Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

That is your belief...

Why don't you respect other people's beliefs? What makes your version god be better than any others?

and please don't go down the 'i am a Christian' route... Where is your vow of poverty? What happened he casts the first stone???
not a christian cherry picked examples.jpg
They used to serenade the unborn with various forms of music and indications are that they responded to the vibrations. Why not take an unborn child on a Disney cruise with all the characters and the noise and then kill it? At least it had a one good day in it's very short life.
I knew a woman who was pregnant by her boyfriend, who married a different guy who promised to raise the baby as his own. But as soon as they were married he demanded she abort it because he didn't want to raise another mans baby. She was haunted by what he made her do.
Women are not helpless little children. She could have gotten rid of the piece of shit and kept her baby.
What HE made her do? Nice anecdote, but your friend, that is a cluster fuck man. I mean that is some dueling banjo shit. She got pregnant by her boyfriend, but married a different guy while she was pregnant....that is less than 9 months.....wtf??? This sounds made up as fuck man.
She was messed up. Raised by a single mom, never told that vitamin she took every morning was really a small dose of phenobarbital.
Development of what?
What do you think? That doesn't mean a Zygote is the same as a fully developed baby.
Women are not helpless little children. She could have gotten rid of the piece of shit and kept her baby.
I didn't meet her till her second bun was almost done. Bosses wife type situation. Her situation got worse. He turn out to be a transvestite.
It is easy to judge. Neither of you lived in her shoes.
True, but I didn't make those dumb decisions either. She married a guy that forced her to have an abortion, that guy sounds lovely.....I'm sure there were no red flags at all.......cmon
No, she had two babies.
Think about it, her boyfriend knocked her up. She proably didn't find out until a month in, then she dated and married a guy before having an abortion, so if she had an abortion at 8 months, that would be 7 months of dating and getting married....She is not the sharpest tool.....

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