvenient.

Killing is one of the left's go-to responses to inconvenient people, no matter their age.

It has not developed into a human being yet. It is a clump of undifferentiated human cells. At this point it hasn't even attached to the hosts uterus. Many zygotes do not attach to the hosts uterus. They are not people.
A fertilized egg, then?

So, there has NEVER in history been a surgical abortion of a zygote - and you ghouls just throw the term out to dehumanize your intended victims!
Why would there be an abortion of a zygote that isn't even attached to a uterus? Anti birth control activists claim that pills that block a fertilized egg from attaching is a form of chemical abortion and they want to deny women the right to use them.

Never trust the Neo-GOP. They're mostly like Unhinged here, full of shit.

Just vote them out ladies......
It has not developed into a human being yet. It is a clump of undifferentiated human cells. At this point it hasn't even attached to the hosts uterus. Many zygotes do not attach to the hosts uterus. They are not people.

At what point?

You lie about "zygotes."

Aren't the majority of surgical aborts done at 20 weeks? Long after heart and brain activity is present? Dobbs is about a 15 week cut off for abortions. If your lies were true, then Dobbs would be irrelevant.
But since you're lying....
Why would there be an abortion of a zygote that isn't even attached to a uterus?

Then why do you ghouls claim that your victim is "just a zygote" and not human?

Anti birth control activists claim that pills that block a fertilized egg from attaching is a form of chemical abortion and they want to deny women the right to use them.

You ghouls are the most prodigious opponents of birth control. A pregnancy prevented is an abortion denied.

No taxpayer money flows into the Abortion Industrial Complex if pregnancy is prevented. You ghouls demand the abortion and abortion alone is the alternative to pregnancy.

But then you retards pretend that boys and men get pregnant too.

Is it like swimming and being secretary of defense, something that men just do better? Erase and replace, Herr Ghoul?

Never trust the Neo-GOP. They're mostly like Unhinged here, full of shit.

Just vote them out ladies......

You mourn every live birth.

The average victim of the democrat genocide is black and female.

The democrat war on women goes beyond Erase and Replace. Democrats want to kill women in the womb.

"I am soo excited, this summer before I go to college, my boyfriend is going to get me pregnant so we can go on one of those abortion cruises!! And it is free!!!"
As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Ending the life of an embryo or undeveloped fetus attached to a woman's uterus is not baby killing. Baby killing is what you "pro-life" right-wingers do when important social programs are defunded that assist single mothers in raising their children. You force these women to remain pregnant with a zygote or embryo, carrying it to term and giving birth, then you refuse to provide the resources and help they need to raise their children. You defund government programs that provide healthcare, daycare, housing, job training, school lunches..etc, showing your indifference to the needs of these women and their children, yet pretend to be so concerned about the life of embryos and fetuses in the wombs of these women (in other people's wombs).

Will you support the women you are forcing to remain pregnant if they lose their jobs? How is she going to support herself? You right-wingers were griping about the government imposing mask mandates in the middle of a nationwide deadly pandemic, because the government supposedly doesn't have the right to force you to put on a mask, on your face (your body), in a public venue. Then you turn around and use the government to force women to remain pregnant because in your estimation an embryo attached to a woman's uterus supposedly has the right to develop at her expense. She's bearing all of the cost, the pain, and hazards of pregnancy for nine months + childbirth because in your opinion a zygote, embryo or undeveloped fetus is a human being and person. In actuality, it is the woman who is the actual human being and person, not what she's carrying in her womb, at least not in the first few months of pregnancy. You conservatives care a lot about life in the womb, you're the champions of fetuses until the fetus is born a baby. Then you refuse to provide the resources to help that single mother raise her child.

Why do these fake disciples of Jesus, care so much about fetuses and have such disregard for single mothers and their babies? The untold truth is that they just want to punish women for being what they consider to be promiscuous. Being forced to remain pregnant, is the punishment for "harlotry".

"Ah, you had sex outside of marriage? You're a harlot, hence stay pregnant. That's your punishment for spreading your legs before marriage. You're going to have to carry that life in your womb nine months and give birth to it, whether you like it or not (whether you can or not). Those are the consequences of having sex, outside of marriage. Getting pregnant, when you're not ready to be a mother. Too bad, stop being a slut".

It's at least 80% that. It's not a genuine concern for life in the wombs of harlots, it's contempt for "loose" women. Punish them by forcing them to remain pregnant and give birth to an unwanted baby, that will no longer receive any of the pro-life advocate's concern, much less help. Defund all government-funded programs that help single mothers raise their children, because supposedly whenever the government does anything it's considered Stalinism. If the government does anything other than fire missiles and deploy troops on foreign soil, it is socialism according to these "Christians". They're so concerned for the health of fetuses, but to hell with the baby and the single mother. It's hypocrisy.
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It has not developed into a human being yet. It is a clump of undifferentiated human cells. At this point it hasn't even attached to the hosts uterus. Many zygotes do not attach to the hosts uterus. They are not people.
If they found some molecules on Mars is that different?
As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Agreed when it comes to the left. But when it comes to the right, while the Constitution doesn't cover abortion and the SCOTUS was correct overturning Roe, what people do outside your State isn't your business either
Never trust the Neo-GOP.

You mean the hypothetical situation he talked about if an infant that was born with a fatal anomaly. The suffering infant would be sedated to be made comfortable and then the dying child's condition and prognosis would be discussed with the parents. Not how to kill it.

The Neo-GOP have been Groomed.

Vote out the Neo-GOP ladies, while you still can.

Good boy, getting those DNC talking points in, good boy, good boy. Here, I'll throw a stick for you. Go get it, boy!!!

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