Abortion: Democrats' Lead on Issue Thinner Than Ever


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Of course. Abortions are not a national issue anymore. It’s a State issue now thanks to Trump. If people want to make changes to abortion they focus upon state legislatures.

Non issue.
Take it up with your local representatives or just cry endlessly

Agreed. Trump has stated that abortion is a state issue and should remain such, and if the voters in any state want to change their abortion laws then they need to vote the incumbents out of office. That's how it is supposed to work, right?

Let's get real here: Congress is not going to pass any national abortion law, for the simple reason that it takes 60 votes in the Senate that neither party has or will get in the near future. Certainly the GOP isn't going to get 60 Senate votes during Trump's 2nd term in office, should he win in November. If such a bill did pass Congress that restricts or bans abortions, would he sign it? Maybe, but that ain't going to happen. What we have here is a democrat strawman argument that has no basis in reality.
I don't want the 'fat ghetto slut' vote in my tent. The tent isn't big enough for that kind of godless filth.

When they talk about a 2-party system, THAT is the other party.

abortion coathanger.jpg

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